import pandas as pd import os import requests from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO from datasets import Dataset def modify_dataframe_and_extract_data(df): data_list = [] for _, row in df.iterrows(): messages = [] for i in range(1, 5): user_question = row[f'Question{i}'] user_answer = row[f'Answer{i}'] if user_question: message_content = [{'index': None, 'text': user_question, 'type': 'text'}] if i == 1: message_content.append({'index': 0, 'text': None, 'type': 'image'}) messages.append({'content': message_content, 'role': 'user'}) if user_answer: messages.append({'content': [{'index': None, 'text': user_answer, 'type': 'text'}], 'role': 'assistant'}) image =['imagePath']) data_list.append({'messages': messages, 'images': [image]}) return {'messages': [data['messages'] for data in data_list], 'images': [data['images'] for data in data_list]} def download_and_resize_images(df, image_dir, target_size=(250, 250)): image_paths = [] for index, row in df.iterrows(): image_url = row['primaryImageLink'] object_id = row['objectID'] if image_url: # Extract filename from the URL filename = os.path.join(image_dir, f"{object_id}.jpg") # Download image from the URL response = requests.get(image_url) if response.status_code == 200: # Open the image using PIL image = # Resize the image image = image.resize(target_size) # Save the resized image image_paths.append(filename) else: print(f"Failed to download image from {image_url}") image_paths.append(None) else: image_paths.append(None) return image_paths def split_data_dict(data_dict, train_ratio=0.7, test_ratio=0.2, val_ratio=0.1): assert train_ratio + test_ratio + val_ratio == 1.0, "Ratios must sum up to 1.0" total_samples = len(data_dict['messages']) train_size = int(total_samples * train_ratio) test_size = int(total_samples * test_ratio) val_size = int(total_samples * val_ratio) train_data_dict = { 'messages': data_dict['messages'][:train_size], 'images': data_dict['images'][:train_size] } test_data_dict = { 'messages': data_dict['messages'][train_size:train_size + test_size], 'images': data_dict['images'][train_size:train_size + test_size] } val_data_dict = { 'messages': data_dict['messages'][-val_size:], 'images': data_dict['images'][-val_size:] } return train_data_dict, test_data_dict, val_data_dict def save_data_dict_as_arrow(data_dict, file_path): # Convert the dictionary to a Dataset object dataset = Dataset.from_dict(data_dict) # Save the dataset to an Arrow file dataset.save_to_disk(file_path) if __name__ == "__main__": # Example usage: # df = pd.read_csv("/data/data_set_metmuseum.csv") # df1 = df[['objectID', 'primaryImageLink', 'Question1', 'Answer1', 'Question2', 'Answer2', 'Question3', 'Answer3', 'Question4', 'Answer4']] # df2 = df1.sample(frac=1) # df3 = df2.head(250) # df4 = df3.copy() df4 = pd.read_csv("sampled_data250.csv") paths = ['input_dataset', os.path.join('input_dataset', 'images'), 'output_dataset'] for path in paths: if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) # Call the function to download and resize images image_dir = 'input_dataset/images' # image_paths = download_and_resize_images(df4, image_dir) # Update the DataFrame with the resized image paths # new_df = df4.copy() # Create a copy of the original DataFrame # df4['imagePath'] = image_paths # Add a new column 'imagePath' containing the resized image paths # df4 = df4.drop(['primaryImageLink'], axis=1) # Call the function to modify the DataFrame and extract data data_dict = modify_dataframe_and_extract_data(df4) # split data_dict into train, test, valid train_data_dict, test_data_dict, val_data_dict = split_data_dict(data_dict, train_ratio=0.6, test_ratio=0.2, val_ratio=0.2) # save these as arrow dataset save_data_dict_as_arrow(train_data_dict, os.path.join('output_dataset', 'train.arrow')) save_data_dict_as_arrow(test_data_dict, os.path.join('output_dataset', 'test.arrow')) save_data_dict_as_arrow(val_data_dict, os.path.join('output_dataset', 'val.arrow')) # save to zip format import shutil shutil.make_archive("/content/input_dataset", "zip", "/content/input_dataset") shutil.make_archive("/content/output_dataset", "zip", "/content/output_dataset") # read arrow from disk test_data = Dataset.load_from_disk("output_dataset/test.arrow") test_data