import openai import gradio as gr import json import time from tqdm import tqdm from azure.core.exceptions import HttpResponseError import logging import requests import google from ocr_functions import detect_document, detect_image from ai_functions import chat_gpt_document, chat_gpt_image from helpers import save_json logging.basicConfig(filename='app.log', level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') def retry_unprocessed_documents(): global global_document_type global global_context global unprocessed_documents if unprocessed_documents: output = batch_document(unprocessed_documents, global_document_type, global_context, "None") unprocessed_documents = [] return output else: unprocessed_documents = [] return save_json("No Unprocessed Documents", "No Unprocessed Documents") def combine_json_files(json_files, progress=gr.Progress()): combined_data = [] progress(0, desc="Starting") for file in progress.tqdm(json_files, desc="Combining JSON Files"): with open(, 'r') as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) combined_data.extend(data)"Combined JSON File: ", combined_data) return save_json(combined_data, "Combined Json") unprocessed_documents = [] global_document_type = None global_context = None def batch_document(content, document_type, context, progress = gr.Progress()): combined_data = [] global global_document_type global global_context global_document_type = document_type global_context = context if progress == "None": for x in content: retries = 3 timeout = 3 i = 0 while True: try: data = json.loads(chat_gpt_document(detect_document(x),document_type,context)) combined_data.append(data) i = 0 break except (openai.error.APIConnectionError, openai.error.AuthenticationError, openai.error.RateLimitError, HttpResponseError, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as e: logging.error(f'Retry {i+1} failed: {e}') if i < retries - 1: logging.error(f'Retrying in {timeout} seconds...') time.sleep(timeout) i += 1 else: unprocessed_documents.append(x) break else: progress(0, desc="Starting") for x in progress.tqdm(content, desc="Processing"): retries = 3 timeout = 3 i = 0 while True: try: data = json.loads(chat_gpt_document(detect_document(x),document_type,context)) combined_data.append(data) i = 0 break except (openai.error.APIConnectionError, openai.error.AuthenticationError, openai.error.RateLimitError, HttpResponseError, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as e: logging.error(f'Retry {i+1} failed: {e}') if i < retries - 1: logging.error(f'Retrying in {timeout} seconds...') time.sleep(timeout) i += 1 else: unprocessed_documents.append(x) break if document_type == "": document_type = "error" return save_json(combined_data, document_type) def image(content, context): retries = 3 timeout = 3 i = 0 while True: try: data = chat_gpt_image(detect_image(content), context) break except (openai.error.APIConnectionError, openai.error.AuthenticationError, openai.error.RateLimitError, HttpResponseError, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as e: logging.error(f'Retry {i+1} failed: {e}') if i < retries - 1: logging.error(f'Retrying in {timeout} seconds...') time.sleep(timeout) i += 1 else: break return data def document(content, document_type, context): retries = 3 timeout = 3 i = 0 while True: try: data = chat_gpt_document(detect_document(content),document_type,context) break except (openai.error.APIConnectionError, openai.error.AuthenticationError, openai.error.RateLimitError, HttpResponseError, requests.exceptions.RequestException) as e: logging.error(f'Retry {i+1} failed: {e}') if i < retries - 1: logging.error(f'Retrying in {timeout} seconds...') time.sleep(timeout) i += 1 else: break return data with gr.Blocks(title="Axon OCR", css=".markdown {text-align: center;}") as app: gr.Markdown("""# Axon OCR Attach Images or Files below and convert them to Text.""", elem_classes="markdown") with gr.Tab("Scan Image"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): image_input = [gr.Image(type="pil"), gr.Textbox(label="What kind of Image is this? (Optional)", placeholder="This is an image of an Official Reciept")] image_output = gr.Textbox(label="Result") image_button = gr.Button("Scan") with gr.Tab("Scan Document"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): document_input = [gr.File(file_types=["pdf","tiff","image","text"]), gr.Dropdown(["RPFAA Building P1", "RPFAA Building P2", "TDRP"], label="File Type", info="What type of document is this?"), gr.Textbox(label="Any additional information? (Optional)", placeholder="This is document is an Official Reciept")] document_output = gr.Textbox(label="Result") document_button = gr.Button("Scan") with gr.Tab("Batch Scan"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): batch_document_input = [gr.File(file_types=["pdf","tiff","image","text"], file_count="multiple"), gr.Dropdown(["RPFAA Building P1", "RPFAA Building P2", "TDRP"], label="File Type", info="What type of document is this?"), gr.Textbox(label="Any additional information? (Optional)", placeholder="This is document is an Official Reciept")] batch_document_output = gr.File(label="Result") batch_document_button = gr.Button("Scan") with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): retry_button = gr.Button("Retry Unprocessed Documents", label="Retry") with gr.Column(): stop_button = gr.Button("Stop Processing Document", label="Stop") with gr.Tab("Combine JSON"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): json_files_input = gr.File(file_types=[".json"], file_count="multiple", label='Upload JSON files') combined_json_output = gr.File(label="Result") combine_button = gr.Button('Combine JSON files'), inputs=image_input, outputs=image_output), inputs=document_input, outputs=document_output) batch_document_event =, inputs=batch_document_input, outputs=batch_document_output), outputs=batch_document_output), inputs=None, outputs=None, cancels=[batch_document_event]), inputs=json_files_input, outputs=combined_json_output) app.queue() app.launch(auth=("username", "password"))