from PIL import Image from typing import List import pandas as pd from presidio_image_redactor import ImageRedactorEngine, ImageAnalyzerEngine from pdfminer.high_level import extract_pages from tools.file_conversion import process_file from pdfminer.layout import LTTextContainer, LTChar, LTTextLine, LTAnno from pikepdf import Pdf, Dictionary, Name from gradio import Progress from tools.load_spacy_model_custom_recognisers import nlp_analyser, score_threshold def redact_image_pdf(file_path:str, language:str, chosen_redact_entities:List[str], allow_list:List[str]=None, progress=Progress(track_tqdm=True)): ''' take an path for an image of a document, then run this image through the Presidio ImageAnalyzer to get a redacted page back ''' progress(0, desc="Converting pages to image") image_paths = process_file(file_path) # Create a new PDF #pdf = images = [] number_of_pages = len(image_paths) progress(0.1, desc="Redacting pages") for i in progress.tqdm(range(0,number_of_pages), total=number_of_pages, unit="pages", desc="Redacting pages"): # Get the image to redact using PIL lib (pillow) image = image_paths[i][i]) # %% image_analyser = ImageAnalyzerEngine(nlp_analyser) engine = ImageRedactorEngine(image_analyser) if language == 'en': ocr_lang = 'eng' else: ocr_lang = language # %% # Redact the image with pink color redacted_image = engine.redact(image, fill=(0, 0, 0), ocr_kwargs={"lang": ocr_lang}, allow_list=allow_list, ad_hoc_recognizers= None, **{ "language": language, "entities": chosen_redact_entities, "score_threshold": score_threshold }, ) images.append(redacted_image) # multiple inputs (variant 2) # with open("name.pdf","wb") as f: # f.write(img2pdf.convert(["test1.jpg", "test2.png"])) # # Create page from image # pdf.add_blank_page(page_size=(redacted_image.width, redacted_image.height)) # page = pdf.pages[-1] # page.add_image(redacted_image, 0, 0) # %% # Get descriptive output of results for checks - not necessary except for debugging # bboxes = image_analyser.analyze(image) # # %% # check_df = pd.DataFrame(bboxes)[0].astype(str).str.split(",",expand=True).replace(".*: ", "", regex=True) # check_df.columns = ["type", "start", "end", "score", "left", "top", "width", "height"] # check_df.to_csv("check_df.csv") return images def redact_text_pdf(filename:str, language:str, chosen_redact_entities:List[str], allow_list:List[str]=None, progress=Progress()): ''' Redact chosen entities from a pdf that is made up of multiple pages that are not images. ''' combined_analyzer_results = [] analyser_explanations = [] annotations_all_pages = [] analyzed_bounding_boxes_df = pd.DataFrame() pdf = for page_num, page in progress.tqdm(enumerate(pdf.pages), total=len(pdf.pages), unit="pages", desc="Redacting pages"): print("Page number is: ", page_num) annotations_on_page = [] analyzed_bounding_boxes = [] for page_layout in extract_pages(filename, page_numbers = [page_num], maxpages=1): analyzer_results = [] for text_container in page_layout: if isinstance(text_container, LTTextContainer): text_to_analyze = text_container.get_text() analyzer_results = [] characters = [] analyzer_results = nlp_analyser.analyze(text=text_to_analyze, language=language, entities=chosen_redact_entities, score_threshold=score_threshold, return_decision_process=False, allow_list=allow_list) #if analyzer_results: # pass #explanation = analyzer_results[0].analysis_explanation.to_dict() #analyser_explanations.append(explanation) characters = [char # This is what we want to include in the list for line in text_container # Loop through each line in text_container if isinstance(line, LTTextLine) # Check if the line is an instance of LTTextLine for char in line] # Loop through each character in the line #if isinstance(char, LTChar)] # Check if the character is not an instance of LTAnno #isinstance(char, LTChar) or #print(characters) # Collect unique types # unique_types = set() # for line in text_container: # if isinstance(line, LTTextLine): # print("Line: ", line) # for char in line: # unique_types.add(type(char)) # if isinstance(char, LTAnno): # print(char) # # Print the unique types # print("Unique types in text_container:") # for t in unique_types: # print(t) # If any results found print(analyzer_results) if len(analyzer_results) > 0 and len(characters) > 0: analyzed_bounding_boxes.extend({"boundingBox": char.bbox, "result": result} for result in analyzer_results for char in characters[result.start:result.end] if isinstance(char, LTChar)) combined_analyzer_results.extend(analyzer_results) if len(analyzer_results) > 0: # Create summary df of annotations to be made analyzed_bounding_boxes_df_new = pd.DataFrame(analyzed_bounding_boxes) analyzed_bounding_boxes_df_text = analyzed_bounding_boxes_df_new['result'].astype(str).str.split(",",expand=True).replace(".*: ", "", regex=True) analyzed_bounding_boxes_df_text.columns = ["type", "start", "end", "score"] analyzed_bounding_boxes_df_new = pd.concat([analyzed_bounding_boxes_df_new, analyzed_bounding_boxes_df_text], axis = 1) analyzed_bounding_boxes_df_new['page'] = page_num + 1 analyzed_bounding_boxes_df = pd.concat([analyzed_bounding_boxes_df, analyzed_bounding_boxes_df_new], axis = 0) for analyzed_bounding_box in analyzed_bounding_boxes: bounding_box = analyzed_bounding_box["boundingBox"] annotation = Dictionary( Type=Name.Annot, Subtype=Name.Highlight, QuadPoints=[bounding_box[0], bounding_box[3], bounding_box[2], bounding_box[3], bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1], bounding_box[2], bounding_box[1]], Rect=[bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1], bounding_box[2], bounding_box[3]], C=[0, 0, 0], CA=1, # Transparency T=analyzed_bounding_box["result"].entity_type ) annotations_on_page.append(annotation) annotations_all_pages.extend([annotations_on_page]) print("For page number: ", page_num, " there are ", len(annotations_all_pages[page_num]), " annotations") page.Annots = pdf.make_indirect(annotations_on_page) # Extracting data from dictionaries # extracted_data = [] # for item in annotations_all_pages: # temp_dict = {} # #print(item) # for key, value in item.items(): # if isinstance(value, Decimal): # temp_dict[key] = float(value) # elif isinstance(value, list): # temp_dict[key] = [float(v) if isinstance(v, Decimal) else v for v in value] # else: # temp_dict[key] = value # extracted_data.append(temp_dict) # Creating DataFrame # annotations_out = pd.DataFrame(extracted_data) #print(df) #annotations_out.to_csv("examples/annotations.csv") analyzed_bounding_boxes_df.to_csv("output/annotations_made.csv") return pdf