import logging import os from dataclasses import asdict from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple, Union import torch import torch.nn as nn from open_clip.model import CLIP, CustomTextCLIP, convert_weights_to_lp,\ get_cast_dtype, set_model_preprocess_cfg, convert_to_custom_text_state_dict, resize_pos_embed from open_clip.coca_model import CoCa from open_clip.openai import load_openai_model from open_clip.pretrained import get_pretrained_cfg, download_pretrained,\ list_pretrained_tags_by_model, download_pretrained_from_hf from open_clip.transform import image_transform_v2, PreprocessCfg, merge_preprocess_dict, merge_preprocess_kwargs from open_clip.factory import get_model_config, _get_hf_config, list_models, load_state_dict, load_checkpoint HF_HUB_PREFIX = 'hf-hub:' def create_model( model_name: str, pretrained: Optional[str] = None, precision: str = 'fp32', device: Union[str, torch.device] = 'cpu', jit: bool = False, force_quick_gelu: bool = False, force_custom_text: bool = False, force_patch_dropout: Optional[float] = None, force_image_size: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]] = None, force_preprocess_cfg: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, pretrained_image: bool = False, pretrained_hf: bool = True, cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, output_dict: Optional[bool] = None, require_pretrained: bool = False, load_ckpt: Optional[bool] = True, **model_kwargs, ): force_preprocess_cfg = force_preprocess_cfg or {} preprocess_cfg = asdict(PreprocessCfg()) has_hf_hub_prefix = model_name.startswith(HF_HUB_PREFIX) if has_hf_hub_prefix: model_id = model_name[len(HF_HUB_PREFIX):] checkpoint_path = download_pretrained_from_hf(model_id, cache_dir=cache_dir) config = _get_hf_config(model_id, cache_dir) preprocess_cfg = merge_preprocess_dict(preprocess_cfg, config['preprocess_cfg']) model_cfg = config['model_cfg'] pretrained_hf = False # override, no need to load original HF text weights else: model_name = model_name.replace('/', '-') # for callers using old naming with / in ViT names checkpoint_path = None model_cfg = None if isinstance(device, str): device = torch.device(device) if pretrained and pretrained.lower() == 'openai':'Loading pretrained {model_name} from OpenAI.') model = load_openai_model( model_name, precision=precision, device=device, cache_dir=cache_dir, ) else: model_cfg = model_cfg or get_model_config(model_name) if model_cfg is not None:'Loaded {model_name} model config.') else: logging.error(f'Model config for {model_name} not found; available models {list_models()}.') raise RuntimeError(f'Model config for {model_name} not found.') if force_quick_gelu: # override for use of QuickGELU on non-OpenAI transformer models model_cfg["quick_gelu"] = True if force_patch_dropout is not None: # override the default patch dropout value model_cfg["vision_cfg"]["patch_dropout"] = force_patch_dropout if force_image_size is not None: # override model config's image size model_cfg["vision_cfg"]["image_size"] = force_image_size is_timm_model = 'timm_model_name' in model_cfg.get('vision_cfg', {}) if pretrained_image: if is_timm_model: # pretrained weight loading for timm models set via vision_cfg model_cfg['vision_cfg']['timm_model_pretrained'] = True else: assert False, 'pretrained image towers currently only supported for timm models' # cast_dtype set for fp16 and bf16 (manual mixed-precision), not set for 'amp' or 'pure' modes cast_dtype = get_cast_dtype(precision) is_hf_model = 'hf_model_name' in model_cfg.get('text_cfg', {}) if is_hf_model: # load pretrained weights for HF text model IFF no CLIP weights being loaded model_cfg['text_cfg']['hf_model_pretrained'] = pretrained_hf and not pretrained custom_text = model_cfg.pop('custom_text', False) or force_custom_text or is_hf_model model_cfg = dict(model_cfg, **model_kwargs) # merge cfg dict w/ kwargs (kwargs overrides cfg) if custom_text: if "multimodal_cfg" in model_cfg: model = CoCa(**model_cfg, cast_dtype=cast_dtype) else: model = CustomTextCLIP(**model_cfg, cast_dtype=cast_dtype) else: model = CLIP(**model_cfg, cast_dtype=cast_dtype) if precision in ("fp16", "bf16"): dtype = torch.float16 if 'fp16' in precision else torch.bfloat16 # manual mixed precision that matches original OpenAI behaviour if is_timm_model: # FIXME this is a bit janky, create timm based model in low-precision and # then cast only LayerNormFp32 instances back to float32 so they don't break. # Why? The convert_weights_to_lp fn only works with native models. from open_clip.transformer import LayerNormFp32 def _convert_ln(m): if isinstance(m, LayerNormFp32): = = model.apply(_convert_ln) else: convert_weights_to_lp(model, dtype=dtype) elif precision in ("pure_fp16", "pure_bf16"): dtype = torch.float16 if 'fp16' in precision else torch.bfloat16 pretrained_loaded = False if pretrained: checkpoint_path = '' pretrained_cfg = get_pretrained_cfg(model_name, pretrained) if pretrained_cfg: checkpoint_path = download_pretrained(pretrained_cfg, cache_dir=cache_dir) preprocess_cfg = merge_preprocess_dict(preprocess_cfg, pretrained_cfg) elif os.path.exists(pretrained): checkpoint_path = pretrained if checkpoint_path:'Loading pretrained {model_name} weights ({pretrained}).') if load_ckpt: load_checkpoint(model, checkpoint_path) else: error_str = ( f'Pretrained weights ({pretrained}) not found for model {model_name}.' f' Available pretrained tags ({list_pretrained_tags_by_model(model_name)}.') logging.warning(error_str) raise RuntimeError(error_str) pretrained_loaded = True elif has_hf_hub_prefix: if load_ckpt:'Loading pretrained {model_name} weights ({checkpoint_path}).') load_checkpoint(model, checkpoint_path) pretrained_loaded = True if require_pretrained and not pretrained_loaded: # callers of create_model_from_pretrained always expect pretrained weights raise RuntimeError( f'Pretrained weights were required for (model: {model_name}, pretrained: {pretrained}) but not loaded.') if output_dict and hasattr(model, "output_dict"): model.output_dict = True if jit: model = torch.jit.script(model) # set image preprocessing configuration in model attributes for convenience if getattr(model.visual, 'image_size', None) is not None: # use image_size set on model creation (via config or force_image_size arg) force_preprocess_cfg['size'] = model.visual.image_size set_model_preprocess_cfg(model, merge_preprocess_dict(preprocess_cfg, force_preprocess_cfg)) return model def create_model_from_pretrained( model_name: str, pretrained: Optional[str] = None, precision: str = 'fp32', device: Union[str, torch.device] = 'cpu', jit: bool = False, force_quick_gelu: bool = False, force_custom_text: bool = False, force_image_size: Optional[Union[int, Tuple[int, int]]] = None, image_mean: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None, image_std: Optional[Tuple[float, ...]] = None, image_interpolation: Optional[str] = None, image_resize_mode: Optional[str] = None, # only effective for inference return_transform: bool = True, cache_dir: Optional[str] = None, load_ckpt: Optional[bool] = True, **model_kwargs, ): force_preprocess_cfg = merge_preprocess_kwargs( {}, mean=image_mean, std=image_std, interpolation=image_interpolation, resize_mode=image_resize_mode) model = create_model( model_name, pretrained, precision=precision, device=device, jit=jit, force_quick_gelu=force_quick_gelu, force_custom_text=force_custom_text, force_image_size=force_image_size, force_preprocess_cfg=force_preprocess_cfg, cache_dir=cache_dir, require_pretrained=True, load_ckpt=load_ckpt, **model_kwargs, ) if not return_transform: return model preprocess = image_transform_v2( PreprocessCfg(**model.visual.preprocess_cfg), is_train=False, ) return model, preprocess