import pandas as pd import geopandas as gpd from pyeuropeana import apis def fetch_and_process_data(query, world_gdf, rows=1000, additional_params=None): """ Query Europeana API and process the data. Args: query (str): Query string to search for world_gdf (GeoDataFrame): World map GeoDataFrame for spatial join rows (int): Number of rows to retrieve (default 1000) additional_params (dict): Additional parameters for the API query (optional) Returns: tuple: (pandas.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame) - First DataFrame: Processed DataFrame with the queried data, including object location - Second GeoDataFrame: Count of objects per country from the world dataset, including geometry """ # Query the Europeana API response = query=query, rows=rows, **(additional_params or {}) ) # Check if the response contains the expected data if "items" not in response: raise ValueError("API response does not contain 'items'") # Create initial DataFrame myquery_df = pd.DataFrame( response["items"], columns=['edmPlaceLatitude', 'edmPlaceLongitude', 'id', 'country', 'dataProvider', 'dcCreator', 'edmPreview'] ) # Function to extract single value from list or return original value def extract_single(x): return x[0] if isinstance(x, list) and len(x) > 0 else x # Apply extraction to relevant columns for col in ['edmPlaceLatitude', 'edmPlaceLongitude', 'country', 'dataProvider', 'dcCreator', 'edmPreview']: myquery_df[col] = myquery_df[col].apply(extract_single) # Convert latitude and longitude to float type myquery_df['edmPlaceLatitude'] = pd.to_numeric(myquery_df['edmPlaceLatitude'], errors='coerce') myquery_df['edmPlaceLongitude'] = pd.to_numeric(myquery_df['edmPlaceLongitude'], errors='coerce') # Create a GeoDataFrame from the DataFrame gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( myquery_df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(myquery_df.edmPlaceLongitude, myquery_df.edmPlaceLatitude), crs="EPSG:4326" ) # Perform spatial join gdf_with_country = gpd.sjoin(gdf, world_gdf[['geometry', 'name']], how='left', predicate='within') # Add the new column to the original DataFrame myquery_df['object_location'] = gdf_with_country['name'] # Fill NaN values (points that don't fall within any country) with "Unknown" myquery_df['object_location'] = myquery_df['object_location'].fillna("Unknown") # Create world_counts directly from the spatial join result world_counts = world_gdf.copy() country_counts = gdf_with_country['name'].value_counts() world_counts['object_count'] = world_counts['name'].map(country_counts).fillna(0).astype(int) return myquery_df, world_counts def get_data(query, world_gdf, rows=1000): """ Query Europeana API with a general query and return processed DataFrames. Args: query (str): Query string to search for world_gdf (GeoDataFrame): World map GeoDataFrame for spatial join rows (int): Number of rows to retrieve (default 1000) Returns: tuple: (pandas.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame) """ return fetch_and_process_data(query, world_gdf, rows) def get_provider_data(provider_name, world_gdf, rows=1000): """ Query Europeana API for a specific data provider and return processed DataFrames. Args: provider_name (str): Name of the data provider to query world_gdf (GeoDataFrame): World map GeoDataFrame for spatial join rows (int): Number of rows to retrieve (default 1000) Returns: tuple: (pandas.DataFrame, geopandas.GeoDataFrame) """ query = 'pl_wgs84_pos_lat:(*)' additional_params = {'qf': f'DATA_PROVIDER:"{provider_name}"'} return fetch_and_process_data(query, world_gdf, rows, additional_params) def aggregate_location_counts(df): """ Aggregate the data by object_location and get counts. Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame containing 'object_location' column Returns: pandas.DataFrame: DataFrame with object locations and their counts, sorted by count """ location_counts = df['object_location'].value_counts().reset_index() location_counts.columns = ['object_location', 'count'] return location_counts.sort_values('count', ascending=False)