def demo(): with gr.Blocks(theme="base") as demo: vector_db = gr.State() qa_chain = gr.State() collection_name = gr.State() gr.Markdown( """

PDF-based chatbot (powered by LangChain and open-source LLMs)

Ask any questions about your PDF documents, along with follow-ups

Note: This AI assistant performs retrieval-augmented generation from your PDF documents. \ When generating answers, it takes past questions into account (via conversational memory), and includes document references for clarity purposes.
Warning: This space uses the free CPU Basic hardware from Hugging Face. Some steps and LLM models used below (free inference endpoints) can take some time to generate an output.
""") with gr.Tab("Step 1 - Document pre-processing"): with gr.Row(): document = gr.Files(height=100, file_count="multiple", file_types=["pdf"], interactive=True, label="Upload your PDF documents (single or multiple)") # upload_btn = gr.UploadButton("Loading document...", height=100, file_count="multiple", file_types=["pdf"], scale=1) with gr.Row(): db_btn = gr.Radio(["ChromaDB"], label="Vector database type", value = "ChromaDB", type="index", info="Choose your vector database") with gr.Accordion("Advanced options - Document text splitter", open=False): with gr.Row(): slider_chunk_size = gr.Slider(minimum = 100, maximum = 1000, value=600, step=20, label="Chunk size", info="Chunk size", interactive=True) with gr.Row(): slider_chunk_overlap = gr.Slider(minimum = 10, maximum = 200, value=40, step=10, label="Chunk overlap", info="Chunk overlap", interactive=True) with gr.Row(): db_progress = gr.Textbox(label="Vector database initialization", value="None") with gr.Row(): db_btn = gr.Button("Generate vector database...") with gr.Tab("Step 2 - QA chain initialization"): with gr.Row(): llm_btn = gr.Radio(list_llm_simple, \ label="LLM models", value = list_llm_simple[0], type="index", info="Choose your LLM model") with gr.Accordion("Advanced options - LLM model", open=False): with gr.Row(): slider_temperature = gr.Slider(minimum = 0.0, maximum = 1.0, value=0.7, step=0.1, label="Temperature", info="Model temperature", interactive=True) with gr.Row(): slider_maxtokens = gr.Slider(minimum = 224, maximum = 4096, value=1024, step=32, label="Max Tokens", info="Model max tokens", interactive=True) with gr.Row(): slider_topk = gr.Slider(minimum = 1, maximum = 10, value=3, step=1, label="top-k samples", info="Model top-k samples", interactive=True) with gr.Row(): llm_progress = gr.Textbox(value="None",label="QA chain initialization") with gr.Row(): qachain_btn = gr.Button("Initialize question-answering chain...") with gr.Tab("Step 3 - Conversation with chatbot"): chatbot = gr.Chatbot(height=300) with gr.Accordion("Advanced - Document references", open=False): with gr.Row(): doc_source1 = gr.Textbox(label="Reference 1", lines=2, container=True, scale=20) source1_page = gr.Number(label="Page", scale=1) with gr.Row(): doc_source2 = gr.Textbox(label="Reference 2", lines=2, container=True, scale=20) source2_page = gr.Number(label="Page", scale=1) with gr.Row(): doc_source3 = gr.Textbox(label="Reference 3", lines=2, container=True, scale=20) source3_page = gr.Number(label="Page", scale=1) with gr.Row(): msg = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Type message", container=True) with gr.Row(): submit_btn = gr.Button("Submit") clear_btn = gr.ClearButton([msg, chatbot]) # Preprocessing events #upload_btn.upload(upload_file, inputs=[upload_btn], outputs=[document]), \ inputs=[document, slider_chunk_size, slider_chunk_overlap], \ outputs=[vector_db, collection_name, db_progress]), \ inputs=[llm_btn, slider_temperature, slider_maxtokens, slider_topk, vector_db], \ outputs=[qa_chain, llm_progress]).then(lambda:[None,"",0,"",0,"",0], \ inputs=None, \ outputs=[chatbot, doc_source1, source1_page, doc_source2, source2_page, doc_source3, source3_page], \ queue=False) # Chatbot events msg.submit(conversation, \ inputs=[qa_chain, msg, chatbot], \ outputs=[qa_chain, msg, chatbot, doc_source1, source1_page, doc_source2, source2_page, doc_source3, source3_page], \ queue=False), \ inputs=[qa_chain, msg, chatbot], \ outputs=[qa_chain, msg, chatbot, doc_source1, source1_page, doc_source2, source2_page, doc_source3, source3_page], \ queue=False)[None,"",0,"",0,"",0], \ inputs=None, \ outputs=[chatbot, doc_source1, source1_page, doc_source2, source2_page, doc_source3, source3_page], \ queue=False) demo.queue().launch(debug=True) if __name__ == "__main__": demo()