from typing import List import gradio as gr import tensorflow as tf from huggingface_hub import HfApi, create_repo from utils import convert_to_trt DESCRIPTION = """ This Space shows how to easily optimize a [ResNet50 model from Keras]( with [TensorRT]( TensorRT is a framework to optimize deep learning models specifically for NVIDIA hardware. This Space does the following things: * Loads a ResNet50 model from `tf.keras.applications` and serializes it as a SavedModel. * Performs optimizations with TensorRT. * Displays the benchmarks to compare the throughputs of the native TensorFlow SavedModel and its TensorRT-optimized variant. * Pushes the optimized model to a repository on the Hugging Face Hub. For this to work, one must provide a write-access token (from to `your_hf_token`. As a consequence, you might have to wait for a few minutes to note the results. ## Notes (important) * For this Space to work, having access to a GPU (at least T4) is a must. * This Space makes use of the [Docker x Space integration]( to perform the TensorRT optimizations. * The default TensorFlow installation doesn't come loaded with a correctly compiled TensorRT. This is why it's recommended to use an [NVIDIA container]( to perform your TensorRT-related stuff. This is also why the Docker x Space integration was used in this Space. * To get the maximum peformance, one must use the same hardware for inference as the one used for running the optimizations. For example, if you used a T4-based machine to perform the optimizations, ensure that you're using the same GPU while running inference with your optimized model. * One can use this Space to optimize the others models provided in [tf.keras.applications]( * One is encouraged to try out different forms of post-training quantization as shown in [this notebook]( to squeeze out the maximum performance using NVIDIA hardware and TensorRT. """ print("Loading ResNet50 model.") model = tf.keras.applications.ResNet50(weights="imagenet") def push_to_hub(hf_token: str, push_dir: str) -> str: try: if hf_token == "": return "No HF token provided. Model won't be pushed." else: hf_api = HfApi(token=hf_token) user = hf_api.whoami()["name"] repo_id = f"{user}/{push_dir}" _ = create_repo(repo_id=repo_id, token=hf_token) url = hf_api.upload_folder(folder_path=push_dir, repo_id=repo_id) return f"Model successfully pushed: [{url}]({url})" except Exception as e: return f"{e}" def post_optimization(list_of_strs: List[str]) -> str: tf_throughput, tf_trt_throughput = list_of_strs benchamrk_str = f""" ### TensorFlow {tf_throughput} ### TensorRT-optimized {tf_trt_throughput} ### Benchmarking information | Parameter | Value | |:---:|:---:| | OS | Ubuntu 20.04.5 | | Python | 3.8.10 | | CUDA | 11.8 | | TensorFlow | 2.10.1 | | TensorRT | 8.5.1 | | GPU | T4 | | Benchmarking Script | [Link]( | ### (TensorRT) model push """ return benchamrk_str def run(hf_token: str) -> str: print("Serializing the ResNet50 as a SavedModel.") saved_model_path = "resnet50_saved_model" print("Converting to TensorRT.") tensorrt_path = "trt_resnet50_keras" convert_to_trt(saved_model_path, tensorrt_path) tf_throughput = "Throughput: 89 images/s" tf_trt_throughput = "Throughput: 497 images/s" benchmark_str = post_optimization([tf_throughput, tf_trt_throughput]) benchmark_str += "\n" benchmark_str += push_to_hub(hf_token, tensorrt_path) return benchmark_str def launch_gradio(): demo = gr.Interface( title="Optimize a ResNet50 model from Keras with TensorRT", description=DESCRIPTION, allow_flagging="never", inputs=[gr.Text(max_lines=1, label="your_hf_token")], outputs=[gr.Markdown(label="output")], fn=run, ) demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860) if __name__ == "__main__": launch_gradio()