import yfinance as yf # 1. Check if the company is listed on Yahoo Finance def check_company(company_dict): com_sel = [] for i in company_dict.keys(): if yf.Ticker(company_dict[i]).info: com_sel.append(i) return com_sel #2. make a function to calculate moving averages from the dataframe com_data, store those moving averages in dictionary for respective company def moving_average(data, window): ma = {} for i in data.columns: ma[i] = data[i].rolling(window=window).mean().values[2] return ma # calculate percentage return till present date from the moving average price of the stock def percentage_return(data, moving_avg): pr = {} for i in data.columns: pr[i] = f'{round(((data[i].values[-1] - moving_avg[i]) / moving_avg[i]) * 100,2) }%' return pr