import numpy as np import torch import PIL.Image from tqdm import tqdm from typing import Optional, Union, List import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') from torch.optim.adam import Adam import torch.nn.functional as nnf from diffusers import DDIMScheduler ########## # helper # ########## def diffusion_step(model, latents, context, t, guidance_scale, low_resource=False): if low_resource: noise_pred_uncond = model.unet(latents, t, encoder_hidden_states=context[0])["sample"] noise_prediction_text = model.unet(latents, t, encoder_hidden_states=context[1])["sample"] else: latents_input =[latents] * 2) noise_pred = model.unet(latents_input, t, encoder_hidden_states=context)["sample"] noise_pred_uncond, noise_prediction_text = noise_pred.chunk(2) noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * (noise_prediction_text - noise_pred_uncond) latents = model.scheduler.step(noise_pred, t, latents)["prev_sample"] return latents def image2latent(vae, image): with torch.no_grad(): if isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image): image = np.array(image) if isinstance(image, np.ndarray): dtype = next(vae.parameters()).dtype device = next(vae.parameters()).device image = torch.from_numpy(image).float() / 127.5 - 1 image = image.permute(2, 0, 1).unsqueeze(0).to(device=device, dtype=dtype) latents = vae.encode(image)['latent_dist'].mean latents = latents * 0.18215 return latents def latent2image(vae, latents, return_type='np'): assert isinstance(latents, torch.Tensor) latents = 1 / 0.18215 * latents.detach() image = vae.decode(latents)['sample'] if return_type in ['np', 'pil']: image = (image / 2 + 0.5).clamp(0, 1) image = image.cpu().permute(0, 2, 3, 1).numpy() image = (image * 255).astype(np.uint8) if return_type == 'pil': pilim = [PIL.Image.fromarray(imi) for imi in image] pilim = pilim[0] if len(pilim)==1 else pilim return pilim else: return image def init_latent(latent, model, height, width, generator, batch_size): if latent is None: latent = torch.randn( (1, model.unet.in_channels, height // 8, width // 8), generator=generator, ) latents = latent.expand(batch_size, model.unet.in_channels, height // 8, width // 8).to(model.device) return latent, latents def txt_to_emb(model, prompt): text_input = model.tokenizer( prompt, padding="max_length", max_length=model.tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt",) text_embeddings = model.text_encoder([0] return text_embeddings @torch.no_grad() def text2image_ldm( model, prompt: List[str], num_inference_steps: int = 50, guidance_scale: Optional[float] = 7.5, generator: Optional[torch.Generator] = None, latent: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, uncond_embeddings=None, start_time=50, return_type='pil', ): batch_size = len(prompt) height = width = 512 if latent is not None: height = latent.shape[-2] * 8 width = latent.shape[-1] * 8 text_input = model.tokenizer( prompt, padding="max_length", max_length=model.tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt",) text_embeddings = model.text_encoder([0] max_length = text_input.input_ids.shape[-1] if uncond_embeddings is None: uncond_input = model.tokenizer( [""] * batch_size, padding="max_length", max_length=max_length, return_tensors="pt",) uncond_embeddings_ = model.text_encoder([0] else: uncond_embeddings_ = None latent, latents = init_latent(latent, model, height, width, generator, batch_size) model.scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps) for i, t in enumerate(tqdm(model.scheduler.timesteps[-start_time:])): if uncond_embeddings_ is None: context =[uncond_embeddings[i].expand(*text_embeddings.shape), text_embeddings]) else: context =[uncond_embeddings_, text_embeddings]) latents = diffusion_step(model, latents, context, t, guidance_scale, low_resource=False) if return_type in ['pil', 'np']: image = latent2image(model.vae, latents, return_type=return_type) else: image = latents return image, latent @torch.no_grad() def text2image_ldm_imedit( model, thresh, prompt: List[str], target_prompt: List[str], num_inference_steps: int = 50, guidance_scale: Optional[float] = 7.5, generator: Optional[torch.Generator] = None, latent: Optional[torch.FloatTensor] = None, uncond_embeddings=None, start_time=50, return_type='pil' ): batch_size = len(prompt) height = width = 512 text_input = model.tokenizer( prompt, padding="max_length", max_length=model.tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt", ) target_text_input = model.tokenizer( target_prompt, padding="max_length", max_length=model.tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt", ) text_embeddings = model.text_encoder([0] target_text_embeddings = model.text_encoder([0] max_length = text_input.input_ids.shape[-1] if uncond_embeddings is None: uncond_input = model.tokenizer( [""] * batch_size, padding="max_length", max_length=max_length, return_tensors="pt" ) uncond_embeddings_ = model.text_encoder([0] else: uncond_embeddings_ = None latent, latents = init_latent(latent, model, height, width, generator, batch_size) model.scheduler.set_timesteps(num_inference_steps) for i, t in enumerate(tqdm(model.scheduler.timesteps[-start_time:])): if i < (1 - thresh) * num_inference_steps: if uncond_embeddings_ is None: context =[uncond_embeddings[i].expand(*text_embeddings.shape), text_embeddings]) else: context =[uncond_embeddings_, text_embeddings]) latents = diffusion_step(model, latents, context, t, guidance_scale, low_resource=False) else: if uncond_embeddings_ is None: context =[uncond_embeddings[i].expand(*target_text_embeddings.shape), target_text_embeddings]) else: context =[uncond_embeddings_, target_text_embeddings]) latents = diffusion_step(model, latents, context, t, guidance_scale, low_resource=False) if return_type in ['pil', 'np']: image = latent2image(model.vae, latents, return_type=return_type) else: image = latents return image, latent ########### # wrapper # ########### class NullInversion(object): def __init__(self, model, num_ddim_steps, guidance_scale, device='cuda'): self.model = model self.device = device self.num_ddim_steps=num_ddim_steps self.guidance_scale = guidance_scale self.tokenizer = self.model.tokenizer self.prompt = None self.context = None def prev_step(self, model_output: Union[torch.FloatTensor, np.ndarray], timestep: int, sample: Union[torch.FloatTensor, np.ndarray]): prev_timestep = timestep - self.scheduler.config.num_train_timesteps // self.scheduler.num_inference_steps alpha_prod_t = self.scheduler.alphas_cumprod[timestep] alpha_prod_t_prev = self.scheduler.alphas_cumprod[prev_timestep] if prev_timestep >= 0 else self.scheduler.final_alpha_cumprod beta_prod_t = 1 - alpha_prod_t pred_original_sample = (sample - beta_prod_t ** 0.5 * model_output) / alpha_prod_t ** 0.5 pred_sample_direction = (1 - alpha_prod_t_prev) ** 0.5 * model_output prev_sample = alpha_prod_t_prev ** 0.5 * pred_original_sample + pred_sample_direction return prev_sample def next_step(self, noise_pred, timestep, sample): timestep, next_timestep = min(timestep - self.scheduler.config.num_train_timesteps // self.scheduler.num_inference_steps, 999), timestep alpha_prod_t = self.scheduler.alphas_cumprod[timestep] if timestep >= 0 else self.scheduler.final_alpha_cumprod alpha_prod_t_next = self.scheduler.alphas_cumprod[next_timestep] beta_prod_t = 1 - alpha_prod_t next_original_sample = (sample - beta_prod_t ** 0.5 * noise_pred) / alpha_prod_t ** 0.5 next_sample_direction = (1 - alpha_prod_t_next) ** 0.5 * noise_pred next_sample = alpha_prod_t_next ** 0.5 * next_original_sample + next_sample_direction return next_sample def get_noise_pred_single(self, latents, t, context): noise_pred = self.model.unet(latents, t, encoder_hidden_states=context)["sample"] return noise_pred def get_noise_pred(self, latents, t, is_forward=True, context=None): latents_input =[latents] * 2) if context is None: context = self.context guidance_scale = 1 if is_forward else self.guidance_scale noise_pred = self.model.unet(latents_input, t, encoder_hidden_states=context)["sample"] noise_pred_uncond, noise_prediction_text = noise_pred.chunk(2) noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + guidance_scale * (noise_prediction_text - noise_pred_uncond) if is_forward: latents = self.next_step(noise_pred, t, latents) else: latents = self.prev_step(noise_pred, t, latents) return latents @torch.no_grad() def init_prompt(self, prompt: str): uncond_input = self.model.tokenizer( [""], padding="max_length", max_length=self.model.tokenizer.model_max_length, return_tensors="pt" ) uncond_embeddings = self.model.text_encoder([0] text_input = self.model.tokenizer( [prompt], padding="max_length", max_length=self.model.tokenizer.model_max_length, truncation=True, return_tensors="pt", ) text_embeddings = self.model.text_encoder([0] self.context =[uncond_embeddings, text_embeddings]) self.prompt = prompt @torch.no_grad() def ddim_loop(self, latent, emb): # uncond_embeddings, cond_embeddings = self.context.chunk(2) all_latent = [latent] latent = latent.clone().detach() for i in range(self.num_ddim_steps): t = self.model.scheduler.timesteps[len(self.model.scheduler.timesteps) - i - 1] noise_pred = self.get_noise_pred_single(latent, t, emb) latent = self.next_step(noise_pred, t, latent) all_latent.append(latent) return all_latent @property def scheduler(self): return self.model.scheduler @torch.no_grad() def ddim_invert(self, image, prompt): assert isinstance(image, PIL.Image.Image) scheduler_save = self.model.scheduler self.model.scheduler = DDIMScheduler.from_config(self.model.scheduler.config) self.model.scheduler.set_timesteps(self.num_ddim_steps) with torch.no_grad(): emb = txt_to_emb(self.model, prompt) latent = image2latent(self.model.vae, image) ddim_latents = self.ddim_loop(latent, emb) self.model.scheduler = scheduler_save return ddim_latents[-1] def null_optimization(self, latents, emb, nemb=None, num_inner_steps=10, epsilon=1e-5): # force fp32 dtype = latents[0].dtype uncond_embeddings = nemb.float() if nemb is not None else txt_to_emb(self.model, "").float() cond_embeddings = emb.float() latents = [li.float() for li in latents] uncond_embeddings_list = [] latent_cur = latents[-1] bar = tqdm(total=num_inner_steps * self.num_ddim_steps) for i in range(self.num_ddim_steps): uncond_embeddings = uncond_embeddings.clone().detach() uncond_embeddings.requires_grad = True optimizer = Adam([uncond_embeddings], lr=1e-2 * (1. - i / 100.)) latent_prev = latents[len(latents) - i - 2] t = self.model.scheduler.timesteps[i] with torch.no_grad(): noise_pred_cond = self.get_noise_pred_single(latent_cur, t, cond_embeddings) for j in range(num_inner_steps): noise_pred_uncond = self.get_noise_pred_single(latent_cur, t, uncond_embeddings) noise_pred = noise_pred_uncond + self.guidance_scale * (noise_pred_cond - noise_pred_uncond) latents_prev_rec = self.prev_step(noise_pred, t, latent_cur) loss = nnf.mse_loss(latents_prev_rec, latent_prev) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss_item = loss.item() bar.update() if loss_item < epsilon + i * 2e-5: break for j in range(j + 1, num_inner_steps): bar.update() uncond_embeddings_list.append(uncond_embeddings[:1].detach()) with torch.no_grad(): context =[uncond_embeddings, cond_embeddings]) latent_cur = self.get_noise_pred(latent_cur, t, False, context) bar.close() uncond_embeddings_list = [ for ui in uncond_embeddings_list] return uncond_embeddings_list def null_invert(self, im, txt, ntxt=None, num_inner_steps=10, early_stop_epsilon=1e-5): assert isinstance(im, PIL.Image.Image) scheduler_save = self.model.scheduler self.model.scheduler = DDIMScheduler.from_config(self.model.scheduler.config) self.model.scheduler.set_timesteps(self.num_ddim_steps) with torch.no_grad(): nemb = txt_to_emb(self.model, ntxt) \ if ntxt is not None else txt_to_emb(self.model, "") emb = txt_to_emb(self.model, txt) latent = image2latent(self.model.vae, im) # ddim inversion ddim_latents = self.ddim_loop(latent, emb) # nulltext inversion uncond_embeddings = self.null_optimization( ddim_latents, emb, nemb, num_inner_steps, early_stop_epsilon) self.model.scheduler = scheduler_save return ddim_latents[-1], uncond_embeddings def null_optimization_dual( self, latents0, latents1, emb0, emb1, nemb=None, num_inner_steps=10, epsilon=1e-5): # force fp32 dtype = latents0[0].dtype uncond_embeddings = nemb.float() if nemb is not None else txt_to_emb(self.model, "").float() cond_embeddings0, cond_embeddings1 = emb0.float(), emb1.float() latents0 = [li.float() for li in latents0] latents1 = [li.float() for li in latents1] uncond_embeddings_list = [] latent_cur0 = latents0[-1] latent_cur1 = latents1[-1] bar = tqdm(total=num_inner_steps * self.num_ddim_steps) for i in range(self.num_ddim_steps): uncond_embeddings = uncond_embeddings.clone().detach() uncond_embeddings.requires_grad = True optimizer = Adam([uncond_embeddings], lr=1e-2 * (1. - i / 100.)) latent_prev0 = latents0[len(latents0) - i - 2] latent_prev1 = latents1[len(latents1) - i - 2] t = self.model.scheduler.timesteps[i] with torch.no_grad(): noise_pred_cond0 = self.get_noise_pred_single(latent_cur0, t, cond_embeddings0) noise_pred_cond1 = self.get_noise_pred_single(latent_cur1, t, cond_embeddings1) for j in range(num_inner_steps): noise_pred_uncond0 = self.get_noise_pred_single(latent_cur0, t, uncond_embeddings) noise_pred_uncond1 = self.get_noise_pred_single(latent_cur1, t, uncond_embeddings) noise_pred0 = noise_pred_uncond0 + self.guidance_scale*(noise_pred_cond0-noise_pred_uncond0) noise_pred1 = noise_pred_uncond1 + self.guidance_scale*(noise_pred_cond1-noise_pred_uncond1) latents_prev_rec0 = self.prev_step(noise_pred0, t, latent_cur0) latents_prev_rec1 = self.prev_step(noise_pred1, t, latent_cur1) loss = nnf.mse_loss(latents_prev_rec0, latent_prev0) + \ nnf.mse_loss(latents_prev_rec1, latent_prev1) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() loss_item = loss.item() bar.update() if loss_item < epsilon + i * 2e-5: break for j in range(j + 1, num_inner_steps): bar.update() uncond_embeddings_list.append(uncond_embeddings[:1].detach()) with torch.no_grad(): context0 =[uncond_embeddings, cond_embeddings0]) context1 =[uncond_embeddings, cond_embeddings1]) latent_cur0 = self.get_noise_pred(latent_cur0, t, False, context0) latent_cur1 = self.get_noise_pred(latent_cur1, t, False, context1) bar.close() uncond_embeddings_list = [ for ui in uncond_embeddings_list] return uncond_embeddings_list def null_invert_dual( self, im0, im1, txt0, txt1, ntxt=None, num_inner_steps=10, early_stop_epsilon=1e-5, ): assert isinstance(im0, PIL.Image.Image) assert isinstance(im1, PIL.Image.Image) scheduler_save = self.model.scheduler self.model.scheduler = DDIMScheduler.from_config(self.model.scheduler.config) self.model.scheduler.set_timesteps(self.num_ddim_steps) with torch.no_grad(): nemb = txt_to_emb(self.model, ntxt) \ if ntxt is not None else txt_to_emb(self.model, "") latent0 = image2latent(self.model.vae, im0) latent1 = image2latent(self.model.vae, im1) emb0 = txt_to_emb(self.model, txt0) emb1 = txt_to_emb(self.model, txt1) # ddim inversion ddim_latents_0 = self.ddim_loop(latent0, emb0) ddim_latents_1 = self.ddim_loop(latent1, emb1) # nulltext inversion nembs = self.null_optimization_dual( ddim_latents_0, ddim_latents_1, emb0, emb1, nemb, num_inner_steps, early_stop_epsilon) self.model.scheduler = scheduler_save return ddim_latents_0[-1], ddim_latents_1[-1], nembs