from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List, Set @dataclass class GraphConfig: mem_f: float = 2 mem_b: float = -1 mem_w: float = -1 max_mem: float = None cost_f: int = 1 cost_b: int = 1 cost_w: int = 1 cost_comm: int = 0 print_scaling: int = 1 def __post_init__(self): assert type(self.cost_f) is int assert type(self.cost_b) is int assert type(self.cost_w) is int assert type(self.cost_comm) is int assert self.mem_f + self.mem_b + self.mem_w == 0 @dataclass(eq=True, frozen=True) class ScheduledNode: type: str stage: int minibatch: int start_time: int completion_time: int rollback: bool = False @dataclass class Graph: nstages: int nmb: int nnodes: int config: GraphConfig parents: List[Set[int]] = None name: List[str] = None # ID mapping: # F[stage][minibatch]: 0..STAGE* MB # B[stage][minibatch]: STAGE* MB .. 2 * STAGE * MB # W[stage][minibatch]: 2 * STAGE* MB .. 3 * STAGE * MB def get_id(self, type, stage, mb): return type * (self.nstages * self.nmb) + stage * self.nmb + mb def get_stage(self, id): return (id // self.nmb) % self.nstages def get_cost(self, id): type = id // (self.nstages * self.nmb) return [self.config.cost_f, self.config.cost_b, self.config.cost_w][type] def get_mem(self, id): type = id // (self.nstages * self.nmb) return [self.config.mem_f, self.config.mem_b, self.config.mem_w][type] @classmethod def build_graph(cls, nstages, nmb, config): nnodes = nstages * nmb * 3 g = Graph(nstages=nstages, nmb=nmb, nnodes=nnodes, config=config) parents = [] name = [] for type in range(3): for stage in range(nstages): for mb in range(nmb): p = set() if type == 0: name.append(f'F{mb}') if stage > 0: p.add(g.get_id(type, stage - 1, mb)) if mb > 0: p.add(g.get_id(type, stage, mb - 1)) elif type == 1: name.append(f'B{mb}') if stage == nstages - 1: p.add(g.get_id(0, stage, mb)) else: p.add(g.get_id(type, stage + 1, mb)) if mb > 0: p.add(g.get_id(type, stage, mb - 1)) elif type == 2: name.append(f'W{mb}') p.add(g.get_id(1, stage, mb)) if mb > 0: p.add(g.get_id(type, stage, mb - 1)) else: assert False parents.append(p) = name g.parents = parents return g # Manual ordering producing this kind of schedule: # fffffffbfbfbfbfbfbwbwbwbwbwbwbwwwwww # fffffbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbwbwbwbwbwwwwwwww # fffbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbwbwbwwwwwwwwww # fbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbfbwwwwwwwwwwww # Returns the order index of each node on its own stage def manual_order( self, allow_bubble_before_first_b=False, prioritize_b=False, no_bubble_greedy=True ): order = [0] * self.nnodes f = [0] * self.nstages b = [0] * self.nstages w = [0] * self.nstages o = [0] * self.nstages m = [0] * self.nstages e = [0] * self.nstages t = [0] * self.nnodes max_mem = self.config.max_mem or self.get_mem(self.get_id(0, 0, 0)) * self.nmb * 3 comm = self.config.cost_comm order_str = [""] * self.nstages stage_bubble = [0] * self.nstages def get_max_bubble(): max_bubble = 0 for bb in stage_bubble: max_bubble = max(max_bubble, bb) return max_bubble def put(stage_j, type_k): if type_k == 0: _i = f[stage_j] elif type_k == 1: _i = b[stage_j] else: _i = w[stage_j] _j = stage_j _id = self.get_id(type_k, _j, _i) _mem = self.get_mem(_id) _cost = self.get_cost(_id) assert m[_j] + _mem <= max_mem tmp = e[_j] + _cost no_bubble = tmp if _j > 0 and type_k == 0: tmp = max(tmp, t[self.get_id(0, _j - 1, _i)] + comm + _cost) if _j < self.nstages - 1 and type_k == 1: tmp = max(tmp, t[self.get_id(1, _j + 1, _i)] + comm + _cost) if f[_j] > 0: stage_bubble[_j] += tmp - no_bubble e[_j] = tmp t[_id] = tmp m[_j] += _mem order[_id] = o[_j] if type_k == 0: f[_j] += 1 elif type_k == 1: b[_j] += 1 else: w[_j] += 1 o[_j] += 1 fbw = "fbw" order_str[stage_j] += fbw[type_k] for i in range(self.nmb): if i == 0: for j in range(self.nstages): put(j, 0) f_required = [0] * self.nstages last_t = 0 for j in range(self.nstages - 1, -1, -1): if j == self.nstages - 1: last_t = t[self.get_id(0, j, i)] + self.get_cost(self.get_id(1, j, i)) continue mem = m[j] cost = e[j] while True: f_id = self.get_id(0, j, f[j] + f_required[j]) if f[j] + f_required[j] < self.nmb and mem + self.get_mem(f_id) <= max_mem: if allow_bubble_before_first_b: if cost + self.get_cost(f_id) > last_t + comm: break else: if cost >= last_t + comm: break mem += self.get_mem(f_id) cost += self.get_cost(f_id) f_required[j] += 1 else: break last_t = max(cost, last_t + comm) + self.get_cost(self.get_id(1, j, i)) for j in range(self.nstages): while j > 0 and f_required[j] > 0 and f_required[j] >= f_required[j - 1] and f[j] + f_required[j] < self.nmb: f_required[j] -= 1 for j in range(self.nstages - 1, -1, -1): for _ in range(f_required[j]): put(j, 0) put(j, 1) continue f_required = [0] * self.nstages for j in range(self.nstages): if f[j] >= self.nmb: continue if j + 1 < self.nstages and f[j] >= f[j + 1] + 2 and prioritize_b: next_plus_fw = ( e[j + 1] + self.get_cost(self.get_id(0, j + 1, f[j + 1])) + self.get_cost(self.get_id(1, j + 1, b[j + 1])) + comm ) if e[j] >= next_plus_fw: continue f_id = self.get_id(0, j, f[j]) f_mem = self.get_mem(f_id) w_cost, w_cnt = 0, 0 mem_with_w = m[j] + f_mem while mem_with_w > max_mem and w[j] + w_cnt < b[j]: w_id = self.get_id(2, j, w[j] + w_cnt) w_cost += self.get_cost(w_id) mem_with_w += self.get_mem(w_id) w_cnt += 1 if e[j] + self.get_cost(f_id) + w_cost <= next_plus_fw: f_required[j] = 1 continue w_cost, w_cnt = 0, 0 # mem_with_w = m[j] # while w[j] + w_cnt < b[j]: # w_id = self.get_id(2, j, w[j] + w_cnt) # w_cost += self.get_cost(w_id) # mem_with_w += self.get_mem(w_id) # w_cnt += 1 # if e[j] + w_cost >= next_plus_fw: # continue if next_plus_fw - (e[j] + w_cost) <= get_max_bubble() - stage_bubble[j]: # TODO: can sample here continue f_required[j] = 1 for j in range(self.nstages - 2, -1, -1): f_required[j] = min(f_required[j], f_required[j + 1]) for j in range(self.nstages): if f_required[j] == 0: continue f_id = self.get_id(0, j, f[j]) mem = self.get_mem(f_id) while m[j] + mem > max_mem: if w[j] >= b[j]: raise ValueError("Cannot fit memory") put(j, 2) if j > 0: while ( w[j] < b[j] and e[j] + self.get_cost(self.get_id(2, j, w[j])) <= t[self.get_id(0, j - 1, f[j])] + comm ): put(j, 2) if w[j] < b[j] and e[j] < t[self.get_id(0, j - 1, f[j])] + comm: # TODO: e[j] + self.get_cost(self.get_id(2, j, w[j])) > t[self.get_id(0, j - 1, f[j])] + comm if ( t[self.get_id(0, j - 1, f[j])] + comm - e[j] <= get_max_bubble() - stage_bubble[j] ): # TODO: can sample here if no_bubble_greedy: put(j, 2) else: put(j, 2) put(j, 0) for j in range(self.nstages - 1, -1, -1): assert b[j] == i b_id = self.get_id(1, j, b[j]) mem = self.get_mem(b_id) while m[j] + mem > max_mem: if w[j] >= b[j]: raise ValueError("Cannot fit memory") put(j, 2) if j + 1 < self.nstages: while ( w[j] < b[j] and e[j] + self.get_cost(self.get_id(2, j, w[j])) <= t[self.get_id(1, j + 1, i)] + comm ): put(j, 2) if w[j] < b[j] and e[j] < t[self.get_id(1, j + 1, i)] + comm: # TODO: e[j] + self.get_cost(self.get_id(2, j, w[j])) > t[self.get_id(1, j + 1, i)] + comm if ( t[self.get_id(1, j + 1, i)] + comm - e[j] <= get_max_bubble() - stage_bubble[j] ): # TODO: can sample here if no_bubble_greedy: put(j, 2) else: put(j, 2) if j == 0 and f[j] == self.nmb: while w[j] < b[j]: put(j, 2) put(j, 1) for i in range(self.nstages): while w[i] < self.nmb: put(i, 2) # print(f"{' ' * i}{order_str[i]} -> {e[i]}") for i in range(self.nstages): for j in range(self.nmb): f_id = self.get_id(0, i, j) b_id = self.get_id(1, i, j) w_id = self.get_id(2, i, j) f_cost = self.get_cost(f_id) b_cost = self.get_cost(b_id) w_cost = self.get_cost(w_id) assert t[b_id] >= t[f_id] + b_cost assert t[w_id] >= t[b_id] + w_cost, f"{i}-{j}, {t[w_id]} >= {t[b_id]} + {w_cost}" if i > 0: assert t[f_id] >= t[self.get_id(0, i - 1, j)] + comm + f_cost, f"{i}-{j}" if i < self.nstages - 1: assert t[b_id] >= t[self.get_id(1, i + 1, j)] + comm + b_cost # print(order) best_time = 0 for i in range(self.nstages): time_i = ( t[self.get_id(2, i, self.nmb - 1)] - t[self.get_id(0, i, 0)] + self.get_cost(self.get_id(0, i, 0)) ) best_time = max(best_time, time_i) return order, t, best_time def initial_solution(graph): best_time, order, complete_time = None, None, None for allow_bubble_before_first_b in [True, False]: for prioritize_b in [True, False]: for no_bubble_greedy in [True, False]: order_t, complete_time_t, best_time_t = graph.manual_order( allow_bubble_before_first_b=allow_bubble_before_first_b, prioritize_b=prioritize_b, no_bubble_greedy=no_bubble_greedy, ) if best_time is None or best_time_t < best_time: best_time = best_time_t order = order_t complete_time = complete_time_t print_detail(graph, complete_time) print("-" * 20, best_time, "-" * 20) return best_time, order, complete_time def print_detail(graph, F): typenames = ['F', 'B', 'W'] times = [] for stage in range(graph.nstages): stage_str = ['.'] * int(F[graph.get_id(2, stage, graph.nmb - 1)] / graph.config.print_scaling) for _type in range(3): for _mb in range(graph.nmb): _id = graph.get_id(_type, stage, _mb) end = int(F[_id] / graph.config.print_scaling) start = int((F[_id] - graph.get_cost(_id)) / graph.config.print_scaling) for j in range(start, end): if j == start or j == end - 1: stage_str[j] = typenames[_type] elif j == start + 1: if _mb >= 10: stage_str[j] = str(_mb // 10) else: stage_str[j] = str(_mb) elif j == start + 2 and _mb >= 10: stage_str[j] = str(_mb % 10) else: stage_str[j] = "-" _str = "" for _c in stage_str: _str += _c times.append( F[graph.get_id(2, stage, graph.nmb - 1)] - F[graph.get_id(0, stage, 0)] + graph.get_cost(graph.get_id(0, stage, 0)) ) print(_str) print('Longest stage time: ', max(times)) def ilp_results(graph, F): typenames = ['F', 'B', 'W'] local_order = [] end_time = [] for i in range(graph.nnodes): end_time.append(F[i]) for stage in range(graph.nstages): order = [] for type in range(3): for mb in range(graph.nmb): id = graph.get_id(type, stage, mb) order.append( ScheduledNode( type=typenames[type], stage=stage, minibatch=mb, start_time=end_time[id] - graph.get_cost(id), completion_time=F[id], ) ) local_order.append(order) # For each F/B, append a send/recv node. The timestamp of recv node is the same as send node to guarrentee a global order. comm_id = {} comm_id_counter = 0 post_validation_time = 0 for i in range(graph.nstages - 1, -1, -1): warmup_f_count = -1 first_b_end = end_time[graph.get_id(1, i, 0)] for j in range(graph.nmb): if end_time[graph.get_id(0, i, j)] < first_b_end: warmup_f_count += 1 assert warmup_f_count >= 0 pv_id = warmup_f_count _id = graph.get_id(0, i, pv_id) _cost = graph.get_cost(_id) post_validation_time = max(post_validation_time, end_time[_id] - _cost - graph.config.cost_comm) # post_validation_time = 0 # print(i, pv_id, post_validation_time) for it in ["RECV_", "SEND_", ""]: if i == 0 and it == "SEND_": continue if i == graph.nstages - 1 and it == "RECV_": continue # stage_ = i - 1 if it == "RECV_" else i stage_ = i local_order[stage_].append(ScheduledNode( type=it + "POST_VALIDATION", stage=stage_, minibatch=0, start_time=post_validation_time, completion_time=post_validation_time, )) comm_id[local_order[stage_][-1]] = comm_id_counter comm_id_counter += 1 for stage in range(graph.nstages): for node in local_order[stage]: if node.type == 'F' and node.stage != graph.nstages - 1: local_order[stage].append( ScheduledNode( type='SEND_FORWARD', stage=stage, minibatch=node.minibatch, start_time=node.completion_time, completion_time=node.completion_time, # TODO: consider comm cost in completion time ) ) local_order[stage + 1].append( ScheduledNode( type='RECV_FORWARD', stage=stage + 1, minibatch=node.minibatch, start_time=node.completion_time, completion_time=node.completion_time, # TODO: consider comm cost in completion time ) ) comm_id[local_order[stage][-1]] = comm_id_counter comm_id[local_order[stage + 1][-1]] = comm_id_counter comm_id_counter += 1 if node.type == 'B' and node.stage != 0: local_order[stage].append( ScheduledNode( type='SEND_BACKWARD', stage=stage, minibatch=node.minibatch, start_time=node.completion_time, completion_time=node.completion_time, # TODO: consider comm cost in completion time ) ) local_order[stage - 1].append( ScheduledNode( type='RECV_BACKWARD', stage=stage - 1, minibatch=node.minibatch, start_time=node.completion_time, completion_time=node.completion_time, # TODO: consider comm cost in completion time ) ) comm_id[local_order[stage][-1]] = comm_id_counter comm_id[local_order[stage - 1][-1]] = comm_id_counter comm_id_counter += 1 for stage in range(graph.nstages): # For nodes with the same timestamp on the same stage, communication will be prioritized. def even_breaker(x: ScheduledNode): # Compute nodes are always delayed. if x.type in ['F', 'B', 'W']: return comm_id_counter # For comm nodes, order by their unique comm id return comm_id[x] local_order[stage] = list(sorted( local_order[stage], key=lambda x: (x.start_time, even_breaker(x)) )) # If a recv with intersects with previous computation, reorder them so that recv # is executed before computation and hence can be overlapped. for i in range(len(local_order[stage])): if i > 0 and local_order[stage][i - 1].type in {'F', 'B', 'W'} and \ local_order[stage][i].type.startswith('RECV') and \ "POST_VALIDATION" not in local_order[stage][i].type and \ local_order[stage][i].start_time <= local_order[stage][i - 1].completion_time: (local_order[stage][i], local_order[stage][i - 1]) = (local_order[stage][i - 1], local_order[stage][i]) # print([(x.type, x.start_time, x.completion_time) for x in local_order[stage]]) local_order_with_rollback = [[] for _ in range(graph.nstages)] for rank in range(graph.nstages): rollback_comm = set() if rank > 0: for node in local_order[rank - 1]: if node.type == "POST_VALIDATION": break if node.type == "SEND_FORWARD": rollback_comm.add(node.minibatch) for node in local_order[rank]: if node.type == "RECV_FORWARD" and node.minibatch in rollback_comm: rollback = True rollback_comm.remove(node.minibatch) else: rollback = False local_order_with_rollback[rank].append(ScheduledNode( type=node.type, stage=node.stage, minibatch=node.minibatch, start_time=node.start_time, completion_time=node.completion_time, rollback=rollback, )) assert len(rollback_comm) == 0 # for node in local_order_with_rollback[rank]: # print(f"{node.type}-{node.minibatch}-{int(node.rollback)}", end=', ') # print() print_detail(graph, end_time) return local_order_with_rollback def auto_schedule(nstages, nmb, config): graph = Graph.build_graph(nstages, nmb, config) best_time, order, complete_time = initial_solution(graph) return ilp_results(graph, complete_time) if __name__ == "__main__": # auto_schedule(4, 12, GraphConfig(cost_f=5, cost_b=6, cost_w=4, cost_comm=0, max_mem=10)) # auto_schedule(4, 12, GraphConfig(cost_f=5, cost_b=6, cost_w=4, cost_comm=0, max_mem=14)) auto_schedule(24, 72, GraphConfig(cost_f=5, cost_b=6, cost_w=4, cost_comm=0, max_mem=100)) auto_schedule(4, 12, GraphConfig( cost_f=5478, cost_b=5806, cost_w=3534, cost_comm=200, max_mem=32, print_scaling=1000 )) auto_schedule(32, 16, GraphConfig( cost_f=1, cost_b=1, cost_w=1, cost_comm=0, max_mem=64, ))