import math import os import sys from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import List from uuid import uuid4 import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as px import streamlit as st from numerize.numerize import numerize from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer from streamlit.elements.file_uploader import UploadedFile from streamlit_plotly_events import plotly_events from umap import UMAP sys.path.append(".") @dataclass class SessionKey: model: str = "model" figure_state: str = "figure_state" file: str = "file" df: str = "df" active_ids: str = "active_ids" fig: str = "fig" selected_points: str = "selected_points" has_xy: str = "has_xy" marker_size: str = "marker_size" color: str = "color" labels: str = "labels" label_assignments: str = "label_assignments" is_expanded: str = "is_expanded" default_index: str = "default_index" chosen_label: str = "chosen_label" label_select_key: str = "label_select_key" @dataclass class InternalCol: hovertext: str = "hovertext" x: str = "x" y: str = "y" INTERNAL_COLS = [InternalCol.hovertext, InternalCol.x, InternalCol.y] def get_export_df() -> pd.DataFrame: df2 = st.session_state[SessionKey.df].copy() id_label = st.session_state[SessionKey.label_assignments] df2["label"] = df2["id"].apply(lambda id_: id_label.get(id_, -1)) df2 = df2[df2["label"] != -1] cols = [c for c in df2.columns if c not in INTERNAL_COLS] return df2[cols] # os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "false" umap_model = UMAP(n_neighbors=15, random_state=42, verbose=True) st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.title("Laboratory 🧪") col1, col2 = st.columns([3, 4]) # The registered labels by the user if SessionKey.labels not in st.session_state: st.session_state[SessionKey.labels] = [] # The assigned labels {tuple of ids: label} if SessionKey.label_assignments not in st.session_state: st.session_state[SessionKey.label_assignments] = {} if SessionKey.label_select_key not in st.session_state: st.session_state[SessionKey.label_select_key] = uuid4() # Pre download the model if SessionKey.model not in st.session_state.keys(): SentenceTransformer("paraphrase-MiniLM-L3-v2") st.session_state[SessionKey.model] = True def reset_plotly_figure(force: bool = False) -> None: """Reload the plotly chart from scratch, remove all state We are using a tool called streamlit_plotly_events to capture and maintain selected points from a lasso select. The issue with the package is that there's no way (from what I can tell) to drop the state of the chart (the selected points). But sometimes (often) a user wants to refresh and remove the selected points. The package does come with a kwarg `key` which defines the `id` of the chart in case you want to have multiple to keep tabs of. So if we change the `id` of the chart, we can essentially refresh the chart and remove the selected points """ # The first time we call this, there won't be a figure state, but all subsequent # times there will be, so we include the `force` param to opt into "re-clearing" # the chart if SessionKey.figure_state not in st.session_state or force: st.session_state[SessionKey.figure_state] = str(uuid4()) def clear_state() -> None: """Clear the global state. Either when a new file is uploaded, or when the user wants to "start over" on their work """ for key in st.session_state.keys(): # No reason to delete the model, we have it downloaded and it doesn't change if key != SessionKey.model: del st.session_state[key] def reset_embeddings() -> None: """Reset the embeddings view to full dataframe Remove all global state that involves the embeddings or filters on the dataframe """ for key in [SessionKey.selected_points, SessionKey.fig, SessionKey.active_ids]: if key in st.session_state: del st.session_state[key] reset_plotly_figure(force=True) st.experimental_rerun() def get_dataframe_file() -> UploadedFile: file = st.sidebar.file_uploader( "Upload your CSV text file", type="csv", on_change=clear_state ) if SessionKey.file in st.session_state.keys(): return st.session_state[SessionKey.file] st.session_state[SessionKey.file] = file return file def apply_emb_model(text_chunk: List[str]) -> np.ndarray: model = SentenceTransformer("paraphrase-MiniLM-L3-v2") return model.encode(text_chunk) @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def get_text_embeddings(texts: List[str]) -> np.ndarray: return apply_emb_model(texts) # embs = [] # chunk_size = math.ceil(len(texts) / 10) # text_chunks = [texts[i : i + chunk_size] for i in range(0, len(texts), chunk_size)] # # with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as pool: # for text_chunk in text_chunks: # embs.append(pool.submit(apply_emb_model, text_chunk)) # # embs = [i.result() for i in embs] # return np.concatenate(embs) @st.cache(allow_output_mutation=True) def get_umap_embeddings(embs: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: return umap_model.fit_transform(embs) def add_umap_embeddings(df: pd.DataFrame, emb_xy: np.ndarray) -> pd.DataFrame: df["x"] = emb_xy[:, 0] df["y"] = emb_xy[:, 1] return df def clear_state_after_export() -> None: num_samples_exported = len(st.session_state[SessionKey.label_assignments])"Exported {num_samples_exported} labeled samples!", icon="ℹ️") clear_state() def export_label_assignments() -> None: if SessionKey.df in st.session_state and len(st.session_state[SessionKey.df]): df2 = get_export_df() st.sidebar.download_button( f"Download {numerize(len(df2))} samples", df2.to_csv(index=False).encode("utf-8"), file_name="export.csv", mime="text/csv", on_click=clear_state_after_export, ) def assign_label() -> None: """Saves a given label with a list of IDs to apply to""" key = st.session_state[SessionKey.label_select_key] chosen_label = st.session_state[key] ids_key = st.session_state[SessionKey.active_ids] if chosen_label in st.session_state[SessionKey.labels]: print(f"Setting {len(ids_key)} label to {chosen_label}") for id_key in ids_key: st.session_state[SessionKey.label_assignments][id_key] = chosen_label st.session_state[SessionKey.default_index] = 0 st.session_state[SessionKey.is_expanded] = False"{len(ids_key)} samples labeled {chosen_label}", icon="ℹ️") reset_plotly_figure(force=True) st.session_state[SessionKey.label_select_key] = uuid4() class Laboratory: def __init__(self) -> None: reset_plotly_figure() # On page refresh, we need to reload our stateful attributes via session state self.file = st.session_state.get(SessionKey.file) self.df = st.session_state.get(SessionKey.df) self.embs: np.ndarray = np.ndarray([]) self.umap_xy: np.ndarray = np.ndarray([]) self.selected_points: List[int] = [] self.ids = st.session_state.get(SessionKey.active_ids) self.force_new_fig = False self.sidebar() # We create the scatterplot and then refresh the app, so that it's the # first thing rendered. We need to do this because of the way that plotly_events # works. It stores the selected samples from the lasso, and we need to first # get those points and then filter the dataframe/embeddings based on them. if SessionKey.fig in st.session_state: with col2: self.plot_figure() if self.file: with col1: self.dataframe() with col2: self.embeddings() self.create_figure() def sidebar(self) -> None: self.file = get_dataframe_file() new_label = st.sidebar.text_input("Register Label") if new_label and new_label not in st.session_state[SessionKey.labels]: st.session_state[SessionKey.labels].append(new_label) # all_labels = st.sidebar.empty() with st.sidebar.expander("Current Labels"): for label in st.session_state[SessionKey.labels]: st.write(label) assigned = st.session_state.get(SessionKey.label_assignments) or {} if st.sidebar.button( f"Export {len(assigned)} Assigned labels", disabled=not assigned ): export_label_assignments() st.sidebar.markdown("---") # We don't want to be able to filter the dataframe until its fully processed self.search_term = st.sidebar.text_input( "Text Search", disabled=not st.session_state.get(SessionKey.has_xy, False) ) st.sidebar.markdown("---") if st.sidebar.button("Reset Selection"): # We want to clear all selected points as well as the figure, and rerun # the app. This will cause all lasso selections to go away and give us # a fresh embedding scatterplot print("exporting") reset_embeddings() default = st.session_state.get(SessionKey.marker_size, 2) st.session_state[SessionKey.marker_size] = st.sidebar.slider( "point size", min_value=1, max_value=20, value=default ) color_by = ["" default_index = color_by.index(default_color) color = st.sidebar.selectbox("Color By", color_by, index=default_index) st.session_state[SessionKey.color] = None if color == ""] + st.session_state[SessionKey.labels] st.selectbox( "Choose Label", avl_labels, key=st.session_state[SessionKey.label_select_key], on_change=assign_label, ) st.dataframe(self.df[showcols], height=800) def create_figure(self) -> None: p = px.scatter( self.df, x="x", y="y", color=st.session_state[SessionKey.color], hover_data=["hovertext"], ) p.update_traces(marker_size=st.session_state[SessionKey.marker_size]) # If there's no figure yet or it's changed, refresh and replot it if ( SessionKey.fig not in st.session_state or st.session_state[SessionKey.fig] != p ): st.session_state[SessionKey.fig] = p print("Forcing refresh") st.experimental_rerun() def plot_figure(self) -> None: st.subheader("Embeddings") st.session_state[SessionKey.selected_points] = plotly_events( st.session_state[SessionKey.fig], select_event=True, override_height=800, key=st.session_state[SessionKey.figure_state], ) def embeddings(self) -> None: # Only calculate the UMAP embeddings once for a given dataframe. If we've # already done it, save the `has_xy` state and don't recalculate if SessionKey.has_xy not in st.session_state and self.df is not None: progress = st.empty() progress.text("Getting embeddings for text") self.embs = get_text_embeddings(self.df.text.tolist()) progress.text("Applying UMAP") self.umap_xy = get_umap_embeddings(self.embs) progress.text("") self.df = add_umap_embeddings(self.df, self.umap_xy) st.session_state[SessionKey.df] = self.df # Set so we don't have to recalculate this on every interaction with the app st.session_state[SessionKey.has_xy] = True if __name__ == "__main__": Laboratory()