import gradio as gr def print_board(tablero): output = "" for i in range(len(tablero)): for j in range(len(tablero[0])): if j == 8: output += str(tablero[i][j]) + "\n" else: output += str(tablero[i][j]) + " " return output def resolver(tablero): buscar = buscar_vacio(tablero) if not buscar: return True else: fila, columna = buscar for i in range(1,10): if es_valido(tablero, i, (fila, columna)): tablero[fila][columna] = i if resolver(tablero): return True tablero[fila][columna] = 0 return False def es_valido(tablero, num, pos): # Comprobar fila for i in range(len(tablero[0])): if tablero[pos[0]][i] == num and pos[1] != i: return False # Comprobar columna for i in range(len(tablero)): if tablero[i][pos[1]] == num and pos[0] != i: return False # Comprobar cuadrado caja_x = pos[1] // 3 caja_y = pos[0] // 3 for i in range(caja_y*3, caja_y*3 + 3): for j in range(caja_x * 3, caja_x*3 + 3): if tablero[i][j] == num and (i,j) != pos: return False return True def buscar_vacio(tablero): for i in range(len(tablero)): for j in range(len(tablero[0])): if tablero[i][j] == 0: return (i, j) # fila, columna return None def function(cadena): tablero = [] for i in range(0, 81, 9): row = [int(num) for num in cadena[i:i+9]] tablero.append(row) resolver(tablero) return print_board(tablero) value1 = gr.Textbox(lines=2, label="Sudoku", placeholder="Ingrese la cadena del sudoku") value2 = gr.Textbox(lines=10, label="SoluciĆ³n", placeholder="SoluciĆ³n...") examples=[ ["400030000000600800000000001000050090080000600070200000000102700503000040900000000"], ["708000300000201000500000000040000026300080000000100090090600004000070500000000000"], ["708000300000601000500000000040000026300080000000100090090200004000070500000000000"], ["307040000000000091800000000400000700000160000000250000000000380090000500020600000"], ["500700600003800000000000200620400000000000091700000000000035080400000100000090000"], ["400700600003800000000000200620500000000000091700000000000043080500000100000090000"], ["040010200000009070010000000000430600800000050000200000705008000000600300900000000"], ["705000002000401000300000000010600400200050000000000090000370000080000600090000080"], ["000000410900300000300050000048007000000000062010000000600200005070000800000090000"], ["780400120600075009000601078007040260001050930904060005070300012120007400049206007"]] demo = gr.Interface( fn=function, inputs=value1, outputs=value2, title="Resolver Sudoku", examples=examples, description="Resuelve un Sudoku a partir de una cadena" ) demo.launch(debug=True)