import json import operator from operator import itemgetter from typing import Annotated, Sequence, TypedDict import chainlit as cl from dotenv import load_dotenv from langchain.retrievers import ParentDocumentRetriever from langchain.schema.output_parser import StrOutputParser from langchain.schema.runnable import RunnablePassthrough from langchain.schema.runnable.config import RunnableConfig from import InMemoryStore # from langchain_core.output_parsers import StrOutputParser from import tool from langchain_community.document_loaders import ArxivLoader from import ArxivQueryRun from import DuckDuckGoSearchRun from import PubmedQueryRun # from langgraph.graph.message import add_messages from langchain_core.messages import ( BaseMessage, FunctionMessage, SystemMessage, ) from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate, PromptTemplate from langchain_core.utils.function_calling import convert_to_openai_function from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI from langchain_openai.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings from langchain_qdrant import Qdrant from langchain_text_splitters import RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter from langgraph.graph import END, StateGraph from langgraph.checkpoint.aiosqlite import AsyncSqliteSaver # from import PubmedQueryRun from langgraph.prebuilt import ToolExecutor, ToolInvocation from qdrant_client import QdrantClient from qdrant_client.models import Distance, VectorParams # GLOBAL SCOPE - ENTIRE APPLICATION HAS ACCESS TO VALUES SET IN THIS SCOPE # # ---- ENV VARIABLES ---- # """ This function will load our environment file (.env) if it is present. NOTE: Make sure that .env is in your .gitignore file - it is by default, but please ensure it remains there. """ load_dotenv() """ We will load our environment variables here. """ # ---- GLOBAL DECLARATIONS ---- # # -- RETRIEVAL -- # """ 1. Load Documents from Text File 2. Split Documents into Chunks 3. Load HuggingFace Embeddings (remember to use the URL we set above) 4. Index Files if they do not exist, otherwise load the vectorstore """ ### 1. CREATE TEXT LOADER AND LOAD DOCUMENTS ### NOTE: PAY ATTENTION TO THE PATH THEY ARE IN. docs = ArxivLoader( query='"mental health counseling" AND (data OR analytics OR "machine learning")', load_max_docs=2, sort_by="submittedDate", sort_order="descending", ).load() ### 2. CREATE QDRANT CLIENT VECTORE STORE client = QdrantClient(":memory:") client.create_collection( collection_name="split_parents", vectors_config=VectorParams(size=1536, distance=Distance.COSINE), ) vectorstore = Qdrant( client, collection_name="split_parents", embeddings=OpenAIEmbeddings(model="text-embedding-3-small"), ) store = InMemoryStore() ### 3. CREATE PARENT DOCUMENT TEXT SPLITTER AND RETRIEVER INITIATED parent_document_retriever = ParentDocumentRetriever( vectorstore=vectorstore, docstore=store, child_splitter=RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=400), parent_splitter=RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter(chunk_size=2000), ) parent_document_retriever.add_documents(docs) ### 4. CREATE PROMPT OBJECT RAG_PROMPT = """\ Your are a professional mental helth advisor. Use the following context to answer the user's query. If you cannot answer the question, please respond with 'I don't know'. Question: {question} Context: {context} """ rag_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(RAG_PROMPT) ### 5. CREATE CHAIN PIPLINE RETRIVER openai_chat_model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-3.5-turbo", streaming=True) def create_qa_chain(retriever): mentahealth_qa_llm = openai_chat_model created_qa_chain = ( { "context": itemgetter("question") | retriever, "question": itemgetter("question"), } | RunnablePassthrough.assign(context=itemgetter("context")) | { "response": rag_prompt | mentahealth_qa_llm | StrOutputParser(), "context": itemgetter("context"), } ) return created_qa_chain ### 6. DEFINE LIST OF TOOLS AVAILABLE FOR AND TOOL EXECUTOR WRAPPED AROUND THEM @tool async def rag_tool(question: str) -> str: """Use this tool to retrieve relevant information from the knowledge base.""" # advanced_rag_prompt=ChatPromptTemplate.from_template(INSTRUCTION_PROMPT_TEMPLATE.format(user_query=question)) parent_document_retriever_qa_chain = create_qa_chain(parent_document_retriever) response = await parent_document_retriever_qa_chain.ainvoke({"question": question}) return response["response"] tool_belt = [ rag_tool, PubmedQueryRun(), ArxivQueryRun(), DuckDuckGoSearchRun(), ] tool_executor = ToolExecutor(tool_belt) ### 7. CONVERT TOOLS INTO THE FORMAT COMAPTIBLE WITH OPENAI'S FUNCTION CALLING API THEN BINDING THEM TO MODEL TO BE USED WHEN GENERATION model = ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, streaming=True) functions = [convert_to_openai_function(t) for t in tool_belt] model = model.bind_functions(functions) model = model.with_config(tags=["final_node"]) ### 8. USING the TypedDict FROM THE typing module AND THE langchain_core.messages module, A CUSTOM TYPE NAMED AgentState CREATED. # THE AgentState type HAS A FIELD NAMED THAT IS OF TYPE Annotated[Sequence[BaseMessage], operator.add]. # Sequence[BaseMessage]: INDICATES THAT MESSAGES ARE A SEQUENCE OF BaseMessage OBJECTS. # Annotated: USED TO ATTACH MEATADATA TO THE TYPE, THEN THE MESSAGE FIELD TREATED AS CONCATENABLE SEQUENCE OF BASEMASSAGES TO OPERATOR.ADD FUNCTION. class AgentState(TypedDict): messages: Annotated[Sequence[BaseMessage], operator.add] ### 9. TWO FUNCTIONS DEFINED: 1. call_model AND 2. call_tool FUNCTIONS # 1. INVOKES THE MODEL BY THE MESSAGES EXTRACTED FROM THE STATE RETURNING A DICT CONTAINING THE RESPONSE MESSAGE, # 2.1 ToolInvocation OBJECT CREATED USING THE NAME AND ARGUMENTS EXTRACTED FROM THE LAST MASSAGE EXTRACTED FROM THE STATE, # 2.2. tool_executor IS INVOKED BY THE CREATED toolInvocation OBJECT # 2.3 FunctionMessage OBJECT IS CREATED WITH THE tool_executor RESPONSE AND THE NAME OF THAT TOOL # 2.4 RETURN IS A DICT CONTAINING FunctionMessage OBJECT. async def call_model(state): messages = state["messages"] response = await model.ainvoke(messages) return {"messages": [response]} async def call_tool(state): last_message = state["messages"][-1] action = ToolInvocation( tool=last_message.additional_kwargs["function_call"]["name"], tool_input=json.loads( last_message.additional_kwargs["function_call"]["arguments"] ), ) print() print(last_message.additional_kwargs["function_call"]["name"]) print() response = await tool_executor.ainvoke(action) function_message = FunctionMessage(content=str(response), name=action.tool) return {"messages": [function_message]} ###10. GRAPG CREATION WITH HELPFULNESS EVALUATION # should_continue CHECKS IF THE LAST MASSAGE IN THE STATE IS TO CONTINUE (additional_kwargs EXISTS) OR END. # THE add_conditional_edges() method IS ORIGINATED FROM THIS REPONSE, EITHER TRANSITION TO ACTION NODE OR END. def should_continue(state): last_message = state["messages"][-1] if "function_call" not in last_message.additional_kwargs: return "end" return "continue" async def check_helpfulness(state): initial_query = state["messages"][0] final_response = state["messages"][-1] # adding artificial_loop if len(state["messages"]) > 20: return "end" prompt_template = """\ Given an initial query and a final response, determine if the final response is extremely helpful or not. Please indicate helpfulness with a 'Y'\ and unhelpfulness as an 'N'. Initial Query: {initial_query} Final Response: {final_response}""" prompt_template = PromptTemplate.from_template(prompt_template) helpfulness_check_model = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4") helpfulness_check_chain = ( prompt_template | helpfulness_check_model | StrOutputParser() ) helpfulness_response = await helpfulness_check_chain.ainvoke( {"initial_query": initial_query, "final_response": final_response} ) if "Y" in helpfulness_response: print("helpful!") return "end" else: print(" Not helpful!!") return "continue" def dummy_node(state): return ### 11. SETTING THE GRAPH WORKFLOW: # 1. AN INSTANCE OF THE STATEGRAPH CREATED OF THE TYPE AgentState. THREE NODES ADDED TO THE GRAPH USING add_node() method: # 1.1 THE "agent" NODE IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE call_model FUNCTION. # 1.2 THE "action" NODE IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE call_tool FUNCTION. # 1.3 THE "passthrough" NODE IS A CUSTOM NODE THAT IS ASSOCIATED WITH CHECKING HELPFULNESS. # 1.5 THE CONDITIONAL EDGES # 1.5.1 BETWEEN agent NODE AND THE OTHER TWO NODES TO EITHER action NODE OR passthrough NODE # 1.5.2 BETWEEN passthrough NODE AND agen NODE OR END NODE. # 1.5.3 BETWEEN agent AND action NODES AS MODEL HAS ACCESS TO TOOLS FOR RESPONSE GENERATION. def get_state_update_bot(): workflow = StateGraph(AgentState) workflow.add_node("agent", call_model) # agent node has access to llm workflow.add_node("action", call_tool) # action node has access to tools workflow.set_entry_point("agent") workflow.add_conditional_edges( "agent", should_continue, { "continue": "action", # tools "end": END, }, ) workflow.add_edge("action", "agent") # tools state_update_bot = workflow.compile() return state_update_bot # -------------------------------------------------- from langgraph.checkpoint.memory import MemorySaver def get_state_update_bot_with_helpfullness_node(): # memory = MemorySaver() graph_with_helpfulness_check = StateGraph(AgentState) graph_with_helpfulness_check.add_node("agent", call_model) graph_with_helpfulness_check.add_node("action", call_tool) graph_with_helpfulness_check.add_node("passthrough", dummy_node) graph_with_helpfulness_check.set_entry_point("agent") graph_with_helpfulness_check.add_conditional_edges( "agent", should_continue, {"continue": "action", "end": "passthrough"} ) graph_with_helpfulness_check.add_conditional_edges( "passthrough", check_helpfulness, {"continue": "agent", "end": END} ) graph_with_helpfulness_check.add_edge("action", "agent") memory=AsyncSqliteSaver.from_conn_string(":memory:") return graph_with_helpfulness_check.compile(checkpointer=memory) ### 12. # def convert_inputs(input_object): # system_prompt = f"""You are a qualified psychologist providing mental health advice. Be empathetic in your responses. # Always provide a complete response. Be empathetic and provide a follow-up question to find a resolution. # First, look up the RAG (retrieval-augmented generation) and then arxiv research or use InternetSearch: # You will operate in a loop of Thought, Action, PAUSE, and Observation. At the end of the loop, you will provide an Answer. # Instructions: # Thought: Describe your thoughts about the user's question. # Action: Choose one of the available actions to gather information or provide insights. # PAUSE: Pause to allow the action to complete. # Observation: Review the results of the action. # Available Actions: # Use the tools at your disposal to look up information or resolve the consultancy. You are allowed to make multiple calls (either together or in sequence).: # 1. rag_tool: RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) to access relevant mental health information. # 2. DuckDuckGoSearchRun: Perform an online search: InternetSearch to find up-to-date resources and recommendations. # 3. ArxivQueryRun: Find relevant research or content. # 3. PubMedQuerRun: Find a specific coping strategies or management techniques by doing research paper # You may make multiple calls to these tools as needed to provide comprehensive advice. # Present your final response in a clear, structured format, including a chart of recommended actions if appropriate. # User's question: {input_object["messages"]} # Response: Your task is When responding to users' personal issues or concerns: # 1. With a brief empathetic acknowledgment of the user's situation, continue # 2. Provide practical, actionable advice that often includes # 3. Suggesting professional help (e.g., therapists, counselors) when appropriate # 4. Encouraging open communication and dialogue with involved parties and # 5. Recommending self-reflection or exploration of emotions and values and # 6. Offering specific coping strategies or management techniques # """ # return {"messages": [SystemMessage(content=system_prompt)]} def convert_inputs(input_object): system_prompt = f"""You are a qualified psychologist providing mental health advice. Be empathetic in your responses. Always provide a complete response. Be empathetic and provide a follow-up question to find a resolution. You must Use the tools at your dsiposal. You must consult pubmed, then ragtool, then duckduckgo_results_json. You must make multiple calls to these tools as needed to provide comprehensive advice. User's question: {input_object["messages"]} """ return {"messages": [SystemMessage(content=system_prompt)]} # Define the function to parse the output def parse_output(input_state): return input_state # bot_with_helpfulness_check=get_state_update_bot_with_helpfullness_node() # type: # bot=get_state_update_bot() # Create the agent chain # agent_chain = convert_inputs | bot_with_helpfulness_check# | StrOutputParser()#| parse_output # Run the agent chain with the input # messages=agent_chain.invoke({"question": mental_health_counseling_data['test'][14]['Context']}) import uuid # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DEPLOYMENT # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- from langchain_core.messages import HumanMessage @cl.author_rename def rename(original_author: str): """ This function can be used to rename the 'author' of a message. In this case, we're overriding the 'Assistant' author to be 'Paul Graham Essay Bot'. """ rename_dict = {"Assistant": "Mental Health Advisor Bot"} return rename_dict.get(original_author, original_author) @cl.on_chat_start async def start_chat(): """ This function will be called at the start of every user session. We will build our LCEL RAG chain here, and store it in the user session. The user session is a dictionary that is unique to each user session, and is stored in the memory of the server. """ ### BUILD LCEL RAG CHAIN THAT ONLY RETURNS TEXT # lcel_rag_chain = ( {"context": itemgetter("query") | hf_retriever, "query": itemgetter("query")} # | rag_prompt | hf_llm # ) memory=MemorySaver bot_with_helpfulness_check = get_state_update_bot_with_helpfullness_node()#(checkpointer=memory) # type: ignore lcel_agent_langgraph_chain = ( convert_inputs | bot_with_helpfulness_check) #| StrOutputParser()) # bot=get_state_update_bot() # lcel_agent_chain = convert_inputs | bot| parse_output# StrOutputParser() cl.user_session.set("langgraph_agent_chain", lcel_agent_langgraph_chain) # Create a thread id and pass it as configuration # to be able to use Langgraph's MemorySaver conversation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) config = {"configurable": {"thread_id": conversation_id}} cl.user_session.set("config", config) @cl.on_message async def main(message: cl.Message): """ This function will be called every time a message is recieved from a session. """ # msg is the human message, could be mixed with system message. # agent_message is the agent's response. graph = cl.user_session.get("langgraph_agent_chain") config = cl.user_session.get("config") final_output="" # inputs = {"messages": [("user", message.content)]} inputs={"messages": [HumanMessage(message.content)]} agent_message = cl.Message(content="") await agent_message.send() # final_output="" async for event in graph.astream_events( inputs, config=config,#=RunnableConfig(callbacks=[cl.LangchainCallbackHandler()]), version="v2", ): kind = event["event"] tags = event.get("tags", []) name=event.get("name", "") print() print(f"Received event: {event}") # Debugging statement print() if kind == "on_chain_start": if ( event["name"] == "Agent" ): # Was assigned when creating the agent with `.with_config({"run_name": "Agent"})` print( f"Starting agent: {event['name']} with input: {event['data'].get('input')}" ) # await agent_message.send() elif kind == "on_chain_end" and name=="RunnableSequence":#"tool_end" in tags: if 'output' in event['data'] and "agent" in event["data"]['output']: agent_output=event["data"]["output"]["agent"] if "messages" in agent_output and agent_output["messages"]: final_output=agent_output["messages"][0].content await agent_message.stream_token(final_output) # elif kind=="on_chain_stream": # data=event['data'] # if data["chunk"].content: # print(f"Streaming content: {data['chunk'].content}") # await agent_message.stream_token(data["chunk"].content) await agent_message.send() #docker build -t llm-app-langgraph-react-chainlit-mentalmindbt . #docker run -it -p 7860:7860 llm-app-langgraph-react-chainlit-mentalmindbt:latest