import streamlit as st, base64 import pandas as pd, seaborn as sns import os, matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pickle, numpy as np, xgboost as xgb from keras.models import load_model from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, accuracy_score, confusion_matrix # image de fond def add_bg_from_local(image_file): with open(image_file, "rb") as image_file: encoded_string = base64.b64encode( st.markdown( f""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) add_bg_from_local('route.png') fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) _, middle, _ = st.columns((2, 3, 2)) with middle: st.title(":orange[_Scoring App_]") # path du dossier data #path = ".\data" # fonction pour loader le dataset @st.cache_data def load_data(file_path): return pd.read_csv(file_path) # convertir dataframe en csv def convert_df_to_csv(frame): return frame.to_csv(index=False).encode("utf-8") # fonction principale st.sidebar.image("picture1.png") def main(): st.markdown("

Classification pour l'octroi de credit

", unsafe_allow_html = True) # charger le fichier uploaded_file = st.sidebar.file_uploader("Importer fichier csv", type=["csv"]) # creation du menu menu = ["Home", "Data Exploration", "Data Visualisation", "Make prediction"] choice = st.sidebar.selectbox("Select menu", menu) # charger le jeu de donnees data = load_data("loan.csv") # supprime la colonne Loan_ID data.drop("Loan_ID", axis=1, inplace=True) if choice == "Home": st.write("Nous avons develeopper pour ce projet un model de classification\ qui permet, sur la base de certaines variables, de determiner si oui ou non\ il est envisageable d'octroyer un pret bancaire a une tierce personne.") st.subheader(":orange[__Presentation du jeu de donnee__] :memo:") st.markdown("Le jeu de donnees comporte 614 lignes et 13 colonnes. **Loan_Status**\ est la variables a predire (categorielle a deuc classe: **Y** pour le pret a ete \ octroyer et **N**) pour le contraire. afin d'avoir les reultats les plus\ optimaux possibles, nous allons dans un premier temps faire une \ ***Analyse exploratoire** de nos donnees. Par suite nous passerons\ a la phase de preparation des donnees pour afin finir avec \ la phase de creation et optimisation des models.\ `Si vous televerser un fichier au format csv, vous avez la\ possibilite de comparer les prediction pour chaque\ model et de telechager le fichier csv correspondant.`") #st.image("./images/processor.jpg") if choice == "Data Exploration": st.subheader(":orange[_Data Exploration_] :bar_chart:") # afficher les donnees st.write(data.head()) # valeurs manquante if st.sidebar.checkbox("Valeur Manquante"): st.subheader(":orange[Valeur Manquante]") na_count = data.isnull().sum().to_frame(name='count') na_per = (data.isnull().sum().to_frame(name='percentage %')/data.shape[0]*100).round(2) st.write(pd.concat([na_count, na_per], axis=1).sort_values(by='count', ascending=False).T) # valeur unique par colonne if st.sidebar.checkbox("Valeur Unique par colonnes"): st.subheader(":orange[Valeur Unique par colonnes]") only = data.nunique().sort_values(ascending=False).to_frame(name='count') perc = (data.nunique().sort_values(ascending=False).to_frame(name='percentage %')/data.shape[0]*100).round(2) dtype = data.dtypes.to_frame(name='dtypes') st.write(pd.concat([only, perc, dtype], axis=1).T) # statistique sommaire if st.sidebar.checkbox("Statistiques somaire"): st.subheader(":orange[Statistiques sommaire]") st.write(data.describe()) # matrice de correlation if st.sidebar.checkbox("Matrice de correlation"): fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,5)) st.subheader(":orange[Matrice de correlation]") st.write(sns.heatmap(data.corr(), annot=True, vmin=-1, vmax=1, cmap='ocean')) st.pyplot(fig) if choice == "Data Visualisation": st.subheader(":orange[_Data Visualisation_] :chart:") if st.sidebar.checkbox("Analyse Univariee"): # selection des variables qualitatives categorical_columns = data.select_dtypes(include='object').columns.tolist() st.write("Liste des variables qaulitatives") st.write(categorical_columns) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 8)) sns.set_theme(context='notebook', style='darkgrid', palette='deep', font='sans-serif', font_scale=1, color_codes=True, rc=None) for idx, col in enumerate(categorical_columns[:-1]): plt.subplot(2, 3, idx+1) sns.countplot(data=data, x=col, hue="Loan_Status") sns.countplot(data=data, x='Loan_Status') st.pyplot(fig) # selection des variables quantitatives numerical_columns = data.select_dtypes(include='number').columns.tolist() st.write("Liste des variables quantitatives") st.write(numerical_columns) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15,7)) for idx, col in enumerate(numerical_columns): plt.subplot(2,3, idx+1) plt.hist(data[col], density=True) sns.kdeplot(data=data, x=col) plt.title(col) #plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) plt.tight_layout(h_pad=2, w_pad=3., rect=(1,1,2,2)) st.pyplot(fig) if st.sidebar.checkbox("Analyse bivariee"): st.subheader(":orange[Analyse bivariee]") numerical_columns = data.select_dtypes(include='number').columns.tolist() fig = plt.figure(figsize = (14, 8)) for idx, num_col in enumerate(numerical_columns[:-2]): plt.subplot(2, 2, idx+1) sns.boxplot(y=num_col, data=data, x='Loan_Status') plt.tight_layout(h_pad=2, w_pad=3., rect=(1,1,2,2)) st.pyplot(fig) if choice == "Make prediction": st.subheader(":orange[Make prediction] :fleur_de_lis:") if uploaded_file is not None: data = pd.read_csv(uploaded_file) # data preprocessing from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer try: data.drop(["Loan_ID"], axis=1, inplace=True) except: pass # encodage data_encoded = pd.get_dummies(data, drop_first=True) st.subheader(":orange[Donnees encodees]") st.write(data_encoded) # separation du jeu de donnee if data_encoded.shape[1] == 15: X, y = data_encoded.drop(["Loan_Status_Y"], axis=1), data_encoded["Loan_Status_Y"] else: X = data_encoded # traintement des valeurs manquantes sp = SimpleImputer(strategy="most_frequent") X = sp.fit_transform(X) # mis a l'echelle des variables std = StandardScaler() X = std.fit_transform(X) # Prediction # Random Forest predictor if st.sidebar.checkbox("Random Forest"): st.subheader(":orange[Random Forest] :sunglasses:") rf = pickle.load(open("scoring_rf.pkl", "rb")) pred = rf.predict(X) pred_proba = rf.predict_proba(X) st.subheader(':green[Prediction]') loan_status = np.array(['N','Y']) prediction = pd.DataFrame(loan_status[pred], columns=['prediction']) df = pd.concat([data, prediction], axis=1) st.write(df) # download frame csv = convert_df_to_csv(df) st.download_button("Press to Download", csv, "random_forest.csv", "text/csv", key='rf_download_csv') # Accuracy score if data_encoded.shape[1] == 15: st.text("Model report : \n " + classification_report(y, pred)) rf_score = accuracy_score(pred,y) st.write(":green[score d'exactitude]") st.write(f"{round(rf_score*100,2)}% d'exactitude") st.subheader(':green[Prediction Probability]') st.write(pred_proba) # Linear Discriminant Analysis if st.sidebar.checkbox("Discriminant Analysis"): st.subheader(":orange[Discriminant Analysis] :sunglasses:") lda = pickle.load(open("scoring_lda.pkl", "rb")) pred = lda.predict(X) pred_proba = lda.predict_proba(X) st.subheader(':green[Prediction]') loan_status = np.array(['N','Y']) prediction = pd.DataFrame(loan_status[pred], columns=['prediction']) df = pd.concat([data, prediction], axis=1) st.write(df) # download csv = convert_df_to_csv(df) st.download_button("Press to Download", csv, "discriminant.csv", "text/csv", key='lda_download_csv') #st.text("Model report : \n " + classification_report(y, pred)) if data_encoded.shape[1] == 15: st.text("Model report : \n " + classification_report(y, pred)) # Accuracy score lda_score = accuracy_score(pred,y) st.subheader(":green[score d'exactitude]") st.write(f"{round(lda_score*100,2)}% d'exactitude") st.subheader(':green[Prediction Probability]') st.write(pred_proba) if data_encoded.shape[1] == 15: # matrice de confusion fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2,1)) cm = confusion_matrix(y, pred) st.subheader(":green[Matrice de confusion]") sns.heatmap(cm, annot=True, cmap='Dark2') st.pyplot(fig) plt.plot() # XGBoost if st.sidebar.checkbox("XGBoost"): st.subheader(":orange[XGBoost] :sunglasses:") xg = xgb.XGBClassifier() xg.load_model("xg.json") pred = xg.predict(X) pred_proba = xg.predict_proba(X) st.subheader(':green[Prediction]') loan_status = np.array(['N','Y']) prediction = pd.DataFrame(loan_status[pred], columns=['prediction']) df = pd.concat([data, prediction], axis=1) st.write(df) # download csv = convert_df_to_csv(df) st.download_button("Press to Download", csv, "xgboost.csv", "text/csv", key='xg_download_csv') #st.text("Model report : \n " + classification_report(y, pred)) if data_encoded.shape[1] == 15: st.text("Model report : \n " + classification_report(y, pred)) # Accuracy score xg_score = accuracy_score(pred,y) st.subheader(":green[score d'exactitude]") st.write(f"{round(xg_score*100,2)}% d'exactitude") st.subheader(':green[Prediction Probability]') st.write(pred_proba) # ANN if st.sidebar.checkbox("Neural Network"): st.subheader(":orange[Neural Network] :sunglasses:") ann = load_model("ann.h5") pred_proba = ann.predict(X) pred = np.where(pred_proba < 0.5, 0, 1) st.subheader(':green[Prediction]') loan_status = np.array(['N','Y']) prediction = pd.DataFrame(loan_status[pred], columns=['prediction']) df = pd.concat([data, prediction], axis=1) st.write(df) # download csv = convert_df_to_csv(df) st.download_button("Press to Download", csv, "neural_network.csv", "text/csv", key='ann_download_csv') #st.text("Model report : \n " + classification_report(y, pred)) if data_encoded.shape[1] == 15: st.text("Model report : \n " + classification_report(y, pred)) # Accuracy score ann_score = accuracy_score(pred,y) st.subheader(":green[score d'exactitude]") st.write(f"{round(ann_score*100,2)}% d'exactitude") st.subheader(':green[Prediction Probability]') un = pd.DataFrame(pred_proba, columns=['1']) zero = pd.DataFrame(np.subtract(1, pred_proba), columns=['0']) st.write(pd.concat([zero, un], axis=1).round(2)) else: def user_input_features(): gender = st.sidebar.selectbox('Gender',('Male','Female')) married = st.sidebar.selectbox('Married',('Yes','No')) depedents = st.sidebar.selectbox('Dependent',(0, 1, 2, "3+")) education = st.sidebar.selectbox('Education',('Graduate','Not Graduate')) self_employed = st.sidebar.selectbox('Self_employed',('Yes','No')) applicanincome = st.sidebar.slider('ApplicanIncome', 150, 81000) coapplicanincome = st.sidebar.slider('CoapplicanIncome', 0, 42000) loan_amount = st.sidebar.slider('LoanAmount', 0, 800) loan_amount_term = st.sidebar.slider('Loan_Amount_Term', 10, 500) credit_history = st.sidebar.selectbox('Credi_History', (0, 1)) property_area = st.sidebar.selectbox('Property_Area', ("Urban", "Rural", "Semiurban")) if gender == "Male": gender = 1 else: gender = 0 if married == 'Yes': married = 1 else: married = 0 depedents_1, depedents_2, depedents_3 = 0,0,0 if depedents == 1: depedents_1=1 elif depedents == 2: depedents_2=1 elif depedents > 2 : depedents_3=1 if education == "Not Graduate": education=1 else: education=0 if self_employed == "Yes": self_employed = 1 else: self_employed = 0 property_urban, property_semiurban = 0, 0 if property_area == "Semiurban": property_semiurban = 1 elif property_area == "Urban": property_urban == 1 data = { 'ApplicationIncome': (applicanincome - 5403)/6109, 'CoapplicationIncome': (coapplicanincome - 1621) / 2926, 'LoanAmount': (loan_amount -146)/85, 'Loan_Amount_Term': (loan_amount_term - 342)/65, 'Credi_History': (credit_history -0.84)/0.35, 'Gender_Male': gender, 'Married_Yes': married, 'Depedents_1': depedents_1, 'Depedents_2': depedents_2, 'Depedents_3+': depedents_3, 'Education_Not_Graduate': education, 'Self_Employed_Yes': self_employed, 'Property_Area_Semiurban': property_semiurban, 'Property_Area_Urban': property_urban } features = pd.DataFrame(data, index=[0]) return features data_input = user_input_features() # Random Forest if st.sidebar.checkbox("Random Forest"): st.subheader(":orange[Random Forest]") rf = pickle.load(open("scoring_rf.pkl", "rb")) pred = rf.predict(data_input) if pred == 1: st.write(":orange[__Le pret peut etre octroyer__] :white_check_mark:") else: st.write(":red[__Desole,...__] :disappointed:") pred_proba = rf.predict_proba(data_input) loan_status = np.array(['N','Y']) prediction = pd.DataFrame(loan_status[pred], columns=['prediction']) df = pd.concat([data_input, prediction], axis=1) st.write(df) st.subheader(":green[probability] :question:") st.write(pred_proba) # Discriminant Analysis if st.sidebar.checkbox("Discriminant Analysis"): st.subheader(":orange[Discriminant Analysis]") lda = pickle.load(open("scoring_lda.pkl", "rb")) pred = lda.predict(data_input) if pred == 1: st.write(":orange[__Le pret peut etre octroyer__] :white_check_mark:") else: st.write(":red[__Desole,...__] :disappointed:") pred_proba = lda.predict_proba(data_input) loan_status = np.array(['N','Y']) prediction = pd.DataFrame(loan_status[pred], columns=['prediction']) df = pd.concat([data_input, prediction], axis=1) st.write(df) st.subheader(":green[probability] :question:") st.write(pred_proba) # XGboost if st.sidebar.checkbox("XGBoost"): st.subheader(":orange[XGBoost]") xg = xgb.XGBClassifier() xg.load_model("xg.json") pred = xg.predict(data_input) if pred == 1: st.write(":orange[__Le pret peut etre octroyer__] :white_check_mark:") else: st.write(":red[__Desole,...__] :disappointed:") pred_proba = xg.predict_proba(data_input) loan_status = np.array(['N','Y']) prediction = pd.DataFrame(loan_status[pred], columns=['prediction']) df = pd.concat([data_input, prediction], axis=1) st.write(df) st.subheader(":green[probability] :question:") st.write(pred_proba) # ANN if st.sidebar.checkbox("Neural Network"): st.subheader(":orange[Neural Network]") ann = load_model('ann.h5') pred_proba = ann.predict(data_input) pred = np.where(pred_proba < 0.5, 0, 1) if pred == 1: st.write(":orange[__Le pret peut etre octroyer__] :white_check_mark:") else: st.write(":red[__Desole,...__] :disappointed:") loan_status = np.array(['N','Y']) prediction = pd.DataFrame(loan_status[pred], columns=['prediction']) df = pd.concat([data_input, prediction], axis=1) st.write(df) st.subheader(":green[probability] :question:") un = pd.DataFrame(pred_proba, columns=['1']) zero = pd.DataFrame(np.subtract(1, pred_proba), columns=['0']) st.write(pd.concat([zero, un], axis=1).round(2)) # lancer l'application if __name__ == "__main__": main()