import os import torch import pathlib import json from datetime import date device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu') AIDA_CANONICAL_REDIRECTS = None OOD_CANONICAL_REDIRECTS = None def get_base_model_name(): return open("base_model.cfg", "r").read().strip() def get_project_top_dir(): return pathlib.Path(os.path.abspath(__file__)).parent def get_resources_dir(): return get_project_top_dir() / 'resources' def get_checkpoints_dir(): path_ = get_project_top_dir() / '.checkpoints' if not os.path.exists(path_): os.mkdir(path_) return path_ def get_logdir_dir(): path_ = get_project_top_dir() / '.logdir' if not os.path.exists(path_): os.mkdir(path_) return path_ def get_aida_train_canonical_redirects(): global AIDA_CANONICAL_REDIRECTS if not AIDA_CANONICAL_REDIRECTS: r_file = get_resources_dir() / "data" / "aida_canonical_redirects.json" with as f: AIDA_CANONICAL_REDIRECTS = json.load(f) return AIDA_CANONICAL_REDIRECTS def get_ood_canonical_redirects(): global OOD_CANONICAL_REDIRECTS if not OOD_CANONICAL_REDIRECTS: r_file = get_resources_dir() / "data" / "ood_canonical_redirects.json" with as f: OOD_CANONICAL_REDIRECTS = json.load(f) return OOD_CANONICAL_REDIRECTS def get_aida_yago_tsv_file_path(): return get_resources_dir() / "data" / "AIDA-YAGO2-dataset.tsv" def get_exec_run_file(): return get_logdir_dir() / f"annotator_log-{'%Y-%b-%d')}.log" def get_aida_vocab(): mentions_vocab = dict({'|||O|||': 0, '': 1}) dictionary_file = get_resources_dir() / "vocab" / "aida.txt" dfile ="r") for _ad_element in"\n"): mentions_vocab[_ad_element] = len(mentions_vocab) return mentions_vocab def get_ood_vocab(): # This function might be used if one is interested in testing out the "masking all the candidates not in our # expected entity set" which is mentioned in the footnote of section 4.1 of the paper. mentions_vocab = dict({'|||O|||': 0, '': 1}) dictionary_file = get_resources_dir() / "vocab" / "out_of_domain.txt" dfile ="r") for _ad_element in"\n"): mentions_vocab[_ad_element] = len(mentions_vocab) return mentions_vocab def get_aida_plus_wikipedia_vocab(): mentions_vocab = get_aida_vocab() dictionary_file = get_resources_dir() / "vocab" / f"enwiki_20230827.txt" dfile ="r") for _ad_element in"\n"): if _ad_element not in mentions_vocab: mentions_vocab[_ad_element] = len(mentions_vocab) return mentions_vocab def get_aida_plus_wikipedia_plus_out_of_domain_vocab(): mentions_vocab = get_aida_plus_wikipedia_vocab() dictionary_file = get_resources_dir() / "vocab" / f"out_of_domain.txt" dfile ="r") for _ad_element in"\n"): if _ad_element not in mentions_vocab: mentions_vocab[_ad_element] = len(mentions_vocab) return mentions_vocab def get_n3_entity_to_kb_mappings(): kb_file = get_resources_dir() / "data" / "n3_kb_mappings.json" knowledge_base = json.load("r")) return knowledge_base