import subprocess import os import gradio as gr from utils import * from unidecode import unidecode from transformers import AutoTokenizer description = """
Duplicate Space
## โ„น๏ธ How to use this demo? 1. Select a music file in MusicXML (.mxl) format. 2. Enter the candidate classes (e.g., composers) with context (e.g., "This piece of music is composed by {composer}.") in the text box, up to 10 classes. 3. Click "Submit" and wait for the result. ## โ•Notice - The demo only supports MusicXML (.mxl) files. - The demo supports up to 10 classes for zero-shot classification. - The text box is case-sensitive. - You can enter longer text for the text box, but the demo will only use the first 128 tokens. - The demo is based on CLaMP-S/512, a CLaMP model with 6-layer Transformer text/music encoders and a sequence length of 512. ## ๐ŸŽต๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ”  Zero-shot Music Classification Zero-shot classification refers to the classification of new items into any desired label without the need for training data. It involves using a prompt template to provide context for the text encoder. For example, a prompt such as "This piece of music is composed by {composer}." is utilized to form input texts based on the names of candidate composers. The text encoder then outputs text features based on these input texts. Meanwhile, the music encoder extracts the music feature from the unlabelled target symbolic music. By calculating the similarity between each candidate text feature and the target music feature, the label with the highest similarity is chosen as the predicted one. """ CLAMP_MODEL_NAME = 'sander-wood/clamp-small-512' QUERY_MODAL = 'music' KEY_MODAL = 'text' TOP_N = 1 TEXT_MODEL_NAME = 'distilroberta-base' TEXT_LENGTH = 128 device = torch.device("cpu") # load CLaMP model model = CLaMP.from_pretrained(CLAMP_MODEL_NAME) music_length = model.config.max_length model = model.eval() # initialize patchilizer, tokenizer, and softmax patchilizer = MusicPatchilizer() tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(TEXT_MODEL_NAME) softmax = torch.nn.Softmax(dim=1) def compute_values(Q_e, K_e, t=1): """ Compute the values for the attention matrix Args: Q_e (torch.Tensor): Query embeddings K_e (torch.Tensor): Key embeddings t (float): Temperature for the softmax Returns: values (torch.Tensor): Values for the attention matrix """ # Normalize the feature representations Q_e = torch.nn.functional.normalize(Q_e, dim=1) K_e = torch.nn.functional.normalize(K_e, dim=1) # Scaled pairwise cosine similarities [1, n] logits =, K_e.T) * torch.exp(torch.tensor(t)) values = softmax(logits) return values.squeeze() def encoding_data(data, modal): """ Encode the data into ids Args: data (list): List of strings modal (str): "music" or "text" Returns: ids_list (list): List of ids """ ids_list = [] if modal=="music": for item in data: patches = patchilizer.encode(item, music_length=music_length, add_eos_patch=True) ids_list.append(torch.tensor(patches).reshape(-1)) else: for item in data: text_encodings = tokenizer(item, return_tensors='pt', truncation=True, max_length=TEXT_LENGTH) ids_list.append(text_encodings['input_ids'].squeeze(0)) return ids_list def abc_filter(lines): """ Filter out the metadata from the abc file Args: lines (list): List of lines in the abc file Returns: music (str): Music string """ music = "" for line in lines: if line[:2] in ['A:', 'B:', 'C:', 'D:', 'F:', 'G', 'H:', 'N:', 'O:', 'R:', 'r:', 'S:', 'T:', 'W:', 'w:', 'X:', 'Z:'] \ or line=='\n' \ or (line.startswith('%') and not line.startswith('%%score')): continue else: if "%" in line and not line.startswith('%%score'): line = "%".join(line.split('%')[:-1]) music += line[:-1] + '\n' else: music += line + '\n' return music def load_music(filename): """ Load the music from the xml file Args: file (Union[str, bytes, BinaryIO, TextIO]): Input file object containing the xml file Returns: music (str): Music string """ # Get absolute path of script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) xml2abc_path = os.path.join(script_dir, '') # Use absolute path in Popen() p = subprocess.Popen(['python', xml2abc_path, '-m', '2', '-c', '6', '-x', filename], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = p.communicate()[0] output = result.decode('utf-8').replace('\r', '') music = unidecode(output).split('\n') music = abc_filter(music) return music def get_features(ids_list, modal): """ Get the features from the CLaMP model Args: ids_list (list): List of ids modal (str): "music" or "text" Returns: features_list (torch.Tensor): Tensor of features with a shape of (batch_size, hidden_size) """ features_list = [] print("Extracting "+modal+" features...") with torch.no_grad(): for ids in tqdm(ids_list): ids = ids.unsqueeze(0) if modal=="text": masks = torch.tensor([1]*len(ids[0])).unsqueeze(0) features = model.text_enc(,['last_hidden_state'] features = model.avg_pooling(features, masks) features = model.text_proj(features) else: masks = torch.tensor([1]*(int(len(ids[0])/PATCH_LENGTH))).unsqueeze(0) features = model.music_enc(ids, masks)['last_hidden_state'] features = model.avg_pooling(features, masks) features = model.music_proj(features) features_list.append(features[0]) return torch.stack(features_list).to(device) def zero_shot_music_classification(file, class1, class2, class3, class4, class5, class6, class7, class8, class9, class10): """ Classify music based on the given classes Args: file (Union[str, bytes, BinaryIO, TextIO]): Input file object containing the xml file classNum(str): Class Num Returns: output (str): Output string """ query = load_music( print("\nQuery:\n" + query) # encode query query_ids = encoding_data([query], QUERY_MODAL) query_feature = get_features(query_ids, QUERY_MODAL) keys = [class1, class2, class3, class4, class5, class6, class7, class8, class9, class10] keys = [key for key in keys if key != ''] print("\nKeys:") for key in keys: print(key) key_features = get_features(encoding_data(keys, KEY_MODAL), KEY_MODAL) # compute values values = compute_values(query_feature, key_features) idxs = torch.argsort(values, descending=True) results = {} print("\nResults:") for i in range(len(idxs)): results[keys[idxs[i]]] = values[idxs[i]].item() print(keys[idxs[i]] + ": " + str(values[idxs[i]].item())) return results input_file = gr.inputs.File(label="Upload MusicXML file") input_class1 = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Class 1", placeholder="Description of class 1") input_class2 = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Class 2", placeholder="Description of class 2") input_class3 = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Class 3", placeholder="Description of class 3") input_class4 = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Class 4", placeholder="Description of class 4") input_class5 = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Class 5", placeholder="Description of class 5") input_class6 = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Class 6", placeholder="Description of class 6") input_class7 = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Class 7", placeholder="Description of class 7") input_class8 = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Class 8", placeholder="Description of class 8") input_class9 = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Class 9", placeholder="Description of class 9") input_class10 = gr.inputs.Textbox(label="Class 10", placeholder="Description of class 10") # output labels with their probabilities output_class = gr.outputs.Label(num_top_classes=10, label="Predicted Results") gr.Interface(zero_shot_music_classification, inputs=[input_file, input_class1, input_class2, input_class3, input_class4, input_class5, input_class6, input_class7, input_class8, input_class9, input_class10], outputs=output_class, title="๐Ÿ—œ๏ธ CLaMP: Zero-Shot Music Classification", description=description).launch()