from collections import deque from dataclasses import dataclass @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class ScheduledNode: type: str chunk: int stage: int minibatch: int start_time: int completion_time: int rollback: bool = False class PipelineGraph(object): def __init__( self, n_stage, n_micro, f_cost, b_cost, w_cost, c_cost, f_mem, b_mem, w_mem, max_mem=None, ): self.n_node = 6 * n_stage * n_micro self.n_stage = n_stage self.n_micro = n_micro self.f_cost = f_cost self.b_cost = b_cost self.w_cost = w_cost self.c_cost = c_cost self.f_mem = f_mem self.b_mem = b_mem self.w_mem = w_mem self.fbw_cost = [f_cost, b_cost, w_cost] self.fbw_mem = [f_mem, b_mem, w_mem] self.max_mem = max_mem or f_mem * self.n_stage * 2 def get_id(self, cat, chunk, stage, micro): return cat * 2 * self.n_stage * self.n_micro + \ chunk * self.n_stage * self.n_micro + \ stage * self.n_micro + \ micro def try_v_schedule(self, fill_f=True, fill_b=True, approved_bubble=None): count = [] for i in range(self.n_stage): count.append([0] * 6) end_time = [-1] * self.n_node cur_time = [0] * self.n_stage mem = [0] * self.n_stage stage_bubble = [0] * self.n_stage pending_w = [deque() for _ in range(self.n_stage)] schedule = [[] for _ in range(self.n_stage)] stage_str = [" " * i for i in range(self.n_stage)] if approved_bubble is None: approved_bubble = [-1] * self.n_stage max_approved_bubble = max(approved_bubble) def get_max_stage_bubble(stage=-1): max_stage_bubble = 0 for bb in stage_bubble: max_stage_bubble = max(max_stage_bubble, bb) if stage >= 0: max_stage_bubble = max(max_stage_bubble, max_approved_bubble - approved_bubble[stage]) return max_stage_bubble def put_w(stage): assert len(pending_w[stage]) > 0 _, chunk_, _ = pending_w[stage].popleft() put(2, chunk_, stage) def put(cat, chunk, stage, assert_cnt=True): _tmp = _no_bubble = cur_time[stage] + self.fbw_cost[cat] _cnt = count[stage][cat * 2 + chunk] # assert _cnt < self.n_micro if _cnt >= self.n_micro: if not assert_cnt: stage_str[stage] += " " cur_time[stage] = _tmp # TODO return assert False assert mem[stage] + self.fbw_mem[cat] <= self.max_mem stage_str[stage] += "FfBbWw"[cat * 2 + chunk] + str(_cnt + 1) + " " * (3 - len(str(_cnt + 1))) if cat > 0 or chunk > 0: last_id = cat * 2 + chunk - 1 if cat < 2: # if end_time[self.get_id(last_id // 2, last_id % 2, stage, _cnt)] < 0: # print(cat, chunk, stage, _cnt) # self.print_details(end_time) assert end_time[self.get_id(last_id // 2, last_id % 2, stage, _cnt)] >= 0 else: assert end_time[self.get_id(1, chunk, stage, _cnt)] >= 0 if chunk == 1 and cat < 2: if stage < self.n_stage - 1: _fa_id = self.get_id(cat, chunk, stage + 1, _cnt) assert end_time[_fa_id] >= 0 _tmp = max(_tmp, end_time[_fa_id] + self.c_cost + self.fbw_cost[cat]) if chunk == 0 and cat < 2: if stage > 0: _fa_id = self.get_id(cat, chunk, stage - 1, _cnt) # if end_time[_fa_id] < 0: # print(cat, chunk, stage, _cnt) # self.print_details(end_time) assert end_time[_fa_id] >= 0, f"{cat}, {chunk}, {stage}, {_cnt}" _tmp = max(_tmp, end_time[_fa_id] + self.c_cost + self.fbw_cost[cat]) _id = self.get_id(cat, chunk, stage, _cnt) if count[stage][0] > 0: stage_bubble[stage] += _tmp - _no_bubble end_time[_id] = _tmp cur_time[stage] = _tmp mem[stage] += self.fbw_mem[cat] # noinspection PyTypeChecker schedule[stage].append((cat, chunk, _cnt)) if cat == 1: pending_w[stage].append((2, chunk, _cnt)) count[stage][cat * 2 + chunk] += 1 # for _ in range(2 * self.n_stage): # for i in range(self.n_stage): # if count[i][1] >= count[i][0]: # put(0, 0, i, assert_cnt=False) # continue # if i == self.n_stage - 1: # put(0, 1, i, assert_cnt=False) # continue # fa_id = self.get_id(0, 1, i + 1, count[i][1]) # if 0 <= end_time[fa_id] < cur_time[i + 1]: # TODO # put(0, 1, i, assert_cnt=False) # else: # put(0, 0, i, assert_cnt=False) for i in range(self.n_stage): put(0, 0, i) for i in range(self.n_stage - 1, -1, -1): if i == self.n_stage - 1: put(0, 1, i) continue tmp = end_time[self.get_id(0, 1, i + 1, 0)] + self.c_cost while mem[i] + self.fbw_mem[0] * (2 + i * 2) <= self.max_mem and cur_time[i] + self.fbw_cost[0] <= tmp and count[i][0] < self.n_micro: for j in range(i + 1): put(0, 0, j) put(0, 1, i) iter_chunk_ = 0 end_tmp = 0 for i in range(self.n_stage): if i == 0: end_tmp = cur_time[0] + self.fbw_cost[1] continue tmp = end_tmp + self.c_cost while count[i][0] + count[i][1] < count[i - 1][0] + count[i - 1][1]: for j in range(self.n_stage - 1, i - 1, -1): if count[j][iter_chunk_] < self.n_micro: put(0, iter_chunk_, j) iter_chunk_ = 1 - iter_chunk_ # while mem[i] + self.fbw_mem[0] <= self.max_mem and cur_time[i] + self.fbw_cost[0] <= tmp: # if iter_chunk_ == 0 and count[i][0] >= count[i - 1][0]: # break # for j in range(self.n_stage - 1, i - 1, -1): # if count[j][iter_chunk_] < self.n_micro: # put(0, iter_chunk_, j) # iter_chunk_ = 1 - iter_chunk_ # end_tmp = max(tmp, cur_time[i]) + self.fbw_cost[1] # init_bubble = get_max_stage_bubble() # print(stage_bubble) for _ in range(2 * self.n_micro): # check mem before putting b for i in range(self.n_stage): while mem[i] + self.fbw_mem[1] > self.max_mem: assert len(pending_w[i]) > 0 put_w(i) b0_ranks, b1_ranks = [], [] for i in range(self.n_stage): if count[i][3] >= count[i][2]: b0_ranks.append(i) elif i == self.n_stage - 1: b1_ranks.append(i) else: fa_id = self.get_id(1, 1, i + 1, count[i][3]) if end_time[fa_id] >= 0 or count[i][2] >= self.n_micro: b1_ranks.append(i) else: b0_ranks.append(i) b_ranks = [] # put b1 for i in reversed(b1_ranks): b_ranks.append((i, 1)) # put b0 for i in b0_ranks: b_ranks.append((i, 0)) for i, _chunk_ in b_ranks: fa_id = -1 if _chunk_ == 1 and i < self.n_stage - 1: fa_id = self.get_id(1, 1, i + 1, count[i][3]) if _chunk_ == 0 and i > 0: fa_id = self.get_id(1, 0, i - 1, count[i][2]) while len(pending_w[i]) > 0 and fa_id >= 0 and end_time[fa_id] + self.c_cost >= cur_time[i] + self.fbw_cost[2]: # fill the bubble put_w(i) if len(pending_w[i]) > 0 and end_time[fa_id] + self.c_cost - cur_time[i] > get_max_stage_bubble(i) - stage_bubble[i]: if _chunk_ == 1: put_w(i) elif fill_b: put_w(i) put(1, _chunk_, i) # put f for i in range(self.n_stage): if count[i][1] >= self.n_micro: continue put_item = None if count[i][1] >= count[i][0]: put_item = 0 elif i == self.n_stage - 1: put_item = 1 else: if end_time[self.get_id(0, 1, i + 1, count[i][1])] >= 0: put_item = 1 elif count[i][0] < self.n_micro: if i == 0: put_item = 0 elif end_time[self.get_id(0, 0, i - 1, count[i][0])] >= 0: put_item = 0 if put_item is None: continue # check mem before putting f while mem[i] + self.fbw_mem[0] > self.max_mem: assert len(pending_w[i]) > 0 put_w(i) fa_id = -1 if put_item == 0 and i > 0: fa_id = self.get_id(0, 0, i - 1, count[i][0]) if put_item == 1 and i < self.n_stage - 1: fa_id = self.get_id(0, 1, i + 1, count[i][1]) while len(pending_w[i]) > 0 and fa_id >= 0 and end_time[fa_id] + self.c_cost >= cur_time[i] + self.fbw_cost[2]: # fill the bubble put_w(i) if len(pending_w[i]) > 0 and end_time[fa_id] + self.c_cost - cur_time[i] > get_max_stage_bubble(i) - stage_bubble[i]: if fill_f: put_w(i) put(0, put_item, i) for i in range(self.n_stage): while len(pending_w[i]) > 0: put_w(i) # for i in range(self.n_stage): # print(stage_str[i]) max_bubble = get_max_stage_bubble() expected_time = sum(self.fbw_cost) * self.n_micro * 2 bubble_rate = max_bubble / expected_time # print("%6.4f" % bubble_rate, "->", stage_bubble) if max_approved_bubble < 0 or max_bubble < max_approved_bubble: _schedule, _end_time, _max_bubble = self.try_v_schedule( fill_f=fill_f, fill_b=fill_b, approved_bubble=stage_bubble, ) if _max_bubble < max_bubble: return _schedule, _end_time, _max_bubble # print("%2d %3d, [%5d %5d %5d], %6d -> %6.4f %6.4f" % \ # (self.n_stage, self.n_micro, *self.fbw_cost, self.max_mem // self.f_mem, init_bubble / expected_time, bubble_rate), max_bubble) return schedule, end_time, max_bubble def print_details(self, end_time, print_scaling=1): for stage in range(self.n_stage): stage_str = ['.'] * int(max(end_time) / print_scaling) for _cat in range(3): for _chunk in range(2): for _micro in range(self.n_micro): _id = self.get_id(_cat, _chunk, stage, _micro) if end_time[_id] < 0: continue end = int(end_time[_id] / print_scaling) start = int((end_time[_id] - self.fbw_cost[_cat]) / print_scaling) for j in range(start, end): if j == start or j == end - 1: stage_str[j] = "FfBbWw"[_cat * 2 + _chunk] elif j == start + 1: if _micro >= 10: stage_str[j] = str(_micro // 10) else: stage_str[j] = str(_micro) elif j == start + 2 and _micro >= 10: stage_str[j] = str(_micro % 10) else: stage_str[j] = "-" _str = "" for _c in stage_str: _str += _c print(_str) def get_v_schedule(self, only_run_time=False): schedule, end_time, max_bubble = None, None, None expected_time = sum(self.fbw_cost) * self.n_micro * 2 for fill_b in [True, False]: for fill_f in [True, False]: _schedule, _end_time, _max_bubble = self.try_v_schedule( fill_b=fill_b, fill_f=fill_f ) # print("") if max_bubble is None or _max_bubble < max_bubble: max_bubble = _max_bubble schedule = _schedule end_time = _end_time if only_run_time: return max_bubble + expected_time # self.print_details(end_time, print_scaling=1) bubble_rate = max_bubble / (expected_time + max_bubble) print("%2d %3d, [%5d %5d %5d %5d], %6d -> %6.4f" % \ (self.n_stage, self.n_micro, *self.fbw_cost, self.c_cost, self.max_mem // self.f_mem, bubble_rate)) local_order = [[] for _ in range(self.n_stage)] comm_id = {} comm_id_counter = 0 post_validation_time = 0 for i in range(self.n_stage - 1, -1, -1): pv_id = min(2 * (self.n_stage - 1 - i), self.n_micro - 1) post_validation_time = max(post_validation_time, end_time[self.get_id(0, 0, i, pv_id)] - self.fbw_cost[0] - self.c_cost) # post_validation_time = 0 # print(i, pv_id, post_validation_time) for it in ["RECV_", "SEND_", ""]: if i == 0 and it == "SEND_": continue if i == self.n_stage - 1 and it == "RECV_": continue # stage_ = i - 1 if it == "RECV_" else i stage_ = i local_order[stage_].append(ScheduledNode( type=it + "POST_VALIDATION", chunk=0, stage=stage_, minibatch=0, start_time=post_validation_time, completion_time=post_validation_time, )) comm_id[local_order[stage_][-1]] = comm_id_counter comm_id_counter += 1 for i in range(self.n_stage): for _cat_, _chunk_, _micro_ in schedule[i]: complete_time = end_time[self.get_id(_cat_, _chunk_, i, _micro_)] local_order[i].append(ScheduledNode( type="FBW"[_cat_], chunk=_chunk_ if _cat_ == 0 else 1 - _chunk_, stage=i, minibatch=_micro_, start_time=complete_time - self.fbw_cost[_cat_], completion_time=complete_time, )) if _cat_ == 2: # no communication for W continue cat_str = "FORWARD" if _cat_ == 0 else "BACKWARD" def communicate(send_recv, stage_): # noinspection PyTypeChecker local_order[stage_].append(ScheduledNode( type=send_recv + cat_str, chunk=_chunk_ if _cat_ == 0 else 1 - _chunk_, stage=stage_, minibatch=_micro_, start_time=complete_time, completion_time=complete_time, )) comm_id[local_order[stage_][-1]] = comm_id_counter if _chunk_ == 1 and i > 0: communicate("SEND_", i) communicate("RECV_", i - 1) if _chunk_ == 0 and i < self.n_stage - 1: communicate("SEND_", i) communicate("RECV_", i + 1) comm_id_counter += 1 for rank in range(self.n_stage): # For nodes with the same timestamp on the same stage, communication will be prioritized. def even_breaker(x: ScheduledNode): # Compute nodes are always delayed. if x.type in ['F', 'B', 'W']: return comm_id_counter # For comm nodes, order by their unique comm id return comm_id[x] local_order[rank] = list(sorted( local_order[rank], key=lambda x: (x.start_time, even_breaker(x)) )) # If a recv with intersects with previous computation, reorder them so that recv # is executed before computation and hence can be overlapped. for i in range(len(local_order[rank])): if i > 0 and local_order[rank][i - 1].type in {'F', 'B', 'W'} and \ local_order[rank][i].type.startswith('RECV') and \ "POST_VALIDATION" not in local_order[rank][i].type and \ local_order[rank][i].start_time <= local_order[rank][i - 1].completion_time: local_order[rank][i], local_order[rank][i - 1] = local_order[rank][i - 1], local_order[rank][i] local_order_with_rollback = [[] for _ in range(self.n_stage)] for rank in range(self.n_stage): rollback_comm = set() if rank > 0: for node in local_order[rank - 1]: if node.type == "POST_VALIDATION": break if node.type == "SEND_FORWARD": assert node.chunk == 0 rollback_comm.add(node.minibatch) for node in local_order[rank]: if node.type == "RECV_FORWARD" and node.chunk == 0 and node.minibatch in rollback_comm: rollback = True rollback_comm.remove(node.minibatch) else: rollback = False local_order_with_rollback[rank].append(ScheduledNode( type=node.type, chunk=node.chunk, stage=node.stage, minibatch=node.minibatch, start_time=node.start_time, completion_time=node.completion_time, rollback=rollback, )) assert len(rollback_comm) == 0 for node in local_order_with_rollback[rank]: print(f"{node.type}-{node.minibatch}-{int(node.rollback)}", end=', ') print() return local_order_with_rollback if __name__ == '__main__': settings = [ # p, n, f, b, w, c, h, a, l # (8, 24, 18522, 18086, 9337, 601, 2304, 24, 24), # (8, 32, 18513, 18086, 9331, 626, 2304, 24, 24), # (8, 64, 18546, 18097, 9321, 762, 2304, 24, 24), # (8, 24, 29718, 29444, 19927, 527, 4096, 32, 32), # (8, 32, 29802, 29428, 19530, 577, 4096, 32, 32), # (8, 64, 29935, 29621, 19388, 535, 4096, 32, 32), # (16, 48, 11347, 11248, 8132, 377, 5120, 40, 48), # (16, 64, 11307, 11254, 8101, 379, 5120, 40, 48), # (16, 128, 11325, 11308, 8109, 378, 5120, 40, 48), # (32, 96, 10419, 10207, 7715, 408, 6144, 48, 64), # (32, 128, 10408, 10204, 7703, 408, 6144, 48, 64), # (32, 256, 10402, 10248, 7698, 460, 6144, 48, 64), # (4, 8, 6, 4, 4, 1, 4096, 32, 32), # (8, 24, 29444, 29718, 19927, 527, 4096, 32, 32), # ( 8, 32, 16099, 16504, 7589, 540, 2304, 24, 16), (16, 48, 14407, 14380, 9676, 1610, 4096, 32, 32), (16, 64, 14412, 14393, 9688, 1621, 4096, 32, 32), (16, 128,14316, 14306, 9639, 1619, 4096, 32, 32), (24, 72, 6763, 6969, 5251, 755, 5120, 40, 48), (24, 96, 6783, 6984, 5259, 758, 5120, 40, 48), (24, 192, 6785, 6990, 5260, 770, 5120, 40, 48), (32, 96, 9458, 9748, 7288, 879, 6144, 48, 64), (32, 128, 9469, 9744, 7306, 892, 6144, 48, 64), (32, 256, 9447, 9644, 7193, 887, 6144, 48, 64), ] s = 1024 # h, a, s = 4096, 32, 1024 # cost_f, cost_b, cost_w, cost_c = 29718, 29444, 19927, 527 for p, n, f, b, w, c, h, a, _ in settings: mem_f = 34 * h + 5 * a * s mem_w = - 32 * h mem_b = - mem_w - mem_f for m_offset in range(p + 1): graph = PipelineGraph( n_stage=p, n_micro=n, f_cost=f, b_cost=b, w_cost=w, c_cost=c, f_mem=mem_f, b_mem=mem_b, w_mem=mem_w, max_mem=mem_f * (p * 2 + m_offset), ) graph.get_v_schedule() break