import torch.nn as nn import torch from torch.nn.functional import mse_loss # for NEW: losses when calculated on keypoint locations # see # from kornia.geometry import dsnt # old kornia version from kornia.geometry.subpix import dsnt # kornia 0.4.0 def joints_mse_loss_orig(output, target, target_weight=None): batch_size = output.size(0) num_joints = output.size(1) heatmaps_pred = output.view((batch_size, num_joints, -1)).split(1, 1) heatmaps_gt = target.view((batch_size, num_joints, -1)).split(1, 1) loss = 0 for idx in range(num_joints): heatmap_pred = heatmaps_pred[idx] heatmap_gt = heatmaps_gt[idx] if target_weight is None: loss += 0.5 * mse_loss(heatmap_pred, heatmap_gt, reduction='mean') else: loss += 0.5 * mse_loss( heatmap_pred.mul(target_weight[:, idx]), heatmap_gt.mul(target_weight[:, idx]), reduction='mean' ) return loss / num_joints class JointsMSELoss(nn.Module): def __init__(self, use_target_weight=True): super().__init__() self.use_target_weight = use_target_weight raise NotImplementedError def forward(self, output, target, target_weight): if not self.use_target_weight: target_weight = None return joints_mse_loss_orig(output, target, target_weight) # ----- NEW: losses when calculated on keypoint locations instead of keypoint heatmaps ----- def joints_mse_loss_onKPloc(output, target, meta, target_weight=None): # debugging: # for old kornia version # output_softmax_2d = dsnt.spatial_softmax_2d(target, temperature=torch.tensor(100)) # output_kp = dsnt.spatial_softargmax_2d(output_softmax_2d, normalized_coordinates=False) + 1 # print(output_kp[0]) # print(meta['tpts'][0]) # render gaussian # dsnt.render_gaussian_2d(meta['tpts'][0][0, :2].to('cpu'), torch.tensor(([5., 5.])).to('cpu'), [256, 256], False) # output_softmax_2d = dsnt.spatial_softmax_2d(output, temperature=torch.tensor(100)) # target_norm = target / target.sum(axis=3).sum(axis=2)[:, :, None, None] # output_softmax_2d = dsnt.spatial_softmax_2d(output*10) # (target, temperature=torch.tensor(10)) # output_kp = dsnt.spatial_softargmax_2d(target_norm, normalized_coordinates=False) + 1 # normalize target heatmap '''target_sum = target.sum(axis=3).sum(axis=2)[:, :, None, None] target_sum[target_sum==0] = 1e-2 target_norm = target / target_sum''' target_norm = target # now we have normalized heatmaps # normalize predictions -> from logits to probability distribution output_norm = dsnt.spatial_softmax2d(output, temperature=torch.tensor(1)) # heatmap loss (for normalization) heatmap_loss = joints_mse_loss_orig(output_norm, target_norm, target_weight) # keypoint distance loss (average distance in pixels) output_kp = dsnt.spatial_expectation2d(output_norm, normalized_coordinates=False) + 1 # (bs, 20, 2) target_kp = meta['tpts'].to(output_kp.device) # (bs, 20, 3) output_kp_resh = output_kp.reshape((-1, 2)) target_kp_resh = target_kp[:, :, :2].reshape((-1, 2)) weights_resh = target_kp[:, :, 2].reshape((-1)) # dist_loss = (((output_kp_resh - target_kp_resh)**2).sum(axis=1).sqrt()*weights_resh)[weights_resh>0].sum() / min(weights_resh[weights_resh>0].sum(), 1e-5) dist_loss = (((output_kp_resh - target_kp_resh)[weights_resh>0]**2).sum(axis=1).sqrt()*weights_resh[weights_resh>0]).sum() / max(weights_resh[weights_resh>0].sum(), 1e-5) # return heatmap_loss*100 # + 0.0001*dist_loss # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() '''import matplotlib as mpl mpl.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt img_np = output_norm[0, :, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)[:, :, :3] img_np = img_np * 255./ img_np.max() # plot image plt.imshow(img_np) plt.savefig('./debugging_output/test_output.png') plt.close() img_np = target_norm[0, :, :, :].detach().cpu().numpy().transpose(1, 2, 0)[:, :, :3] img_np = img_np * 255./ img_np.max() # plot image plt.imshow(img_np) plt.savefig('./debugging_output/test_gt.png') plt.close()''' # print(heatmap_loss*100) # print(dist_loss * 1e-4) # distlossonly: return dist_loss * 1e-4 # both: return dist_loss * 1e-4 + heatmap_loss*100 return dist_loss * 1e-4 + heatmap_loss*100 class JointsMSELoss_onKPloc(nn.Module): def __init__(self, use_target_weight=True): super().__init__() self.use_target_weight = use_target_weight def forward(self, output, target, target_weight): if not self.use_target_weight: target_weight = None return joints_mse_loss_onKPloc(output, target, meta, target_weight) # ----- NEW: lsegmentation loss ----- import torch.nn.functional as F '''def resize2d(img, size): return (F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(Variable(img,volatile=True), size)).data # F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(meta['silh'], (64,64))).data''' def segmentation_loss(output, meta): # output: (6, 2, 64, 64) # meta.keys(): ['index', 'center', 'scale', 'pts', 'tpts', 'target_weight', 'breed_index', 'silh'] # prepare target silhouettes target_silh = meta['silh'] target_silh_l = criterion_ce = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() if output.shape[2] == 64: target_silh_64 = F.adaptive_avg_pool2d(target_silh, (64,64)) target_silh_64[target_silh_64>0.5] = 1 target_silh_64[target_silh_64<=0.5] = 0 target_silh_64_l = loss_silh_64 = criterion_ce(output, target_silh_64_l) # 0.7 return loss_silh_64 else: loss_silh_l = criterion_ce(output, target_silh_l) # 0.7 return loss_silh_l