import streamlit as st import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scraper import RedditScraper import pandas as pd from classifier import predict from config import settings from transformers import pipeline from loguru import logger reddit = RedditScraper() st.title("$TSLA Market Sentiment Analyzer using r/TSLA Subreddit") def load_data(number, scraping_option): st.write("loading new data") # st.write(scraping_option) comments = [] for submission in scraping_option(number): comments.extend(reddit.get_comment_forest(submission.comments)) logger.debug( submission.title, submission.num_comments, len(reddit.get_comment_forest(submission.comments)), ) df = pd.DataFrame(comments) return df def select_scrap_type(option): if option == "Hot": st.write("Selected Hot submissions") return reddit.get_hot if option == "Rising": st.write("Selected rising submissions") return reddit.get_rising if option == "New": st.write("Selected new submissions") return reddit.get_new "Option has been deactivated as the same submissions were scraped because the subreddit is not too active" ) select = st.selectbox("choose option", ["Hot", "Rising", "New"], disabled=True) number = st.number_input("Insert a number", step=1, max_value=30, min_value=3) sentiment_pipeline = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", settings.model_path) data = load_data(number, select_scrap_type("Hot")) if st.button("Analyze"): results = sentiment_pipeline(list(data["comment"])) data["label"] = [res["label"] for res in results] data["sentiment_score"] = [res["score"] for res in results] st.write(data.groupby("label").count()) sizes = list(data.groupby("label").count()["comment"]) labels = "Negative", "Positive" fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() ax1.pie(sizes, labels=labels, autopct="%1.1f%%", shadow=True, startangle=90) ax1.axis("equal") st.pyplot(fig1) st.write(data)