import eventlet # Force eventlet to be used as the async mode for Flask-SocketIO eventlet.monkey_patch() from flask import Flask, render_template, request from flask_socketio import SocketIO, emit, join_room, leave_room import backend # Import backend functions import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import base64 from io import BytesIO import random import logging # Configure the logging level logging.getLogger('eventlet.wsgi.server').setLevel(logging.ERROR) app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'your_secret_key' socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode='eventlet') exams = backend.load_question_sets() # Load available exams selected_questions = [] # Global variable to store the selected questions current_question = {"index": 0, "answers": {}, "started": False} participants = {} @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html') @app.route('/client') def client(): return render_template('client.html') @app.route('/host') def host(): return render_template('host.html', exams=exams) @socketio.on('join') def on_join(data): username = data['username'] user_id_number = random.randint(1000, 9999) participants[request.sid] = {"user_id_number": user_id_number, "username": username, "score": 0} join_room('quiz') emit('update_participants', {"participants": participants, "count": len(participants)}, room='quiz') print(f"{username} (ID: {user_id_number}) joined the quiz.") @socketio.on('disconnect') def on_leave(): if request.sid in participants: username = participants[request.sid]["username"] leave_room('quiz') del participants[request.sid] emit('update_participants', {"participants": participants, "count": len(participants)}, room='quiz') print(f"{username} left the quiz.") @socketio.on('load_quiz') def load_quiz(data): global selected_questions, current_question exam_name = data['exam_name'] start_question = data.get('start_question', 1) - 1 # Default to question 1 if not provided selected_questions = backend.select_exam(exam_name) if selected_questions: num_questions = len(selected_questions) current_question['index'] = start_question # Set the starting question index emit('quiz_loaded', {"success": True, "num_questions": num_questions, "start_question": start_question + 1}, room=request.sid) else: emit('quiz_loaded', {"success": False}, room=request.sid) @socketio.on('start_quiz') def start_quiz(): if participants and selected_questions: current_question['started'] = True index = current_question['index'] # Use the selected starting question index if index < len(selected_questions): # Ensure index is within bounds question = selected_questions[index] # Send the starting question to all clients emit('new_question', {"question": question["question"], "options": question["options"], "index": index + 1}, room='quiz') emit('enable_end_quiz', room=request.sid) # Enable "End Quiz" for the host else: emit('error', {"message": "Starting question exceeds available questions."}, room=request.sid) @socketio.on('restart_quiz') def restart_quiz(): reset_quiz() emit('quiz_reset', room='quiz') start_quiz() @socketio.on('submit_answer') def receive_answer(data): username = participants[request.sid]["username"] answer = data['answer'] current_question['answers'][username] = answer print(f"{username} submitted an answer: {answer}") @socketio.on('check_answers') def check_answers(): index = current_question['index'] if index < len(selected_questions): question = selected_questions[index] correct_answer = question['correct'] results = { "question": question["question"], "answers": current_question["answers"], "correct_answer": correct_answer } chart_base64 = generate_chart(current_question["answers"], question["options"]) emit('display_results', {"results": results, "chart": chart_base64}, room='quiz') for sid, participant in participants.items(): if current_question['answers'].get(participant["username"]) == correct_answer: participants[sid]["score"] += 1 @socketio.on('next_question') def next_question(): current_question['index'] += 1 current_question['answers'] = {} if current_question['index'] < len(selected_questions): question = selected_questions[current_question['index']] emit('clear_results', room='quiz') emit('new_question', {"question": question["question"], "options": question["options"], "index": current_question['index'] + 1}, room='quiz') else: final_results = calculate_final_results() emit('display_final_results', final_results, room='quiz') @socketio.on('end_quiz') def end_quiz(): if current_question['started']: # Ensure the quiz has started before ending it final_results = calculate_final_results() emit('display_final_results', final_results, room='quiz') reset_quiz() # Reset the quiz state def generate_chart(answers, options): letters = [chr(65 + i) for i in range(len(options))] # Dynamically generate letters for options counts = [list(answers.values()).count(option) for option in options] plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4)), counts) plt.xlabel('Options') plt.ylabel('Number of Votes') plt.title('Results') buf = BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png') chart_base64 = base64.b64encode('utf-8') buf.close() plt.close() return chart_base64 def calculate_final_results(): sorted_scores = sorted(participants.values(), key=lambda x: x['score'], reverse=True) return [{"username": p["username"], "score": p["score"]} for p in sorted_scores] def reset_quiz(): global selected_questions, current_question current_question = {"index": 0, "answers": {}, "started": False} for participant in participants.values(): participant["score"] = 0 if __name__ == '__main__':, host='', port=7860, debug=False)