import streamlit as st import qrcode as qr from PIL import Image st.markdown( f""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.title("QR Code Generator") vers = st.number_input("Choose The Version",1,40) box_s = st.number_input("Specify Box Size",1) bord = st.number_input("Specify Size Of Border",1) data = st.text_input("Embed Data In The QR Code") fill = st.color_picker("Pick The Face Color",value="#000000") back = st.color_picker("Pick The Background Color",value="#FFFFFF") qr_new = qr.QRCode(version=vers, error_correction=qr.ERROR_CORRECT_H, box_size=box_s, border=bord,) # Embed the link using add_data() qr_new.add_data(data) # make() is used to create a QR Code qr_new.make(fit=True) # Changing the color of the Qr Code img = qr_new.make_image(fill_color=fill,back_color=back) # save() is used to save QR Code in form of image"img.png") with open("img.png","rb") as file: btn = st.download_button("Download",data=file,file_name="qrcode.png",mime="image/png")