import streamlit as st import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from database_interface.utils import * st.set_page_config( page_title='DataBoard' , page_icon= plt.imread(os.path.abspath('static/logo.png')), ) st.sidebar.title('DataBases') cnx = get_connection(user=st.secrets.db_username, password=st.secrets.db_password, host=st.secrets.db_host) if 'databases' not in st.session_state : databases = [db[0] for db in get_database_names(cnx)] st.session_state.databases = databases def on_table_radio_change(db_name) : if db_name in st.session_state : table_selected = st.session_state.get(db_name) st.session_state.table_selected = table_selected st.dataframe(get_table_in_database(cnx,db_name = db_name, table_name= table_selected)) with st.sidebar : for db in st.session_state.databases : with st.expander(db) : tables = get_all_tables_in_database(cnx, db) tables = [table[0] for table in tables] table_selected = label = 'tables', options= tables, label_visibility='collapsed' , key = db , on_change = on_table_radio_change, kwargs={"db_name" : db} )