import random import gradio as gr import requests URL = "" responses = { " ": "Oops! Did you just unleash the invisible ink message? Looks like you're communicating in stealth mode! 😄", "greeting": ["Hello!", "Hi there!", "Greetings!"], "how are you": "I'm good, thank you! How are you?", "what is your name": "I'm a chatbot. You can call me Hugo!", "age": "I don't have an age as I am just a chatbot!", "good": "That's great!", "bye": "Goodbye! Have a great day!", "weather": "Let me check the weather forecast. Where would you like to know about?", "favorite color": "I don't have the ability to see colors, but I like all shades of blue!", "tell me a joke": "Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!", "who created you": "I was created by one of the 100xEngineers' students!", "what do you do": "I'm here to chat with you and answer your questions!", "where are you from": "I exist in the digital realm, so I don't have a physical location!", "what languages do you speak": "I can understand and respond in English languages", "tell me a fun fact": "Did you know that honey never spoils? Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient " "Egyptian tombs that are over 3000 years old and still perfectly edible!", "do you have siblings": "No, I'm an only child, but I have many fellow chatbot companions from 100xEngineers Club!", "mystery": ["Aah! I'm dodging this question like it's a game of dodge ball, but hey, you've piqued my interest " "with this curiosity bomb!", "My wit's currently on a coffee break. Let's catch up later when it's " "back from its caffeine fix!", "Interest and humour taking a rain check, " "but still, intriguing question!"], } def get_greeting(): return random.choice(responses["greeting"]) def get_mystery(): return random.choice(responses["mystery"]) def get_dog_facts(): response = requests.get(f"{URL}/dogfacts") data = response.json() # print("data-", data["message"]) return data["message"] def get_anime_quotes(): response = requests.get(f"{URL}/animequotes") data = response.json() # print("data-", data["message"]) return data["message"] def get_boredom_act(): # print("enter") response = requests.get(f"{URL}/boredomact") data = response.json() # print("data-", data["message"]) return data["message"] def get_word_meaning(word): # print("word-enter-", word) response ="{URL}/wordmeaning", json={"text": word}) data = response.json() # print("data-", data["message"]) return data["message"] def send_text(message, history): # print("Message-", message) message = message.lower() if message in responses: return responses[message] elif message.startswith("hello") or message.startswith("hi"): return get_greeting() elif message.endswith("?"): return get_mystery() elif "weather" in message: return responses["weather"] elif "good" in message: return responses["good"] # API HUGO V2 elif "dog facts" in message: return get_dog_facts() elif "anime quotes" in message: return get_anime_quotes() elif "bored" in message: return get_boredom_act() elif "meaning" in message: word = message.replace(" meaning", "") # print("word-", word) return get_word_meaning(word) else: return "I'm still under development and learning. Could you rephrase or try a different question?" chat = gr.ChatInterface( fn=send_text, chatbot=gr.Chatbot(height=300, bubble_full_width=False), textbox=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Ask me a yes or no question", container=False, scale=7), # message_history=[], # Optional: Store chat history if desired title="Hey hey, it's Hugo!", theme="soft", examples=["Hello", "Am I cool?", "Are tomatoes vegetables?", "Who created you"], cache_examples=True, retry_btn=None, undo_btn=None, description="Ready to rock this day with a grin as wide as a banana peel?", ) def show_response(response): chat.append(response) chat.launch()