from email.policy import strict import torch import torchvision.models import os.path as osp import copy from ...log_service import print_log from .utils import \ get_total_param, get_total_param_sum, \ get_unit def singleton(class_): instances = {} def getinstance(*args, **kwargs): if class_ not in instances: instances[class_] = class_(*args, **kwargs) return instances[class_] return getinstance def preprocess_model_args(args): # If args has layer_units, get the corresponding # units. # If args get backbone, get the backbone model. args = copy.deepcopy(args) if 'layer_units' in args: layer_units = [ get_unit()(i) for i in args.layer_units ] args.layer_units = layer_units if 'backbone' in args: args.backbone = get_model()(args.backbone) return args @singleton class get_model(object): def __init__(self): self.model = {} def register(self, model, name): self.model[name] = model def __call__(self, cfg, verbose=True): """ Construct model based on the config. """ t = cfg.type # the register is in each file if t.find('ldm')==0: from .. import ldm elif t=='autoencoderkl': from .. import autokl elif (t.find('clip')==0) or (t.find('openclip')==0): from .. import clip elif t.find('vd')==0: from .. import vd elif t.find('openai_unet')==0: from .. import openaimodel elif t.find('optimus')==0: from .. import optimus args = preprocess_model_args(cfg.args) net = self.model[t](**args) map_location = cfg.get('map_location', 'cpu') strict_sd = cfg.get('strict_sd', True) if 'ckpt' in cfg: checkpoint = torch.load(cfg.ckpt, map_location=map_location) net.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict'], strict=strict_sd) if verbose: print_log('Load ckpt from {}'.format(cfg.ckpt)) elif 'pth' in cfg: sd = torch.load(cfg.pth, map_location=map_location) net.load_state_dict(sd, strict=strict_sd) if verbose: print_log('Load pth from {}'.format(cfg.pth)) elif 'hfm' in cfg: from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download temppath = hf_hub_download(cfg.hfm[0], cfg.hfm[1]) sd = torch.load(temppath, map_location='cpu') strict_sd = cfg.get('strict_sd', True) net.load_state_dict(sd, strict=strict_sd) if verbose: print_log('Load hfm from {}/{}'.format(*cfg.hfm)) # display param_num & param_sum if verbose: print_log( 'Load {} with total {} parameters,' '{:.3f} parameter sum.'.format( t, get_total_param(net), get_total_param_sum(net) )) return net def register(name): def wrapper(class_): get_model().register(class_, name) return class_ return wrapper