import multiprocessing as mp import requests as r import argparse from Bio import SeqIO from io import StringIO import pandas as pd import numpy as np def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--file_path", type=str, required=True, help="Path to the file that have a column cotaining uniprotid information.", ) parser.add_argument( "--sheet_name", type=str, default="Sheet1", help="Name of the sheet to read. Default is Sheet1.", ) parser.add_argument( "--uniprotid_column", type=str, help="Name of the column that have uniprotid information. Default is None.", ) parser.add_argument( "--uniprotids_column", type=str, help="Name of the column that have uniprotids information. Default is None. The ids are expected to be separated by semi-colon, and the first id is used.", ) parser.add_argument( "--num_processes", type=int, default=2, help="Number of processes to use.", ) return parser.parse_args() def fetch_sequence(row, cfg): try: baseURL = "" uniprot_id = row[cfg.uniprotid_column] URL = baseURL + uniprot_id + ".fasta" response = Data = "".join(response.text) Seq = StringIO(Data) pSeq = list(SeqIO.parse(Seq, "fasta")) return str(pSeq[0].seq) except: return None def process_rows(df_chunk, cfg): return [fetch_sequence(row, cfg) for idx, row in df_chunk.iterrows()] if __name__ == "__main__": config = parse_args() if config.file_path.endswith(".xls"): df = pd.read_excel( config.file_path, sheet_name=config.sheet_name, ) else: df = pd.read_csv(config.file_path) if config.uniprotid_column is None and config.uniprotids_column is None: raise ValueError( "Either uniprotid_column or uniprotids_column should be provided." ) if config.uniprotids_column is not None: df = df.dropna(subset=[config.uniprotids_column]).reset_index(drop=True) # use the first id and ignore the subunit and domain information df["uniprotid"] = df[config.uniprotids_column].apply( lambda x: x.split(";")[0].split("-")[0] ) config.uniprotid_column = "uniprotid" df_split = np.array_split(df, config.num_processes) with mp.Pool(processes=config.num_processes) as pool: results = x: process_rows(x, config), df_split) aas = [seq for result in results for seq in result] df["aa"] = aas df.to_csv(f"{config.file_path.split('.')[0]}_with_aa.csv", index=False)