""" bilibili_api.ass 有关 ASS 文件的操作 """ import os from tempfile import gettempdir from typing import Union, Optional from .video import Video from .bangumi import Episode from .cheese import CheeseVideo from .utils.srt2ass import srt2ass from .utils.json2srt import json2srt from .utils.credential import Credential from .utils.danmaku2ass import Danmaku2ASS from .utils.network import get_session from .exceptions.ArgsException import ArgsException def export_ass_from_xml( file_local, output_local, stage_size, font_name, font_size, alpha, fly_time, static_time, ) -> None: """ 以一个 XML 文件创建 ASS 一定看清楚 Arguments! Args: file_local (str) : 文件输入 output_local (str) : 文件输出 stage_size (tuple(int)): 视频大小 font_name (str) : 字体 font_size (float) : 字体大小 alpha (float) : 透明度(0-1) fly_time (float) : 滚动弹幕持续时间 static_time (float) : 静态弹幕持续时间 """ Danmaku2ASS( input_files=file_local, input_format="Bilibili", output_file=output_local, stage_width=stage_size[0], stage_height=stage_size[1], reserve_blank=0, font_face=font_name, font_size=font_size, text_opacity=alpha, duration_marquee=fly_time, duration_still=static_time, ) def export_ass_from_srt(file_local, output_local) -> None: """ 转换 srt 至 ass Args: file_local (str): 文件位置 output_local (str): 输出位置 """ srt2ass(file_local, output_local, "movie") def export_ass_from_json(file_local, output_local) -> None: """ 转换 json 至 ass Args: file_local (str): 文件位置 output_local (str): 输出位置 """ json2srt(file_local, output_local.replace(".ass", ".srt")) srt2ass(output_local.replace(".ass", ".srt"), output_local, "movie") os.remove(output_local.replace(".ass", ".srt")) async def make_ass_file_subtitle( obj: Union[Video, Episode], page_index: Optional[int] = 0, cid: Optional[int] = None, out: Optional[str] = "test.ass", lan_name: Optional[str] = "中文(自动生成)", lan_code: Optional[str] = "ai-zh", credential: Credential = Credential(), ) -> None: """ 生成视频字幕文件 Args: obj (Union[Video,Episode]): 对象 page_index (int, optional) : 分 P 索引 cid (int, optional) : cid out (str, optional) : 输出位置. Defaults to "test.ass". lan_name (str, optional) : 字幕名,如”中文(自动生成)“,是简介的 subtitle 项的'list'项中的弹幕的'lan_doc'属性。Defaults to "中文(自动生成)". lan_code (str, optional) : 字幕语言代码,如 ”中文(自动翻译)” 和 ”中文(自动生成)“ 为 "ai-zh" credential (Credential) : Credential 类. 必须在此处或传入的视频 obj 中传入凭据,两者均存在则优先此处 """ # 目测必须得有 Credential 才能获取字幕 if credential.has_sessdata(): obj.credential = credential elif not obj.credential.has_sessdata(): raise credential.raise_for_no_sessdata() if isinstance(obj, Episode): info = await obj.get_player_info(cid=await obj.get_cid(), epid=obj.get_epid()) else: if cid == None: if page_index == None: raise ArgsException("page_index 和 cid 至少提供一个。") cid = await obj.get_cid(page_index=page_index) info = await obj.get_player_info(cid=cid) json_files = info["subtitle"]["subtitles"] for subtitle in json_files: if subtitle["lan_doc"] == lan_name or subtitle["lan"] == lan_code: url = subtitle["subtitle_url"] if isinstance(obj, Episode) or "https:" not in url: url = "https:" + url req = await get_session().request("GET", url) file_dir = gettempdir() + "/" + "subtitle.json" with open(file_dir, "wb") as f: f.write(req.content) export_ass_from_json(file_dir, out) return raise ValueError("没有找到指定字幕") async def make_ass_file_danmakus_protobuf( obj: Union[Video, Episode, CheeseVideo], page: int = 0, out="test.ass", cid: Union[int, None] = None, credential: Union[Credential, None] = None, date=None, font_name="Simsun", font_size=25.0, alpha=1, fly_time=7, static_time=5, ) -> None: """ 生成视频弹幕文件 来源:protobuf Args: obj (Union[Video,Episode,CheeseVideo]) : 对象 page (int, optional) : 分 P 号. Defaults to 0. out (str, optional) : 输出文件. Defaults to "test.ass" cid (int | None, optional) : cid. Defaults to None. credential (Credential | None, optional) : 凭据. Defaults to None. date (datetime.date, optional) : 获取时间. Defaults to None. font_name (str, optional) : 字体. Defaults to "Simsun". font_size (float, optional) : 字体大小. Defaults to 25.0. alpha (float, optional) : 透明度(0-1). Defaults to 1. fly_time (float, optional) : 滚动弹幕持续时间. Defaults to 7. static_time (float, optional) : 静态弹幕持续时间. Defaults to 5. """ credential = credential if credential else Credential() if date: credential.raise_for_no_sessdata() if isinstance(obj, Video): v = obj if isinstance(obj, Episode): cid = 0 else: if cid is None: if page is None: raise ArgsException("page_index 和 cid 至少提供一个。") # type: ignore cid = await v._Video__get_cid_by_index(page) try: info = await v.get_info() except: info = {"dimension": {"width": 1440, "height": 1080}} width = info["dimension"]["width"] height = info["dimension"]["height"] if width == 0: width = 1440 if height == 0: height = 1080 stage_size = (width, height) if isinstance(obj, Episode): danmakus = await v.get_danmakus() else: danmakus = await v.get_danmakus(cid=cid, date=date) # type: ignore elif isinstance(obj, CheeseVideo): stage_size = (1440, 1080) danmakus = await obj.get_danmakus() else: raise ValueError("请传入 Video/Episode/CheeseVideo 类!") with open(gettempdir() + "/danmaku_temp.xml", "w+", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write("") for d in danmakus: file.write(d.to_xml()) file.write("") export_ass_from_xml( gettempdir() + "/danmaku_temp.xml", out, stage_size, font_name, font_size, alpha, fly_time, static_time, ) async def make_ass_file_danmakus_xml( obj: Union[Video, Episode, CheeseVideo], page: int = 0, out="test.ass", cid: Union[int, None] = None, font_name="Simsun", font_size=25.0, alpha=1, fly_time=7, static_time=5, ) -> None: """ 生成视频弹幕文件 来源:xml Args: obj (Union[Video,Episode,Cheese]): 对象 page (int, optional) : 分 P 号. Defaults to 0. out (str, optional) : 输出文件. Defaults to "test.ass". cid (int | None, optional) : cid. Defaults to None. font_name (str, optional) : 字体. Defaults to "Simsun". font_size (float, optional) : 字体大小. Defaults to 25.0. alpha (float, optional) : 透明度(0-1). Defaults to 1. fly_time (float, optional) : 滚动弹幕持续时间. Defaults to 7. static_time (float, optional) : 静态弹幕持续时间. Defaults to 5. """ if isinstance(obj, Video): v = obj if isinstance(obj, Episode): cid = 0 else: if cid is None: if page is None: raise ArgsException("page_index 和 cid 至少提供一个。") cid = await v._Video__get_cid_by_index(page) # type: ignore try: info = await v.get_info() except: info = {"dimension": {"width": 1440, "height": 1080}} width = info["dimension"]["width"] height = info["dimension"]["height"] if width == 0: width = 1440 if height == 0: height = 1080 stage_size = (width, height) if isinstance(obj, Episode): xml_content = await v.get_danmaku_xml() else: xml_content = await v.get_danmaku_xml(cid=cid) # type: ignore elif isinstance(obj, CheeseVideo): stage_size = (1440, 1080) xml_content = await obj.get_danmaku_xml() else: raise ValueError("请传入 Video/Episode/CheeseVideo 类!") with open(gettempdir() + "/danmaku_temp.xml", "w+", encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(xml_content) export_ass_from_xml( gettempdir() + "/danmaku_temp.xml", out, stage_size, font_name, font_size, alpha, fly_time, static_time, )