import logging import gradio as gr import numpy as np log = logging.getLogger('filter methods') logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) def filter_docs_by_meta(docs, filter_dict): """ Filter documents by multiple parameters Parameters: docs : List[langchain.schema.Document] filter_dict : Dict[str, Any] Returns: List of filtered documents Examples: docs = [langchain.schema.Document(metadata={'a': 1, 'b': 2}, text='text1') langchain.schema.Document(metadata={'a': 1, 'b': 3}, text='text2')] filter_dict = {'a': 1} filter_docs_by_meta(docs, filter_dict) [langchain.schema.Document(metadata={'a': 1, 'b': 2}, text='text1')] docs = [langchain.schema.Document(metadata={'a': 1, 'b': 2}, text='text1') langchain.schema.Document(metadata={'a': 1, 'b': 3}, text='text2')] filter_dict = {'a': 1, 'b': 2} filter_docs_by_meta(docs, filter_dict) [langchain.schema.Document(metadata={'a': 1, 'b': 2}, text='text1')] """ filtered_docs = [] for doc in docs: append = True for key, value in filter_dict.items(): if doc.metadata[key] != value: append = False break if append: filtered_docs.append(doc) return filtered_docs def search_with_filter(vector_store, query, filter_dict, target_k=5, init_k=100, step=50): """ Expand search with filter until reaching at least a pre-determined number of documents. ---------- Parameters vector_store : langchain.vectorstores.FAISS The FAISS vector store. query : str The query to search for. filter_dict : Dict[str, Any] The parameters to filer for target_k : int The minimum number of documents desired after filtering init_k : int The top-k documents to extract for the initial search. step : int The size of the step when enlarging the search. Returns: List of at least target_k Documents for post-processing. """ context = filter_docs_by_meta(vector_store.similarity_search(query, k=init_k), filter_dict) len_docs_begin = len(context) if len_docs_begin >= target_k:'Initial search contains {len_docs_begin} documents. Expansion not required. ') return context CUT_THE_LOOP_N = 500 for top_k_docs in np.arange(init_k, CUT_THE_LOOP_N * init_k, step):'Context contains {len(context)} documents')'Expanding search with k={top_k_docs}') context = filter_docs_by_meta(vector_store.similarity_search(query, k=int(top_k_docs)), filter_dict) if len(context) >= target_k:'Success. Context contains {len(context)} documents matching the filtering criteria') return context'Failed to reach target number of documents after {CUT_THE_LOOP_N} loops,' f' context contains {len(context)} documents matching the filtering criteria') return context