import os import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning) import pandas as pd import difflib import json import pickle as pkl import csv import numpy as np # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # class DogBreed(object): def __init__(self, abbrev, name_akc=None, name_stanext=None, name_xlsx=None, path_akc=None, path_stanext=None, ind_in_xlsx=None, ind_in_xlsx_matrix=None, ind_in_stanext=None, clade=None): self._abbrev = abbrev self._name_xlsx = name_xlsx self._name_akc = name_akc self._name_stanext = name_stanext self._path_stanext = path_stanext self._additional_names = set() if self._name_akc is not None: self.add_akc_info(name_akc, path_akc) if self._name_stanext is not None: self.add_stanext_info(name_stanext, path_stanext, ind_in_stanext) if self._name_xlsx is not None: self.add_xlsx_info(name_xlsx, ind_in_xlsx, ind_in_xlsx_matrix, clade) def add_xlsx_info(self, name_xlsx, ind_in_xlsx, ind_in_xlsx_matrix, clade): assert (name_xlsx is not None) and (ind_in_xlsx is not None) and (ind_in_xlsx_matrix is not None) and (clade is not None) self._name_xlsx = name_xlsx self._ind_in_xlsx = ind_in_xlsx self._ind_in_xlsx_matrix = ind_in_xlsx_matrix self._clade = clade def add_stanext_info(self, name_stanext, path_stanext, ind_in_stanext): assert (name_stanext is not None) and (path_stanext is not None) and (ind_in_stanext is not None) self._name_stanext = name_stanext self._path_stanext = path_stanext self._ind_in_stanext = ind_in_stanext def add_akc_info(self, name_akc, path_akc): assert (name_akc is not None) and (path_akc is not None) self._name_akc = name_akc self._path_akc = path_akc def add_additional_names(self, name_list): self._additional_names = self._additional_names.union(set(name_list)) def add_text_info(self, text_height, text_weight, text_life_exp): self._text_height = text_height self._text_weight = text_weight self._text_life_exp = text_life_exp def get_datasets(self): # all datasets in which this breed is found datasets = set() if self._name_akc is not None: datasets.add('akc') if self._name_stanext is not None: datasets.add('stanext') if self._name_xlsx is not None: datasets.add('xlsx') return datasets def get_names(self): # set of names for this breed names = {self._abbrev, self._name_akc, self._name_stanext, self._name_xlsx, self._path_stanext}.union(self._additional_names) names.discard(None) return names def get_names_as_pointing_dict(self): # each name points to the abbreviation names = self.get_names() my_dict = {} for name in names: my_dict[name] = self._abbrev return my_dict def print_overview(self): # print important information to get an overview of the class instance if self._name_akc is not None: name = self._name_akc elif self._name_xlsx is not None: name = self._name_xlsx else: name = self._name_stanext print('----------------------------------------------------') print('----- dog breed: ' + name ) print('----------------------------------------------------') print('[names]') print(self.get_names()) print('[datasets]') print(self.get_datasets()) # see print('[instance attributes]') for attribute, value in self.__dict__.items(): print(attribute, '=', value) def use_dict_to_save_class_instance(self): my_dict = {} for attribute, value in self.__dict__.items(): my_dict[attribute] = value return my_dict def use_dict_to_load_class_instance(self, my_dict): for attribute, value in my_dict.items(): setattr(self, attribute, value) return # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def get_name_list_from_summary(summary): name_from_abbrev_dict = {} for breed in summary.values(): abbrev = breed._abbrev all_names = breed.get_names() name_from_abbrev_dict[abbrev] = list(all_names) return name_from_abbrev_dict def get_partial_summary(summary, part): assert part in ['xlsx', 'akc', 'stanext'] partial_summary = {} for key, value in summary.items(): if (part == 'xlsx' and value._name_xlsx is not None) \ or (part == 'akc' and value._name_akc is not None) \ or (part == 'stanext' and value._name_stanext is not None): partial_summary[key] = value return partial_summary def get_akc_but_not_stanext_partial_summary(summary): partial_summary = {} for key, value in summary.items(): if value._name_akc is not None: if value._name_stanext is None: partial_summary[key] = value return partial_summary # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def main_load_dog_breed_classes(path_complete_abbrev_dict_v1, path_complete_summary_breeds_v1): with open(path_complete_abbrev_dict_v1, 'rb') as file: complete_abbrev_dict = pkl.load(file) with open(path_complete_summary_breeds_v1, 'rb') as file: complete_summary_breeds_attributes_only = pkl.load(file) complete_summary_breeds = {} for key, value in complete_summary_breeds_attributes_only.items(): attributes_only = complete_summary_breeds_attributes_only[key] complete_summary_breeds[key] = DogBreed(abbrev=attributes_only['_abbrev']) complete_summary_breeds[key].use_dict_to_load_class_instance(attributes_only) return complete_abbrev_dict, complete_summary_breeds # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def load_similarity_matrix_raw(xlsx_path): # --- LOAD EXCEL FILE FROM DOG BREED PAPER xlsx = pd.read_excel(xlsx_path) # create an array abbrev_indices = {} matrix_raw = np.zeros((168, 168)) for ind in range(1, 169): abbrev = xlsx[xlsx.columns[2]][ind] abbrev_indices[abbrev] = ind-1 for ind_col in range(0, 168): for ind_row in range(0, 168): matrix_raw[ind_col, ind_row] = float(xlsx[xlsx.columns[3+ind_col]][1+ind_row]) return matrix_raw, abbrev_indices # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # load the (in advance created) final dict of dog breed classes ROOT_PATH_BREED_DATA = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '..', '..', '..', 'data', 'breed_data') path_complete_abbrev_dict_v1 = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH_BREED_DATA, 'complete_abbrev_dict_v2.pkl') path_complete_summary_breeds_v1 = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH_BREED_DATA, 'complete_summary_breeds_v2.pkl') COMPLETE_ABBREV_DICT, COMPLETE_SUMMARY_BREEDS = main_load_dog_breed_classes(path_complete_abbrev_dict_v1, path_complete_summary_breeds_v1) # load similarity matrix, data from: # Parker H. G., Dreger D. L., Rimbault M., Davis B. W., Mullen A. B., Carpintero-Ramirez G., and Ostrander E. A. # Genomic analyses reveal the influence of geographic origin, migration, and hybridization on modern dog breed # development. Cell Reports, 4(19):697–708, 2017. xlsx_path = os.path.join(ROOT_PATH_BREED_DATA, 'NIHMS866262-supplement-2.xlsx') SIM_MATRIX_RAW, SIM_ABBREV_INDICES = load_similarity_matrix_raw(xlsx_path)