import math import torch import torch.nn as nn from .utils import log_sum_exp import pdb import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VAE(nn.Module): """VAE with normal prior""" def __init__(self, encoder, decoder, tokenizer_encoder, tokenizer_decoder, args): # super(VAE, self).__init__() self.encoder = encoder self.decoder = decoder self.args = args = args.latent_size self.eos_token_id = tokenizer_decoder.convert_tokens_to_ids([tokenizer_decoder.eos_token])[0] self.pad_token_id = tokenizer_decoder.convert_tokens_to_ids([tokenizer_decoder.pad_token])[0] # connector: from Bert hidden units to the latent space # self.linear = nn.Linear(, 2 *, bias=False) # Standard Normal prior loc = torch.zeros(, device=args.device) scale = torch.ones(, device=args.device) self.prior = torch.distributions.normal.Normal(loc, scale) def connect(self, bert_fea, nsamples=1): """ Returns: Tensor1, Tensor2 Tensor1: the tensor latent z with shape [batch, nsamples, nz] Tensor2: the tenor of KL for each x with shape [batch] """ # (batch_size, nz) mean, logvar = self.encoder.linear(bert_fea).chunk(2, -1) # pdb.set_trace() # mean, logvar = mean.squeeze(0), logvar.squeeze(0) # (batch, nsamples, nz) z = self.reparameterize(mean, logvar, nsamples) KL = 0.5 * (mean.pow(2) + logvar.exp() - logvar - 1).sum(dim=1) return z, KL def connect_deterministic(self, bert_fea, nsamples=1): """ Returns: Tensor1, Tensor2 Tensor1: the tensor latent z with shape [batch, nsamples, nz] Tensor2: the tenor of KL for each x with shape [batch] """ # (batch_size, nz) mean, logvar = self.encoder.linear(bert_fea).chunk(2, -1) # pdb.set_trace() # mean, logvar = mean.squeeze(0), logvar.squeeze(0) logvar.fill_(.0) # (batch, nsamples, nz) z = self.reparameterize(mean, logvar, nsamples) KL = 0.5 * (mean.pow(2) + logvar.exp() - logvar - 1).sum(dim=1) return z, KL def reparameterize(self, mu, logvar, nsamples=1): """sample from posterior Gaussian family Args: mu: Tensor Mean of gaussian distribution with shape (batch, nz) logvar: Tensor logvar of gaussian distibution with shape (batch, nz) Returns: Tensor Sampled z with shape (batch, nsamples, nz) """ batch_size, nz = mu.size() std = logvar.mul(0.5).exp() mu_expd = mu.unsqueeze(1).expand(batch_size, nsamples, nz) std_expd = std.unsqueeze(1).expand(batch_size, nsamples, nz) eps = torch.zeros_like(std_expd).normal_() return mu_expd + torch.mul(eps, std_expd) def forward(self, inputs, labels): # pdb.set_trace() attention_mask=(inputs > 0).float() # # # reconstrution_mask=(labels != 50257).float() # 50257 is the padding token for GPT2 sent_length = torch.sum(reconstrution_mask, dim=1) outputs = self.encoder(inputs, attention_mask) pooled_hidden_fea = outputs[1] # model outputs are always tuple in pytorch-transformers (see doc) if self.args.fb_mode==0: # Connect hidden feature to the latent space latent_z, loss_kl = self.connect(pooled_hidden_fea) latent_z = latent_z.squeeze(1) # Decoding outputs = self.decoder(input_ids=labels, past=latent_z, labels=labels, label_ignore=self.pad_token_id) loss_rec = outputs[0] # model outputs are always tuple in pytorch-transformers (see doc) elif self.args.fb_mode==1: # Connect hidden feature to the latent space mu, logvar = self.encoder.linear(pooled_hidden_fea).chunk(2, -1) latent_z = self.reparameterize(mu, logvar, nsamples=1) latent_z = latent_z.squeeze(1) loss_kl = 0.5 * (mu.pow(2) + logvar.exp() - logvar - 1) kl_mask = (loss_kl > self.args.dim_target_kl).float() loss_kl = (kl_mask * loss_kl).sum(dim=1) # pdb.set_trace() # past = self.decoder.linear(latent_z) # Decoding outputs = self.decoder(input_ids=labels, past=latent_z, labels=labels, label_ignore=self.pad_token_id) loss_rec = outputs[0] # model outputs are always tuple in pytorch-transformers (see doc) elif self.args.fb_mode==2: # Connect hidden feature to the latent space latent_z, loss_kl = self.connect_deterministic(pooled_hidden_fea) latent_z = latent_z.squeeze(1) # past = self.decoder.linear(latent_z) # Decoding outputs = self.decoder(input_ids=labels, past=latent_z, labels=labels, label_ignore=self.pad_token_id) loss_rec = outputs[0] # model outputs are always tuple in pytorch-transformers (see doc) # pdb.set_trace() if self.args.length_weighted_loss: loss = loss_rec / sent_length + self.args.beta * loss_kl else: loss = loss_rec + self.args.beta * loss_kl return loss_rec, loss_kl, loss def encoder_sample(self, bert_fea, nsamples): """sampling from the encoder Returns: Tensor1 Tensor1: the tensor latent z with shape [batch, nsamples, nz] """ # (batch_size, nz) mu, logvar = self.encoder.linear(bert_fea).chunk(2, -1) mu, logvar = mu.squeeze(0), logvar.squeeze(0) # (batch, nsamples, nz) z = self.reparameterize(mu, logvar, nsamples) return z, (mu, logvar) def encode_stats(self, x): """ Returns: Tensor1, Tensor2 Tensor1: the mean of latent z with shape [batch, nz] Tensor2: the logvar of latent z with shape [batch, nz] """ return self.encoder.encode_stats(x) def decode(self, z, strategy, K=10): """generate samples from z given strategy Args: z: [batch, nsamples, nz] strategy: "beam" or "greedy" or "sample" K: the beam width parameter Returns: List1 List1: a list of decoded word sequence """ if strategy == "beam": return self.decoder.beam_search_decode(z, K) elif strategy == "greedy": return self.decoder.greedy_decode(z) elif strategy == "sample": return self.decoder.sample_decode(z) else: raise ValueError("the decoding strategy is not supported") def reconstruct(self, x, decoding_strategy="greedy", K=5): """reconstruct from input x Args: x: (batch, *) decoding_strategy: "beam" or "greedy" or "sample" K: the beam width parameter Returns: List1 List1: a list of decoded word sequence """ z = self.sample_from_inference(x).squeeze(1) return self.decode(z, decoding_strategy, K) def log_probability(self, x, z): """Cross Entropy in the language case Args: x: (batch_size, seq_len) z: (batch_size, n_sample, nz) Returns: log_p: (batch_size, n_sample). log_p(x|z) across different x and z """ outputs = self.decoder(input_ids=x, past=z, labels=x, label_ignore=self.pad_token_id) loss_rec = outputs[0] return -loss_rec def loss_iw(self, x0, x1, nsamples=50, ns=1): """ Args: x: if the data is constant-length, x is the data tensor with shape (batch, *). Otherwise x is a tuple that contains the data tensor and length list Returns: Tensor1, Tensor2, Tensor3 Tensor1: total loss [batch] Tensor2: reconstruction loss shape [batch] Tensor3: KL loss shape [batch] """ # encoding into bert features bert_fea = self.encoder(x0)[1] # (batch_size, nz) mu, logvar = self.encoder.linear(bert_fea).chunk(2, -1) ################## # compute KL ################## # pdb.set_trace() KL = 0.5 * (mu.pow(2) + logvar.exp() - logvar - 1).sum(dim=1) # mu, logvar = mu.squeeze(0), logvar.squeeze(0) ll_tmp, rc_tmp = [], [] for _ in range(int(nsamples / ns)): # (batch, nsamples, nz) z = self.reparameterize(mu, logvar, ns) # past = self.decoder.linear(z) past = z # [batch, nsamples] log_prior = self.eval_prior_dist(z) log_gen = self.eval_cond_ll(x1, past) log_infer = self.eval_inference_dist(z, (mu, logvar)) # pdb.set_trace() log_gen = log_gen.unsqueeze(0).contiguous().view(z.shape[0],-1) # pdb.set_trace() rc_tmp.append(log_gen) ll_tmp.append(log_gen + log_prior - log_infer) log_prob_iw = log_sum_exp(, dim=-1), dim=-1) - math.log(nsamples) log_gen_iw = torch.mean(, dim=-1), dim=-1) return log_prob_iw, log_gen_iw , KL def nll_iw(self, x0, x1, nsamples, ns=1): """compute the importance weighting estimate of the log-likelihood Args: x0, x1: two different tokenization results of x, where x is the data tensor with shape (batch, *). nsamples: Int the number of samples required to estimate marginal data likelihood Returns: Tensor1 Tensor1: the estimate of log p(x), shape [batch] """ # compute iw every ns samples to address the memory issue # nsamples = 500, ns = 100 # nsamples = 500, ns = 10 # TODO: note that x is forwarded twice in self.encoder.sample(x, ns) and self.eval_inference_dist(x, z, param) #. this problem is to be solved in order to speed up tmp = [] for _ in range(int(nsamples / ns)): # [batch, ns, nz] # Chunyuan: # encoding into bert features pooled_hidden_fea = self.encoder(x0)[1] # param is the parameters required to evaluate q(z|x) z, param = self.encoder_sample(pooled_hidden_fea, ns) # [batch, ns] log_comp_ll = self.eval_complete_ll(x1, z) log_infer_ll = self.eval_inference_dist(z, param) tmp.append(log_comp_ll - log_infer_ll) ll_iw = log_sum_exp(, dim=-1), dim=-1) - math.log(nsamples) return ll_iw def KL(self, x): _, KL = self.encode(x, 1) return KL def eval_prior_dist(self, zrange): """perform grid search to calculate the true posterior Args: zrange: tensor different z points that will be evaluated, with shape (k^2, nz), where k=(zmax - zmin)/space """ # (k^2) return self.prior.log_prob(zrange).sum(dim=-1) def eval_complete_ll(self, x, z): """compute log p(z,x) Args: x: Tensor input with shape [batch, seq_len] z: Tensor evaluation points with shape [batch, nsamples, nz] Returns: Tensor1 Tensor1: log p(z,x) Tensor with shape [batch, nsamples] """ # [batch, nsamples] log_prior = self.eval_prior_dist(z) log_gen = self.eval_cond_ll(x, z) return log_prior + log_gen def eval_cond_ll(self, x, z): """compute log p(x|z) """ x_shape = list(x.size()) z_shape = list(z.size()) if len(z_shape) == 3: x = x.unsqueeze(1).repeat(1, z_shape[1], 1).contiguous().view(x_shape[0]*z_shape[1], x_shape[-1]) z = z.contiguous().view(x_shape[0]*z_shape[1], z_shape[-1]) return self.log_probability(x, z) def eval_log_model_posterior(self, x, grid_z): """perform grid search to calculate the true posterior this function computes p(z|x) Args: grid_z: tensor different z points that will be evaluated, with shape (k^2, nz), where k=(zmax - zmin)/pace Returns: Tensor Tensor: the log posterior distribution log p(z|x) with shape [batch_size, K^2] """ try: batch_size = x.size(0) except: batch_size = x[0].size(0) # (batch_size, k^2, nz) grid_z = grid_z.unsqueeze(0).expand(batch_size, *grid_z.size()).contiguous() # (batch_size, k^2) log_comp = self.eval_complete_ll(x, grid_z) # normalize to posterior log_posterior = log_comp - log_sum_exp(log_comp, dim=1, keepdim=True) return log_posterior def sample_from_inference(self, x, nsamples=1): """perform sampling from inference net Returns: Tensor Tensor: samples from infernece nets with shape (batch_size, nsamples, nz) """ z, _ = self.encoder.sample(x, nsamples) return z def sample_from_posterior(self, x, nsamples): """perform MH sampling from model posterior Returns: Tensor Tensor: samples from model posterior with shape (batch_size, nsamples, nz) """ # use the samples from inference net as initial points # for MCMC sampling. [batch_size, nsamples, nz] cur = self.encoder.sample_from_inference(x, 1) cur_ll = self.eval_complete_ll(x, cur) total_iter = self.args.mh_burn_in + nsamples * self.args.mh_thin samples = [] for iter_ in range(total_iter): next = torch.normal(mean=cur, std=cur.new_full(size=cur.size(), fill_value=self.args.mh_std)) # [batch_size, 1] next_ll = self.eval_complete_ll(x, next) ratio = next_ll - cur_ll accept_prob = torch.min(ratio.exp(), ratio.new_ones(ratio.size())) uniform_t = accept_prob.new_empty(accept_prob.size()).uniform_() # [batch_size, 1] mask = (uniform_t < accept_prob).float() mask_ = mask.unsqueeze(2) cur = mask_ * next + (1 - mask_) * cur cur_ll = mask * next_ll + (1 - mask) * cur_ll if iter_ >= self.args.mh_burn_in and (iter_ - self.args.mh_burn_in) % self.args.mh_thin == 0: samples.append(cur.unsqueeze(1)) return, dim=1) def calc_model_posterior_mean(self, x, grid_z): """compute the mean value of model posterior, i.e. E_{z ~ p(z|x)}[z] Args: grid_z: different z points that will be evaluated, with shape (k^2, nz), where k=(zmax - zmin)/pace x: [batch, *] Returns: Tensor1 Tensor1: the mean value tensor with shape [batch, nz] """ # [batch, K^2] log_posterior = self.eval_log_model_posterior(x, grid_z) posterior = log_posterior.exp() # [batch, nz] return torch.mul(posterior.unsqueeze(2), grid_z.unsqueeze(0)).sum(1) def calc_infer_mean(self, x): """ Returns: Tensor1 Tensor1: the mean of inference distribution, with shape [batch, nz] """ mean, logvar = self.encoder.forward(x) return mean def eval_inference_dist(self, z, param): """this function computes log q(z | x) Args: z: tensor different z points that will be evaluated, with shape [batch, nsamples, nz] Returns: Tensor1 Tensor1: log q(z|x) with shape [batch, nsamples] """ nz = z.size(2) mu, logvar = param # (batch_size, 1, nz) mu, logvar = mu.unsqueeze(1), logvar.unsqueeze(1) var = logvar.exp() # (batch_size, nsamples, nz) dev = z - mu # (batch_size, nsamples) log_density = -0.5 * ((dev ** 2) / var).sum(dim=-1) - \ 0.5 * (nz * math.log(2 * math.pi) + logvar.sum(-1)) return log_density def calc_mi(self, test_data_batch, args): # calc_mi_v3 import math from modules.utils import log_sum_exp mi = 0 num_examples = 0 mu_batch_list, logvar_batch_list = [], [] neg_entropy = 0. for batch_data in test_data_batch: x0, _, _ = batch_data x0 = # encoding into bert features bert_fea = self.encoder(x0)[1] (batch_size, nz) mu, logvar = self.encoder.linear(bert_fea).chunk(2, -1) x_batch, nz = mu.size() #print(x_batch, end=' ') num_examples += x_batch # E_{q(z|x)}log(q(z|x)) = -0.5*nz*log(2*\pi) - 0.5*(1+logvar).sum(-1) neg_entropy += (-0.5 * nz * math.log(2 * math.pi)- 0.5 * (1 + logvar).sum(-1)).sum().item() mu_batch_list += [mu.cpu()] logvar_batch_list += [logvar.cpu()] pdb.set_trace() neg_entropy = neg_entropy / num_examples ##print() num_examples = 0 log_qz = 0. for i in range(len(mu_batch_list)): ############### # get z_samples ############### mu, logvar = mu_batch_list[i].cuda(), logvar_batch_list[i].cuda() # [z_batch, 1, nz] z_samples = self.reparameterize(mu, logvar, 1) z_samples = z_samples.view(-1, 1, nz) num_examples += z_samples.size(0) ############### # compute density ############### # [1, x_batch, nz] #mu, logvar = mu_batch_list[i].cuda(), logvar_batch_list[i].cuda() #indices = list(np.random.choice(np.arange(len(mu_batch_list)), 10)) + [i] indices = np.arange(len(mu_batch_list)) mu =[mu_batch_list[_] for _ in indices], dim=0).cuda() logvar =[logvar_batch_list[_] for _ in indices], dim=0).cuda() x_batch, nz = mu.size() mu, logvar = mu.unsqueeze(0), logvar.unsqueeze(0) var = logvar.exp() # (z_batch, x_batch, nz) dev = z_samples - mu # (z_batch, x_batch) log_density = -0.5 * ((dev ** 2) / var).sum(dim=-1) - \ 0.5 * (nz * math.log(2 * math.pi) + logvar.sum(-1)) # log q(z): aggregate posterior # [z_batch] log_qz += (log_sum_exp(log_density, dim=1) - math.log(x_batch)).sum(-1) log_qz /= num_examples mi = neg_entropy - log_qz return mi def calc_au(self, eval_dataloader, args, delta=0.01): """compute the number of active units """ cnt = 0 for batch_data in eval_dataloader: x0, _, _ = batch_data x0 = # encoding into bert features bert_fea = self.encoder(x0)[1] # (batch_size, nz) mean, logvar = self.encoder.linear(bert_fea).chunk(2, -1) if cnt == 0: means_sum = mean.sum(dim=0, keepdim=True) else: means_sum = means_sum + mean.sum(dim=0, keepdim=True) cnt += mean.size(0) # (1, nz) mean_mean = means_sum / cnt cnt = 0 for batch_data in eval_dataloader: x0, _, _ = batch_data x0 = # encoding into bert features bert_fea = self.encoder(x0)[1] # (batch_size, nz) mean, _ = self.encoder.linear(bert_fea).chunk(2, -1) if cnt == 0: var_sum = ((mean - mean_mean) ** 2).sum(dim=0) else: var_sum = var_sum + ((mean - mean_mean) ** 2).sum(dim=0) cnt += mean.size(0) # (nz) au_var = var_sum / (cnt - 1) return (au_var >= delta).sum().item(), au_var