import gradio as gr import os import sys #Installation of libraries EC2_INSTANCE = False if EC2_INSTANCE : os.system('cd scripts && sh') os.system('python') TTS_PATH = "TTS/" # add libraries into environment sys.path.append(TTS_PATH) # set this if TTS is not installed globally VOICE_PATH = "utils/" # add libraries into environment sys.path.append(VOICE_PATH) # set this if modules and voice are not installed globally from utils.voice import * # Modules for the Video Messsage Generator From Youtube from IPython.display import HTML, Audio from base64 import b64decode import numpy as np from import read as wav_read import io import ffmpeg from pytube import YouTube import random from subprocess import call from datetime import datetime Sagemaker = False if Sagemaker : env='source activate python3 && conda activate VideoMessage &&' else: env='' def time_between(t1, t2): FMT = '%H:%M:%S' t1 = datetime.strptime(t1, FMT) t2 = datetime.strptime(t2, FMT) delta = t2 - t1 return str(delta) def download_video(url): print("Downloading...") local_file = ( YouTube(url) .streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension="mp4") .first() .download(filename="youtube{}.mp4".format(random.randint(0, 10000))) ) print("Downloaded") return local_file # download(output_path=destination, filename="name.mp4") def download_youtube(url): #Select a Youtube Video #find youtube video id from urllib import parse as urlparse url_data = urlparse.urlparse(url) query = urlparse.parse_qs(url_data.query) YOUTUBE_ID = query["v"][0] url_download ="{}".format(YOUTUBE_ID) # download the youtube with the given ID os.system("{} youtube-dl -f mp4 --output youtube.mp4 '{}'".format(env,url_download)) return "youtube.mp4" def cleanup(): import pathlib import glob types = ('*.mp4','*.mp3', '*.wav') # the tuple of file types #Finding mp4 and wave files junks = [] for files in types: junks.extend(glob.glob(files)) try: # Deleting those files for junk in junks: print("Deleting",junk) # Setting the path for the file to delete file = pathlib.Path(junk) # Calling the unlink method on the path file.unlink() except Exception: print("I cannot delete the file because it is being used by another process") def clean_data(): # importing all necessary libraries import sys, os # initial directory home_dir = os.getcwd() # some non existing directory fd = 'sample_data/' # Join various path components path_to_clean=os.path.join(home_dir,fd) print("Path to clean:",path_to_clean) # trying to insert to false directory try: os.chdir(path_to_clean) print("Inside to clean", os.getcwd()) cleanup() # Caching the exception except: print("Something wrong with specified\ directory. Exception- ", sys.exc_info()) # handling with finally finally: print("Restoring the path") os.chdir(home_dir) print("Current directory is-", os.getcwd()) def youtube_trim(url,start,end): #cancel previous youtube cleanup() #download youtube #download_youtube(url) # with youtube-dl (slow) input_videos=download_video(url) # Get the current working directory parent_dir = os.getcwd() # Trim the video (start, end) seconds start = start end = end #Note: the trimmed video must have face on all frames #interval = end - start interval = time_between(start, end) #trimmed_video= parent_dir+'/sample_data/input_vid{}.mp4'.format(random.randint(0, 10000)) #trimmed_audio= parent_dir+'/sample_data/input_audio{}.mp3'.format(random.randint(0, 10000)) trimmed_video= parent_dir+'/sample_data/input_video.mp4' trimmed_audio= parent_dir+'/sample_data/input_audio.mp3' #delete trimmed if already exits clean_data() #call(["rm","-f",trimmed_audio]) #call(["rm","-f",trimmed_video]) #!rm -f {trimmed_video} # cut the video call(["ffmpeg","-y","-i",input_videos,"-ss", start,"-t",interval,"-async","1",trimmed_video]) #!ffmpeg -y -i youtube.mp4 -ss {start} -t {interval} -async 1 {trimmed_video} # cut the audio call(["ffmpeg","-i",trimmed_video, "-q:a", "0", "-map","a",trimmed_audio]) #Preview trimmed video #clear_output() print("Trimmed Video+Audio") return trimmed_video, trimmed_audio def create_video(Text,Voicetoclone): out_audio=greet(Text,Voicetoclone) current_dir=os.getcwd() clonned_audio = os.path.join(current_dir, out_audio) #Start Crunching and Preview Output #Note: Only change these, if you have to pad_top = 0#@param {type:"integer"} pad_bottom = 10#@param {type:"integer"} pad_left = 0#@param {type:"integer"} pad_right = 0#@param {type:"integer"} rescaleFactor = 1#@param {type:"integer"} nosmooth = False #@param {type:"boolean"} out_name ="result_voice_{}.mp4".format(random.randint(0, 10000)) out_file="../"+out_name if nosmooth == False: os.system('{} cd Wav2Lip && python --checkpoint_path checkpoints/wav2lip_gan.pth --face "../sample_data/input_video.mp4" --audio "../out/clonned_audio.wav" --outfile {} --pads {} {} {} {} --resize_factor {}'.format(env,out_file,pad_top ,pad_bottom ,pad_left ,pad_right ,rescaleFactor)) else: os.system('{} cd Wav2Lip && python --checkpoint_path checkpoints/wav2lip_gan.pth --face "../sample_data/input_video.mp4" --audio "../out/clonned_audio.wav" --outfile {} --pads {} {} {} {} --resize_factor {} --nosmooth'.format(env,out_file,pad_top ,pad_bottom ,pad_left ,pad_right ,rescaleFactor)) #clear_output() print("Creation of Video done") return out_name def time_format_check(input1): timeformat = "%H:%M:%S" #input1 = input("At what time did sensor 1 actuate? ") try: validtime = datetime.strptime(input1, timeformat) print("The time format is valid", input1) #Do your logic with validtime, which is a valid format return False except ValueError: print("The time {} has not valid format hh:mm:ss".format(input1)) return True def to_seconds(datetime_obj): from datetime import datetime time =datetime_obj date_time = datetime.strptime(time, "%H:%M:%S") a_timedelta = date_time - datetime(1900, 1, 1) seconds = a_timedelta.total_seconds() return seconds def validate_youtube(url): #This creates a youtube objet try: yt = YouTube(url) except Exception: print("Hi there URL seems invalid") return True, 0 #This will return the length of the video in sec as an int video_length = yt.length if video_length > 600: print("Your video is larger than 10 minutes") return True, video_length else: print("Your video is less than 10 minutes") return False, video_length def video_generator(text_to_say,url,initial_time,final_time): print('Checking the url',url) check1, video_length = validate_youtube(url) if check1 is True: return "./demo/tryagain2.mp4" check2 = validate_time(initial_time,final_time, video_length) if check2 is True: return "./demo/tryagain0.mp4" trimmed_video, trimmed_audio=youtube_trim(url,initial_time,final_time) voicetoclone=trimmed_audio print(voicetoclone) outvideo=create_video(text_to_say,voicetoclone) #Preview output video print("Final Video Preview") final_video= parent_dir+'/'+outvideo print("DONE") #showVideo(final_video) return final_video def validate_time(initial_time,final_time,video_length): is_wrong1=time_format_check(initial_time) is_wrong2=time_format_check(final_time) #print(is_wrong1,is_wrong2) if is_wrong1 is False and is_wrong2 is False: delta=time_between(initial_time,final_time) if len(str(delta)) > 8: print("Final Time is Smaller than Initial Time: t1>t2") is_wrong = True return is_wrong else: print("OK") is_wrong=False if int(to_seconds(delta)) > 300 : print("The trim is larger than 5 minutes") is_wrong = True return is_wrong elif int(to_seconds(delta)) > video_length : print("The trim is larger than video lenght") is_wrong = True return is_wrong else: return is_wrong else: print("Your time format is invalid") is_wrong = True return is_wrong #Definition Web App in Gradio text_to_say=gr.inputs.Textbox(label='What would you like the voice to say? (max. 2000 characters per request)') url =gr.inputs.Textbox(label = "Enter the YouTube URL below:") initial_time = gr.inputs.Textbox(label='Initial time of trim? (format: hh:mm:ss)') final_time= gr.inputs.Textbox(label='Final time to trim? (format: hh:mm:ss)') demo = gr.Interface(fn = video_generator, inputs = [text_to_say,url,initial_time,final_time], outputs = 'video', verbose = True, title = 'Video Speech Generator from Youtube Videos', description = 'A simple application that replaces the original speech of the video by your text. Wait one minute to process.', article = '''

All you need to do is to paste the Youtube link and set the initial time and final time of the real speach. (The limit of the trim is 5 minutes and not larger than video length) hit submit, then wait for compiling. After that click on Play/Pause for listing to the video. The video is saved in an mp4 format. For more information visit

''', examples = [['I am clonning your voice, Charles!. Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.', "", "00:00:01","00:00:10"], ['I am clonning your voice, Jim Carrey!. Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.', "", "00:00:29", "00:01:05"], ['I am clonning your voice, Mark Zuckerberg!. Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.', "", "00:00:11", "00:00:44"], ['I am clonning your voice, Ronald Reagan!. Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.', "", "00:01:03", "00:01:22"], ['I am clonning your voice, Elon Musk!. Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.', "", "00:00:10", "00:00:43"], ['I am clonning your voice, Hitler!. Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.', "", "00:00:15", "00:00:40"], ['I am clonning your voice, Alexandria!. Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.', "", "00:00:02", "00:00:30"], ['I am clonning your voice, Deborah!. Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.', "", "00:00:03", "00:0:44"], ] ) demo.launch()