import cv2 import time from PIL import Image, ImageOps import numpy as np import streamlit as st import tensorflow as tf @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def load_model(): model=tf.keras.models.load_model('MN21.h5') return model with st.spinner('Model is being loaded..'): model=load_model() st.write("""# SaferNet with AI""") file = st.file_uploader("Please upload an image to classify", type=["jpg", "png", "jpeg"]) def import_and_predict(image_data, model): size = (224,224) image =, size, Image.ANTIALIAS) image = np.asarray(image) img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) #img_resize = (cv2.resize(img, dsize=(75, 75), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC))/255. img_reshape = np.reshape(img,(1,224,224,3)) st.write(img_reshape.shape) start = time.time() prediction = model.predict(img_reshape) end = time.time() time_take = end - start return prediction, time_take if file is None: st.text("Please upload an image file") else: image = st.image(image, use_column_width=True) predictions, time_take = import_and_predict(image, model) st.write("Time taken to predict is ", time_take, "second") st.write(predictions) st.write(predictions.shape) st.write('0,0',predictions[0][0]) st.write('0,1',predictions[0][1]) if predictions[0][0] < 0.5: st.write("This is SFW image :sunglasses:") else: st.write("This is NSFW image")