import sys tabpfn_path = 'TabPFN' sys.path.insert(0, tabpfn_path) # our submodule of the TabPFN repo (at 045c8400203ebd062346970b4f2c0ccda5a40618) from TabPFN.scripts.transformer_prediction_interface import TabPFNClassifier import numpy as np import pandas as pd import torch import gradio as gr import openml from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score def compute(file, y_attribute, cv_folds): if file is None: return 'Please upload a .arff file', y_attribute if'.arff'): dataset = openml.datasets.OpenMLDataset('t', 'test', X_, _, categorical_indicator_, attribute_names_ = dataset.get_data( dataset_format="array") if y_attribute not in attribute_names_: return f"**Select attribute from {', '.join(attribute_names_)}**", y_attribute X, y, categorical_indicator_, attribute_names_ = dataset.get_data( dataset_format="array", target=y_attribute) else: return 'Please upload a .arff file', y_attribute order = np.arange(y.shape[0]) np.random.seed(13) np.random.shuffle(order) X, y = torch.tensor(X[order]), torch.tensor(y[order]) classifier = TabPFNClassifier(base_path=tabpfn_path, device='cpu') scores = cross_val_score(classifier, X, y, cv=cv_folds, scoring='roc_auc_ovo') print(scores) #, y_train) # y_eval, p_eval = classifier.predict(x_eval, return_winning_probability=True) # print(file, type(file)) return f"ROC AUC OVO Cross Val mean is {sum(scores) / len(scores)} from {scores}. " + ( "The PFN is only trained for datasets with up to 1024 training examples and it had to extrapolate to greater datasets for this evaluation." if len( y) // cv_folds > 1024 else ""), y_attribute def upload_file(file): if file is None: return if'.arff'): dataset = openml.datasets.OpenMLDataset('t', 'test', print(y_attribute) X_, _, categorical_indicator_, attribute_names_ = dataset.get_data( dataset_format="array") return f"Select attribute from {', '.join(attribute_names_)}", attribute_names_[-1] else: return 'Please upload a .arff file', None with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("""This demo allows you to play with the **TabPFN**. Upload a .arff file, select an attribute to predict and the number of cross validation folds and get the ROC AUC OVO score for one seed. """) inp_file = gr.File( label='Drop a .arff file.') cv_folds = gr.Dropdown([2, 3, 4, 5], value=2, label='Number of CV folds') out_text = gr.Markdown() y_attribute = gr.Textbox(label='y attribute') examples = gr.Examples(examples=['balance-scale.arff'], inputs=[inp_file], outputs=[out_text, y_attribute], fn=upload_file, cache_examples=True) btn = gr.Button("Predict Empty Table Cells") # out_table = gr.DataFrame() inp_file.change(fn=upload_file, inputs=inp_file, outputs=[out_text, y_attribute]), inputs=[inp_file, y_attribute, cv_folds], outputs=[out_text, y_attribute]) demo.launch()