# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ @author:XuMing(xuming624@qq.com) @description: 中文对联生成 """ import gradio as gr from textgen import T5Model # 中文对联生成模型(shibing624/t5-chinese-couplet) model = T5Model("t5", "shibing624/t5-chinese-couplet") def ai_text(sentence): out_sentences = model.predict([sentence]) print("{} \t out: {}".format(sentence, out_sentences[0])) return out_sentences[0] if __name__ == '__main__': examples = [ ['对联:丹枫江冷人初去'], ['对联:春回大地,对对黄莺鸣暖树'], ['对联:书香醉我凌云梦'], ['对联:灵蛇出洞千山秀'], ['对联:晚风摇树树还挺'], ['对联:幸福体彩彩民喜爱,玩出幸福'], ['对联:光华照眼来,谁敢歌吟?诗仙诗圣空千古'], ] input = gr.inputs.Textbox(lines=4, placeholder="Enter Sentence") output_text = gr.outputs.Textbox() gr.Interface(ai_text, inputs=[input], outputs=[output_text], theme="grass", title="Chinese Couplet Generation Model", description="Copy or input Chinese text here. Submit and the machine will generate left text.", article="Link to Github REPO", examples=examples ).launch()