import collections import heapq import math import pickle import sys import time import pandas as pd from numpy import inf import gradio as gr from datetime import datetime today_rev ="%Y%m%d") from search_funcs.clean_funcs import initial_clean # get_lemma_tokens, stem_sentence from search_funcs.helper_functions import read_file, get_file_path_end_with_ext, get_file_path_end # Load the SpaCy model from spacy.cli import download import spacy spacy.prefer_gpu() #os.system("python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm") try: import en_core_web_sm nlp = en_core_web_sm.load() print("Successfully imported spaCy model") #nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") #print(nlp._path) except: download("en_core_web_sm") nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm") print("Successfully imported spaCy model") #print(nlp._path) # including punctuation rules and exceptions tokenizer = nlp.tokenizer PARAM_K1 = 1.5 PARAM_B = 0.75 IDF_CUTOFF = -inf # Class built off class BM25: """Fast Implementation of Best Matching 25 ranking function. Attributes ---------- t2d : > Dictionary with terms frequencies for each document in `corpus`. idf: Pre computed IDF score for every term. doc_len : list of int List of document lengths. avgdl : float Average length of document in `corpus`. """ def __init__(self, corpus, k1=PARAM_K1, b=PARAM_B, alpha=IDF_CUTOFF): """ Parameters ---------- corpus : list of list of str Given corpus. k1 : float Constant used for influencing the term frequency saturation. After saturation is reached, additional presence for the term adds a significantly less additional score. According to [1]_, experiments suggest that 1.2 < k1 < 2 yields reasonably good results, although the optimal value depends on factors such as the type of documents or queries. b : float Constant used for influencing the effects of different document lengths relative to average document length. When b is bigger, lengthier documents (compared to average) have more impact on its effect. According to [1]_, experiments suggest that 0.5 < b < 0.8 yields reasonably good results, although the optimal value depends on factors such as the type of documents or queries. alpha: float IDF cutoff, terms with a lower idf score than alpha will be dropped. A higher alpha will lower the accuracy of BM25 but increase performance """ self.k1 = k1 self.b = b self.alpha = alpha self.corpus = corpus self.avgdl = 0 self.t2d = {} self.idf = {} self.doc_len = [] if corpus: self._initialize(corpus) @property def corpus_size(self): return len(self.doc_len) def _initialize(self, corpus, progress=gr.Progress()): """Calculates frequencies of terms in documents and in corpus. Also computes inverse document frequencies.""" i = 0 for document in progress.tqdm(corpus, desc = "Preparing search index", unit = "rows"): self.doc_len.append(len(document)) for word in document: if word not in self.t2d: self.t2d[word] = {} if i not in self.t2d[word]: self.t2d[word][i] = 0 self.t2d[word][i] += 1 i += 1 self.avgdl = sum(self.doc_len)/len(self.doc_len) to_delete = [] for word, docs in self.t2d.items(): idf = math.log(self.corpus_size - len(docs) + 0.5) - math.log(len(docs) + 0.5) # only store the idf score if it's above the threshold if idf > self.alpha: self.idf[word] = idf else: to_delete.append(word) print(f"Dropping {len(to_delete)} terms") for word in to_delete: del self.t2d[word] if len(self.idf) == 0: print("Alpha value too high - all words removed from dataset.") self.average_idf = 0 else: self.average_idf = sum(self.idf.values())/len(self.idf) if self.average_idf < 0: print( f'Average inverse document frequency is less than zero. Your corpus of {self.corpus_size} documents' ' is either too small or it does not originate from natural text. BM25 may produce' ' unintuitive results.', file=sys.stderr ) def get_top_n(self, query, documents, n=5): """ Retrieve the top n documents for the query. Parameters ---------- query: list of str The tokenized query documents: list The documents to return from n: int The number of documents to return Returns ------- list The top n documents """ assert self.corpus_size == len(documents), "The documents given don't match the index corpus!" scores = collections.defaultdict(float) for token in query: if token in self.t2d: for index, freq in self.t2d[token].items(): denom_cst = self.k1 * (1 - self.b + self.b * self.doc_len[index] / self.avgdl) scores[index] += self.idf[token]*freq*(self.k1 + 1)/(freq + denom_cst) return [documents[i] for i in heapq.nlargest(n, scores.keys(), key=scores.__getitem__)] def get_top_n_with_score(self, query, documents, n=5): """ Retrieve the top n documents for the query along with their scores. Parameters ---------- query: list of str The tokenized query documents: list The documents to return from n: int The number of documents to return Returns ------- list The top n documents along with their scores and row indices in the format (index, document, score) """ assert self.corpus_size == len(documents), "The documents given don't match the index corpus!" scores = collections.defaultdict(float) for token in query: if token in self.t2d: for index, freq in self.t2d[token].items(): denom_cst = self.k1 * (1 - self.b + self.b * self.doc_len[index] / self.avgdl) scores[index] += self.idf[token] * freq * (self.k1 + 1) / (freq + denom_cst) top_n_indices = heapq.nlargest(n, scores.keys(), key=scores.__getitem__) return [(i, documents[i], scores[i]) for i in top_n_indices] def extract_documents_and_scores(self, query, documents, n=5): """ Extract top n documents and their scores into separate lists. Parameters ---------- query: list of str The tokenized query documents: list The documents to return from n: int The number of documents to return Returns ------- tuple: (list, list) The first list contains the top n documents and the second list contains their scores. """ results = self.get_top_n_with_score(query, documents, n) try: indices, docs, scores = zip(*results) except: print("No search results returned") return [], [], [] return list(indices), docs, list(scores) def save(self, filename): with open(f"{filename}.pkl", "wb") as fsave: pickle.dump(self, fsave, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) @staticmethod def load(filename): with open(f"{filename}.pkl", "rb") as fsave: return pickle.load(fsave) # These following functions are my own work def prepare_bm25_input_data(in_file, text_column, data_state, clean="No", return_intermediate_files = "No", progress=gr.Progress()): file_list = [ for string in in_file] #print(file_list) data_file_names = [string for string in file_list if "tokenised" not in string and "embeddings" not in string] data_file_name = data_file_names[0] df = data_state #read_file(data_file_name) data_file_out_name = get_file_path_end_with_ext(data_file_name) data_file_out_name_no_ext = get_file_path_end(data_file_name) ## Load in pre-tokenised corpus if exists tokenised_df = pd.DataFrame() tokenised_file_names = [string for string in file_list if "tokenised" in string] if tokenised_file_names: tokenised_df = read_file(tokenised_file_names[0]) #print("Tokenised df is: ", tokenised_df.head()) #df = pd.read_parquet( df[text_column] = df[text_column].astype(str).str.lower() if clean == "Yes": clean_tic = time.perf_counter() print("Starting data clean.") df = df.drop_duplicates(text_column) df_list = list(df[text_column]) df_list = initial_clean(df_list) # Save to file if you have cleaned the data out_file_name, text_column = save_prepared_bm25_data(data_file_name, df_list, df, text_column) clean_toc = time.perf_counter() clean_time_out = f"Cleaning the text took {clean_toc - clean_tic:0.1f} seconds." print(clean_time_out) else: # Don't clean or save file to disk df_list = list(df[text_column]) print("No data cleaning performed.") out_file_name = None # Tokenise data. If tokenised df already exists, no need to do anything if not tokenised_df.empty: corpus = tokenised_df.iloc[:,0].tolist() print("Tokeniser loaded from file.") #print("Corpus is: ", corpus[0:5]) # If doesn't already exist, tokenize texts in batches else: tokeniser_tic = time.perf_counter() corpus = [] batch_size = 256 for doc in tokenizer.pipe(progress.tqdm(df_list, desc = "Tokenising text", unit = "rows"), batch_size=batch_size): corpus.append([token.text for token in doc]) tokeniser_toc = time.perf_counter() tokenizer_time_out = f"Tokenising the text took {tokeniser_toc - tokeniser_tic:0.1f} seconds." print(tokenizer_time_out) if len(df_list) >= 20: message = "Data loaded" else: message = "Data loaded. Warning: dataset may be too short to get consistent search results." if return_intermediate_files == "Yes": tokenised_data_file_name = data_file_out_name_no_ext + "_" + "keyword_search_tokenised_data.parquet" pd.DataFrame(data={"Corpus":corpus}).to_parquet(tokenised_data_file_name) return corpus, message, df, out_file_name, tokenised_data_file_name, data_file_out_name return corpus, message, df, out_file_name, None, data_file_out_name # tokenised_data_file_name def save_prepared_bm25_data(in_file_name, prepared_text_list, in_df, in_bm25_column): # Check if the list and the dataframe have the same length if len(prepared_text_list) != len(in_df): raise ValueError("The length of 'prepared_text_list' and 'in_df' must match.") file_end = ".parquet" file_name = get_file_path_end(in_file_name) + "_cleaned" + file_end new_text_column = in_bm25_column + "_cleaned" prepared_text_df = pd.DataFrame(data={new_text_column:prepared_text_list}) # Drop original column from input file to reduce file size in_df = in_df.drop(in_bm25_column, axis = 1) prepared_df = pd.concat([in_df, prepared_text_df], axis = 1) if file_end == ".csv": prepared_df.to_csv(file_name) elif file_end == ".parquet": prepared_df.to_parquet(file_name) else: file_name = None return file_name, new_text_column def prepare_bm25(corpus, k1=1.5, b = 0.75, alpha=-5):"saved_df_bm25") #bm25 = BM25.load(re.sub(r'\.pkl$', '', print("Preparing BM25 corpus") global bm25 bm25 = BM25(corpus, k1=k1, b=b, alpha=alpha) message = "Search parameters loaded." print(message) return message def convert_bm25_query_to_tokens(free_text_query, clean="No"): ''' Split open text query into tokens and then lemmatise to get the core of the word. Currently 'clean' has no effect. ''' if clean=="Yes": split_query = tokenizer(free_text_query.lower()) out_query = [token.text for token in split_query] #out_query = stem_sentence(out_query) else: split_query = tokenizer(free_text_query.lower()) out_query = [token.text for token in split_query] print("Search query out is:", out_query) if isinstance(out_query,str): print("Converting string") out_query = [out_query] return out_query def bm25_search(free_text_query, in_no_search_results, original_data, text_column, clean = "No", in_join_file = None, in_join_column = "", search_df_join_column = ""): # Prepare query if (clean == "Yes") | (text_column.endswith("_cleaned")): token_query = convert_bm25_query_to_tokens(free_text_query, clean="Yes") else: token_query = convert_bm25_query_to_tokens(free_text_query, clean="No") #print(token_query) # Perform search print("Searching") results_index, results_text, results_scores = bm25.extract_documents_and_scores(token_query, bm25.corpus, n=in_no_search_results) #bm25.corpus #original_data[text_column] if not results_index: return "No search results found", None, token_query print("Search complete") # Prepare results and export joined_texts = [' '.join(inner_list) for inner_list in results_text] results_df = pd.DataFrame(data={"index": results_index, "search_text": joined_texts, "search_score_abs": results_scores}) results_df['search_score_abs'] = abs(round(results_df['search_score_abs'], 2)) results_df_out = results_df[['index', 'search_text', 'search_score_abs']].merge(original_data,left_on="index", right_index=True, how="left")#.drop("index", axis=1) # Join on additional files if in_join_file: join_filename = # Import data join_df = read_file(join_filename) join_df[in_join_column] = join_df[in_join_column].astype(str).str.replace("\.0$","", regex=True) results_df_out[search_df_join_column] = results_df_out[search_df_join_column].astype(str).str.replace("\.0$","", regex=True) # Duplicates dropped so as not to expand out dataframe join_df = join_df.drop_duplicates(in_join_column) results_df_out = results_df_out.merge(join_df,left_on=search_df_join_column, right_on=in_join_column, how="left").drop(in_join_column, axis=1) # Reorder results by score results_df_out = results_df_out.sort_values('search_score_abs', ascending=False) # Out file results_df_name = "keyword_search_result_" + today_rev + ".csv" results_df_out.to_csv(results_df_name, index= None) results_first_text = results_df_out[text_column].iloc[0] print("Returning results") return results_first_text, results_df_name, token_query