from moviepy.editor import * import assemblyai as aai import tempfile aai.settings.api_key = "4f70d0a2a54e454f90a869173b7a8c48" # Load the mp4 file video = VideoFileClip(r"C:\Users\HP\OneDrive\Documents\app\summarizer\summarizer\video_file.mp4") # Create a temporary file to write the audio with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".mp3", delete=False) as temp_audio_file: # Extract audio from video and write to temporary file, codec='mp3') # Close the file to ensure all data is written temp_audio_file.close() # Transcribe audio to text transcriber = aai.Transcriber() transcript = transcriber.transcribe( text_from_audio = transcript.text print(text_from_audio)