import re import gradio as gr from chessfenbot.chessboard_finder import findGrayscaleTilesInImage from chessfenbot.tensorflow_chessbot import ChessboardPredictor from chessfenbot.helper_functions import shortenFEN def predict(img, active="w"): """ main predict function for gradio. Predict a chessboard FEN. Wraps model from Args: img (PIL image): input image of a chess board active (str): defaults to "w" """ # Look for chessboard in image, get corners and split chessboard into tiles tiles, corners = findGrayscaleTilesInImage(img) # Initialize predictor, takes a while, but only needed once predictor = ChessboardPredictor(frozen_graph_path='chessfenbot/saved_models/frozen_graph.pb') fen, tile_certainties = predictor.getPrediction(tiles) predictor.close() short_fen = shortenFEN(fen) # Use the worst case certainty as our final uncertainty score certainty = tile_certainties.min() print('Per-tile certainty:') print(tile_certainties) print("Certainty range [%g - %g], Avg: %g" % ( tile_certainties.min(), tile_certainties.max(), tile_certainties.mean())) # predicted FEN fen_out = f"{short_fen} {active} - - 0 1" # certainty certainty = "%.1f%%" % (certainty*100) # link to analysis board on Lichess lichess_link = f'{re.sub(" ", "_", fen_out)}' return fen_out, certainty, lichess_link gr.Interface( predict, inputs=gr.inputs.Image(label="Upload chess board", type="pil"), outputs=[ gr.Textbox(label="FEN"), gr.Textbox(label="certainty"), gr.Textbox(label="Link to Lichess analysis board (copy and paste into URL)"), ], title="Chess FEN bot", examples=["chessfenbot/example_input.png"], description="Simple wrapper around TensorFlow Chessbot (" ).launch()