import streamlit as st import torch import pandas as pd from io import StringIO from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM class preProcess: def __init__(self, filename, titlename): self.filename = filename self.title = titlename + '\n' def read_data(self): df = pd.read_csv(self.filename) return df def check_columns(self, df): if (len(df.columns) > 4): st.error('File has more than 3 coloumns.') return False if (len(df.columns) == 0): st.error('File has no column.') return False else: return True def format_data(self, df): headers = [[] for i in range(0, len(df.columns))] for i in range(len(df.columns)): headers[i] = list(df[df.columns[i]]) zipped = list(zip(*headers)) res = [' '.join(map(str,tups)) for tups in zipped] if len(df.columns) < 3: input_format = ' x-y values ' + ' - '.join(list(df.columns)) + ' values ' + ' , '.join(res) else: input_format = ' labels ' + ' - '.join(list(df.columns)) + ' values ' + ' , '.join(res) return input_format def combine_title_data(self,df): data = self.format_data(df) title_data = ' '.join([self.title,data]) return title_data class Model: def __init__(self,text,mode): self.padding = 'max_length' self.truncation = True self.prefix = 'C2T: ' self.device = device = "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" self.text = text if mode.lower() == 'simple': self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('saadob12/t5_C2T_big') self.model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained('saadob12/t5_C2T_big').to(self.device) elif mode.lower() == 'analytical': self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('saadob12/t5_autochart_2') self.model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained('saadob12/t5_autochart_2').to(self.device) def generate(self): tokens = self.tokenizer.encode(self.prefix + self.text, truncation=self.truncation, padding=self.padding, return_tensors='pt').to(self.device) generated = self.model.generate(tokens, num_beams=4, max_length=256) tgt_text = self.tokenizer.decode(generated[0], skip_special_tokens=True, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True) summary = str(tgt_text).strip('[]""') if 'barchart' in summary: summary.replace('barchart','statistic') elif 'bar graph' in summary: summary.replace('bar graph','statistic') elif 'bar plot' in summary: summary.replace('bar plot','statistic') elif 'scatter plot' in summary: summary.replace('scatter plot','statistic') elif 'scatter graph' in summary: summary.replace('scatter graph','statistic') elif 'scatterchart' in summary: summary.replace('scatter chart','statistic') elif 'line plot' in summary: summary.replace('line plot','statistic') elif 'line graph' in summary: summary.replace('line graph','statistic') elif 'linechart' in summary: summary.replace('linechart','statistic') if 'graph' in summary: summary.replace('graph','statistic') return summary st.title('Chart and Data Summarization') st.write('This application generates a summary of a datafile (.csv) (or the underlying data of a chart). Right now, it only generates summaries of files with maximum of four columns. If the file contains more than four columns, the app will throw an error.') mode = st.selectbox('What kind of summary do you want?', ('Simple', 'Analytical')) st.write('You selected: ' + mode + ' summary.') title = st.text_input('Add appropriate Title of the .csv file', 'State minimum wage rates in the United States as of January 1 , 2020') st.write('Title of the file is: ' + title) uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload only .csv file") if uploaded_file is not None and mode is not None and title is not None: st.write('Preprocessing file...') p = preProcess(uploaded_file, title) contents = p.read_data() check = p.check_columns(contents) if check: st.write('Your file contents:\n') st.write(contents) title_data = p.combine_title_data(contents) st.write('Linearized input format of the data file:\n ') st.markdown('**'+ title_data + '**') st.write('Loading model...') model = Model(title_data, mode) st.write('Model loading done!\nGenerating Summary...') summary = model.generate() st.write('Generated Summary:\n') st.markdown('**'+ summary + '**')