import gradio as gr text_dict = {} def predict(text, url_params, room=None , msg=None, request: gr.Request =None): #gr.Examples([["adam", "123", "333"]], [text_input, room_id, msg_id], text_output, predict) text_input = gr.Text(url_params['text_input']) msg_id = url_params['msg_id'] text_dict[msg_id] = url_params return [f"Hello {text}!!", url_params, text_input] def getState(text , url_params): msg_id = url_params['msg_id'] if text_dict.get(msg_id): data = text_dict[msg_id] text_input = gr.Text(data['text_input'], interactive=False) return [f"Hello {data['text_input']}" , url_params, text_input] return ["", url_params, ""] get_window_url_params = """ function(text_input, url_params) { console.log(text_input, url_params); const params = new URLSearchParams(; url_params = Object.fromEntries(params); text_input = url_params['text_input']; document.getElementById('textbox').value = url_params['text_input']; return [text_input, url_params]; } """ get_space_data = """ function(text_input, url_params) { const params = new URLSearchParams(; url_params = Object.fromEntries(params); text_input = url_params['text_input']; return [text_input, url_params] } """ set_window_url_params = """ function(text_input, url_params) { const params = new URLSearchParams(; params.set("text_input", text_input); url_params = Object.fromEntries(params); const queryString = '?' + params.toString(); //window.history.replaceState(null, document.title, `${window.location.pathname}?${params.toString()}`); // this next line is only needed inside Spaces, so the child frame updates parent window.parent.postMessage({ queryString: queryString }, "*") return [text_input, url_params]; } """ with gr.Blocks() as block: url_params = gr.JSON({}, visible=True, label="URL Params") text_input = gr.Textbox("",label="Input", elem_id="textbox") text_output = gr.Text(label="Output", elem_id="output") #btn = gr.Button("Get Params"), inputs=[text_input, url_params], # outputs=[text_output, url_params], js=get_window_url_params) # gr.Examples( # [[]] # ) example = gr.Examples([["adam"]], [text_input], text_output) btn2 = gr.Button("Submit"), inputs=[text_input, url_params], outputs=[text_output, url_params], js=set_window_url_params) block.load( fn=getState, inputs=[text_input, url_params], outputs=[text_output, url_params, text_input], js=get_space_data ) block.launch(debug=True)