import functools import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras import backend as K from tensorflow.keras import layers from .blocks.attentions import SAM from .blocks.bottleneck import BottleneckBlock from .blocks.misc_gating import CrossGatingBlock from .blocks.others import UpSampleRatio from .blocks.unet import UNetDecoderBlock, UNetEncoderBlock from .layers import Resizing Conv1x1 = functools.partial(layers.Conv2D, kernel_size=(1, 1), padding="same") Conv3x3 = functools.partial(layers.Conv2D, kernel_size=(3, 3), padding="same") ConvT_up = functools.partial( layers.Conv2DTranspose, kernel_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), padding="same" ) Conv_down = functools.partial( layers.Conv2D, kernel_size=(4, 4), strides=(2, 2), padding="same" ) def MAXIM( features: int = 64, depth: int = 3, num_stages: int = 2, num_groups: int = 1, use_bias: bool = True, num_supervision_scales: int = 1, lrelu_slope: float = 0.2, use_global_mlp: bool = True, use_cross_gating: bool = True, high_res_stages: int = 2, block_size_hr=(16, 16), block_size_lr=(8, 8), grid_size_hr=(16, 16), grid_size_lr=(8, 8), num_bottleneck_blocks: int = 1, block_gmlp_factor: int = 2, grid_gmlp_factor: int = 2, input_proj_factor: int = 2, channels_reduction: int = 4, num_outputs: int = 3, dropout_rate: float = 0.0, ): """The MAXIM model function with multi-stage and multi-scale supervision. For more model details, please check the CVPR paper: MAXIM: MUlti-Axis MLP for Image Processing ( Attributes: features: initial hidden dimension for the input resolution. depth: the number of downsampling depth for the model. num_stages: how many stages to use. It will also affects the output list. num_groups: how many blocks each stage contains. use_bias: whether to use bias in all the conv/mlp layers. num_supervision_scales: the number of desired supervision scales. lrelu_slope: the negative slope parameter in leaky_relu layers. use_global_mlp: whether to use the multi-axis gated MLP block (MAB) in each layer. use_cross_gating: whether to use the cross-gating MLP block (CGB) in the skip connections and multi-stage feature fusion layers. high_res_stages: how many stages are specificied as high-res stages. The rest (depth - high_res_stages) are called low_res_stages. block_size_hr: the block_size parameter for high-res stages. block_size_lr: the block_size parameter for low-res stages. grid_size_hr: the grid_size parameter for high-res stages. grid_size_lr: the grid_size parameter for low-res stages. num_bottleneck_blocks: how many bottleneck blocks. block_gmlp_factor: the input projection factor for block_gMLP layers. grid_gmlp_factor: the input projection factor for grid_gMLP layers. input_proj_factor: the input projection factor for the MAB block. channels_reduction: the channel reduction factor for SE layer. num_outputs: the output channels. dropout_rate: Dropout rate. Returns: The output contains a list of arrays consisting of multi-stage multi-scale outputs. For example, if num_stages = num_supervision_scales = 3 (the model used in the paper), the output specs are: outputs = [[output_stage1_scale1, output_stage1_scale2, output_stage1_scale3], [output_stage2_scale1, output_stage2_scale2, output_stage2_scale3], [output_stage3_scale1, output_stage3_scale2, output_stage3_scale3],] The final output can be retrieved by outputs[-1][-1]. """ def apply(x): n, h, w, c = ( K.int_shape(x)[0], K.int_shape(x)[1], K.int_shape(x)[2], K.int_shape(x)[3], ) # input image shape shortcuts = [] shortcuts.append(x) # Get multi-scale input images for i in range(1, num_supervision_scales): resizing_layer = Resizing( height=h // (2 ** i), width=w // (2 ** i), method="nearest", antialias=True, # Following `jax.image.resize()`. name=f"initial_resizing_{K.get_uid('Resizing')}", ) shortcuts.append(resizing_layer(x)) # store outputs from all stages and all scales # Eg, [[(64, 64, 3), (128, 128, 3), (256, 256, 3)], # Stage-1 outputs # [(64, 64, 3), (128, 128, 3), (256, 256, 3)],] # Stage-2 outputs outputs_all = [] sam_features, encs_prev, decs_prev = [], [], [] for idx_stage in range(num_stages): # Input convolution, get multi-scale input features x_scales = [] for i in range(num_supervision_scales): x_scale = Conv3x3( filters=(2 ** i) * features, use_bias=use_bias, name=f"stage_{idx_stage}_input_conv_{i}", )(shortcuts[i]) # If later stages, fuse input features with SAM features from prev stage if idx_stage > 0: # use larger blocksize at high-res stages if use_cross_gating: block_size = ( block_size_hr if i < high_res_stages else block_size_lr ) grid_size = grid_size_hr if i < high_res_stages else block_size_lr x_scale, _ = CrossGatingBlock( features=(2 ** i) * features, block_size=block_size, grid_size=grid_size, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, input_proj_factor=input_proj_factor, upsample_y=False, use_bias=use_bias, name=f"stage_{idx_stage}_input_fuse_sam_{i}", )(x_scale, sam_features.pop()) else: x_scale = Conv1x1( filters=(2 ** i) * features, use_bias=use_bias, name=f"stage_{idx_stage}_input_catconv_{i}", )(tf.concat([x_scale, sam_features.pop()], axis=-1)) x_scales.append(x_scale) # start encoder blocks encs = [] x = x_scales[0] # First full-scale input feature for i in range(depth): # 0, 1, 2 # use larger blocksize at high-res stages, vice versa. block_size = block_size_hr if i < high_res_stages else block_size_lr grid_size = grid_size_hr if i < high_res_stages else block_size_lr use_cross_gating_layer = True if idx_stage > 0 else False # Multi-scale input if multi-scale supervision x_scale = x_scales[i] if i < num_supervision_scales else None # UNet Encoder block enc_prev = encs_prev.pop() if idx_stage > 0 else None dec_prev = decs_prev.pop() if idx_stage > 0 else None x, bridge = UNetEncoderBlock( num_channels=(2 ** i) * features, num_groups=num_groups, downsample=True, lrelu_slope=lrelu_slope, block_size=block_size, grid_size=grid_size, block_gmlp_factor=block_gmlp_factor, grid_gmlp_factor=grid_gmlp_factor, input_proj_factor=input_proj_factor, channels_reduction=channels_reduction, use_global_mlp=use_global_mlp, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, use_bias=use_bias, use_cross_gating=use_cross_gating_layer, name=f"stage_{idx_stage}_encoder_block_{i}", )(x, skip=x_scale, enc=enc_prev, dec=dec_prev) # Cache skip signals encs.append(bridge) # Global MLP bottleneck blocks for i in range(num_bottleneck_blocks): x = BottleneckBlock( block_size=block_size_lr, grid_size=block_size_lr, features=(2 ** (depth - 1)) * features, num_groups=num_groups, block_gmlp_factor=block_gmlp_factor, grid_gmlp_factor=grid_gmlp_factor, input_proj_factor=input_proj_factor, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, use_bias=use_bias, channels_reduction=channels_reduction, name=f"stage_{idx_stage}_global_block_{i}", )(x) # cache global feature for cross-gating global_feature = x # start cross gating. Use multi-scale feature fusion skip_features = [] for i in reversed(range(depth)): # 2, 1, 0 # use larger blocksize at high-res stages block_size = block_size_hr if i < high_res_stages else block_size_lr grid_size = grid_size_hr if i < high_res_stages else block_size_lr # get additional multi-scale signals signal = tf.concat( [ UpSampleRatio( num_channels=(2 ** i) * features, ratio=2 ** (j - i), use_bias=use_bias, name=f"UpSampleRatio_{K.get_uid('UpSampleRatio')}", )(enc) for j, enc in enumerate(encs) ], axis=-1, ) # Use cross-gating to cross modulate features if use_cross_gating: skips, global_feature = CrossGatingBlock( features=(2 ** i) * features, block_size=block_size, grid_size=grid_size, input_proj_factor=input_proj_factor, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, upsample_y=True, use_bias=use_bias, name=f"stage_{idx_stage}_cross_gating_block_{i}", )(signal, global_feature) else: skips = Conv1x1( filters=(2 ** i) * features, use_bias=use_bias, name="Conv_0" )(signal) skips = Conv3x3( filters=(2 ** i) * features, use_bias=use_bias, name="Conv_1" )(skips) skip_features.append(skips) # start decoder. Multi-scale feature fusion of cross-gated features outputs, decs, sam_features = [], [], [] for i in reversed(range(depth)): # use larger blocksize at high-res stages block_size = block_size_hr if i < high_res_stages else block_size_lr grid_size = grid_size_hr if i < high_res_stages else block_size_lr # get multi-scale skip signals from cross-gating block signal = tf.concat( [ UpSampleRatio( num_channels=(2 ** i) * features, ratio=2 ** (depth - j - 1 - i), use_bias=use_bias, name=f"UpSampleRatio_{K.get_uid('UpSampleRatio')}", )(skip) for j, skip in enumerate(skip_features) ], axis=-1, ) # Decoder block x = UNetDecoderBlock( num_channels=(2 ** i) * features, num_groups=num_groups, lrelu_slope=lrelu_slope, block_size=block_size, grid_size=grid_size, block_gmlp_factor=block_gmlp_factor, grid_gmlp_factor=grid_gmlp_factor, input_proj_factor=input_proj_factor, channels_reduction=channels_reduction, use_global_mlp=use_global_mlp, dropout_rate=dropout_rate, use_bias=use_bias, name=f"stage_{idx_stage}_decoder_block_{i}", )(x, bridge=signal) # Cache decoder features for later-stage's usage decs.append(x) # output conv, if not final stage, use supervised-attention-block. if i < num_supervision_scales: if idx_stage < num_stages - 1: # not last stage, apply SAM sam, output = SAM( num_channels=(2 ** i) * features, output_channels=num_outputs, use_bias=use_bias, name=f"stage_{idx_stage}_supervised_attention_module_{i}", )(x, shortcuts[i]) outputs.append(output) sam_features.append(sam) else: # Last stage, apply output convolutions output = Conv3x3( num_outputs, use_bias=use_bias, name=f"stage_{idx_stage}_output_conv_{i}", )(x) output = output + shortcuts[i] outputs.append(output) # Cache encoder and decoder features for later-stage's usage encs_prev = encs[::-1] decs_prev = decs # Store outputs outputs_all.append(outputs) return outputs_all return apply