""" bilibili_api.utils.network 与网络请求相关的模块。能对会话进行管理(复用 TCP 连接)。 """ import re import json import time import atexit import asyncio import hashlib import hmac from functools import reduce from urllib.parse import urlencode from dataclasses import field, dataclass from typing import Any, Dict, Union, Coroutine, Type from inspect import iscoroutinefunction as isAsync from urllib.parse import quote import httpx import aiohttp from .sync import sync from .. import settings from .utils import get_api from .credential import Credential from ..exceptions import ApiException, ResponseCodeException, NetworkException __httpx_session_pool: Dict[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, httpx.AsyncClient] = {} __aiohttp_session_pool: Dict[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, aiohttp.ClientSession] = {} __httpx_sync_session: httpx.Client = None last_proxy = "" wbi_mixin_key = "" buvid3 = "" # 获取密钥时的申必数组 OE = [ 46, 47, 18, 2, 53, 8, 23, 32, 15, 50, 10, 31, 58, 3, 45, 35, 27, 43, 5, 49, 33, 9, 42, 19, 29, 28, 14, 39, 12, 38, 41, 13, 37, 48, 7, 16, 24, 55, 40, 61, 26, 17, 0, 1, 60, 51, 30, 4, 22, 25, 54, 21, 56, 59, 6, 63, 57, 62, 11, 36, 20, 34, 44, 52, ] # 使用 Referer 和 UA 请求头以绕过反爬虫机制 HEADERS = { "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/116.0.1938.54", "Referer": "https://www.bilibili.com", } API = get_api("credential") def retry_sync(times: int = 3): """ 重试装饰器 Args: times (int): 最大重试次数 默认 3 次 负数则一直重试直到成功 Returns: Any: 原函数调用结果 """ def wrapper(func): def inner(*args, **kwargs): # 这里必须新建一个变量用来计数!!不能直接对 times 操作!!! nonlocal times loop = times while loop != 0: if loop != times and settings.request_log: settings.logger.info("第 %d 次重试", times - loop) loop -= 1 try: return func(*args, **kwargs) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: # json 解析错误 说明数据获取有误 再给次机会 continue except ResponseCodeException as e: # -403 时尝试重新获取 wbi_mixin_key 可能过期了 if e.code == -403: global wbi_mixin_key wbi_mixin_key = "" continue # 不是 -403 错误直接报错 raise raise ApiException("重试达到最大次数") return inner return wrapper def retry(times: int = 3): """ 重试装饰器 Args: times (int): 最大重试次数 默认 3 次 负数则一直重试直到成功 Returns: Any: 原函数调用结果 """ def wrapper(func: Coroutine): async def inner(*args, **kwargs): # 这里必须新建一个变量用来计数!!不能直接对 times 操作!!! nonlocal times loop = times while loop != 0: if loop != times and settings.request_log: settings.logger.info("第 %d 次重试", times - loop) loop -= 1 try: return await func(*args, **kwargs) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: # json 解析错误 说明数据获取有误 再给次机会 continue except ResponseCodeException as e: # -403 时尝试重新获取 wbi_mixin_key 可能过期了 if e.code == -403: global wbi_mixin_key wbi_mixin_key = "" continue # 不是 -403 错误直接报错 raise raise ApiException("重试达到最大次数") return inner if isAsync(times): # 防呆不防傻 防止有人 @retry() 不打括号 func = times times = 3 return wrapper(func) return wrapper @dataclass class Api: """ 用于请求的 Api 类 Args: url (str): 请求地址 method (str): 请求方法 comment (str, optional): 注释. Defaults to "". wbi (bool, optional): 是否使用 wbi 鉴权. Defaults to False. verify (bool, optional): 是否验证凭据. Defaults to False. no_csrf (bool, optional): 是否不使用 csrf. Defaults to False. json_body (bool, optional): 是否使用 json 作为载荷. Defaults to False. ignore_code (bool, optional): 是否忽略返回值 code 的检验. Defaults to False. data (dict, optional): 请求载荷. Defaults to {}. params (dict, optional): 请求参数. Defaults to {}. credential (Credential, optional): 凭据. Defaults to Credential(). """ url: str method: str comment: str = "" wbi: bool = False verify: bool = False no_csrf: bool = False json_body: bool = False ignore_code: bool = False data: dict = field(default_factory=dict) params: dict = field(default_factory=dict) files: dict = field(default_factory=dict) headers: dict = field(default_factory=dict) credential: Credential = field(default_factory=Credential) def __post_init__(self) -> None: self.method = self.method.upper() self.original_data = self.data.copy() self.original_params = self.params.copy() self.data = {k: "" for k in self.data.keys()} self.params = {k: "" for k in self.params.keys()} self.files = {k: "" for k in self.files.keys()} self.headers = {k: "" for k in self.headers.keys()} if self.credential is None: self.credential = Credential() self.__result = None def __setattr__(self, __name: str, __value: Any) -> None: """ 每次更新参数都要把 __result 清除 """ if self.initialized and __name != "_Api__result": self.__result = None return super().__setattr__(__name, __value) @property def initialized(self): return "_Api__result" in self.__dict__ @property async def result(self) -> Union[int, str, dict]: """ 异步获取请求结果 `self.__result` 用来暂存数据 参数不变时获取结果不变 """ if self.__result is None: self.__result = await self.request() return self.__result @property def result_sync(self) -> Union[int, str, dict]: """ 通过 `sync` 同步获取请求结果 一般用于非协程内同步获取数据 `self.__result` 用来暂存数据 参数不变时获取结果不变 """ if self.__result is None: self.__result = self.request_sync() return self.__result def update_data(self, **kwargs) -> "Api": """ 毫无亮点的更新 data """ self.data = kwargs self.__result = None return self def update_params(self, **kwargs) -> "Api": """ 毫无亮点的更新 params """ self.params = kwargs self.__result = None return self def update_files(self, **kwargs) -> "Api": """ 毫无亮点的更新 files """ self.files = kwargs self.__result = None return self def update_headers(self, **kwargs) -> "Api": """ 毫无亮点的更新 headers """ self.headers = kwargs self.__result = None return self def update(self, **kwargs) -> "Api": """ 毫无亮点的自动选择更新,不包括 files, headers """ if self.method == "GET": return self.update_params(**kwargs) else: return self.update_data(**kwargs) def _prepare_params_data(self) -> None: new_params, new_data = {}, {} for key, value in self.params.items(): if isinstance(value, bool): new_params[key] = int(value) elif value != None: new_params[key] = value for key, value in self.data.items(): if isinstance(value, bool): new_params[key] = int(value) elif value != None: new_data[key] = value self.params, self.data = new_params, new_data def _prepare_request_sync(self, **kwargs) -> dict: """ 准备请求的配置参数 Args: **kwargs: 其他额外的请求配置参数 Returns: dict: 包含请求的配置参数 """ # 如果接口需要 Credential 且未传入则报错 (默认值为 Credential()) if self.verify: self.credential.raise_for_no_sessdata() # 请求为非 GET 且 no_csrf 不为 True 时要求 bili_jct if self.method != "GET" and not self.no_csrf: self.credential.raise_for_no_bili_jct() if settings.request_log: settings.logger.info(self) # jsonp if self.params.get("jsonp") == "jsonp": self.params["callback"] = "callback" if self.wbi: global wbi_mixin_key if wbi_mixin_key == "": wbi_mixin_key = get_mixin_key_sync() enc_wbi(self.params, wbi_mixin_key) # 自动添加 csrf if ( not self.no_csrf and self.verify and self.method in ["POST", "DELETE", "PATCH"] ): self.data["csrf"] = self.credential.bili_jct self.data["csrf_token"] = self.credential.bili_jct cookies = self.credential.get_cookies() if self.credential.buvid3 is None: global buvid3 if buvid3 == "" and self.url != API["info"]["spi"]["url"]: buvid3 = get_spi_buvid_sync()["b_3"] cookies["buvid3"] = buvid3 else: cookies["buvid3"] = self.credential.buvid3 # cookies["Domain"] = ".bilibili.com" config = { "url": self.url, "method": self.method, "data": self.data, "params": self.params, "files": self.files, "cookies": cookies, "headers": HEADERS.copy() if len(self.headers) == 0 else self.headers, "timeout": settings.timeout, } config.update(kwargs) if self.json_body: config["headers"]["Content-Type"] = "application/json" config["data"] = json.dumps(config["data"]) return config async def _prepare_request(self, **kwargs) -> dict: """ 准备请求的配置参数 Args: **kwargs: 其他额外的请求配置参数 Returns: dict: 包含请求的配置参数 """ # 如果接口需要 Credential 且未传入则报错 (默认值为 Credential()) if self.verify: self.credential.raise_for_no_sessdata() # 请求为非 GET 且 no_csrf 不为 True 时要求 bili_jct if self.method != "GET" and not self.no_csrf: self.credential.raise_for_no_bili_jct() if settings.request_log: settings.logger.info(self) # jsonp if self.params.get("jsonp") == "jsonp": self.params["callback"] = "callback" if self.wbi: global wbi_mixin_key if wbi_mixin_key == "": wbi_mixin_key = await get_mixin_key() enc_wbi(self.params, wbi_mixin_key) # 自动添加 csrf if ( not self.no_csrf and self.verify and self.method in ["POST", "DELETE", "PATCH"] ): self.data["csrf"] = self.credential.bili_jct self.data["csrf_token"] = self.credential.bili_jct cookies = self.credential.get_cookies() if self.credential.buvid3 is None: global buvid3 if buvid3 == "" and self.url != API["info"]["spi"]["url"]: buvid3 = (await get_spi_buvid())["b_3"] cookies["buvid3"] = buvid3 else: cookies["buvid3"] = self.credential.buvid3 # cookies["Domain"] = ".bilibili.com" config = { "url": self.url, "method": self.method, "data": self.data, "params": self.params, "files": self.files, "cookies": cookies, "headers": HEADERS.copy() if len(self.headers) == 0 else self.headers, "timeout": settings.timeout if settings.http_client == settings.HTTPClient.HTTPX else aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=settings.timeout), } config.update(kwargs) if self.json_body: config["headers"]["Content-Type"] = "application/json" config["data"] = json.dumps(config["data"]) if settings.http_client == settings.HTTPClient.AIOHTTP and not self.json_body: config["data"].update(config["files"]) if config["data"] != {}: data = aiohttp.FormData() for key, val in config["data"].items(): data.add_field(key, val) config["data"] = data config.pop("files") if settings.proxy != "": config["proxy"] = settings.proxy elif settings.http_client == settings.HTTPClient.AIOHTTP: # 舍去 files config.pop("files") return config def _get_resp_text_sync(self, resp: httpx.Response): return resp.text async def _get_resp_text(self, resp: Union[httpx.Response, aiohttp.ClientResponse]): if isinstance(resp, httpx.Response): return resp.text else: return await resp.text() @retry_sync(times=settings.wbi_retry_times) def request_sync(self, raw: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Union[int, str, dict]: """ 向接口发送请求。 Returns: 接口未返回数据时,返回 None,否则返回该接口提供的 data 或 result 字段的数据。 """ self._prepare_params_data() config = self._prepare_request_sync(**kwargs) session = get_httpx_sync_session() resp = session.request(**config) try: resp.raise_for_status() except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: raise NetworkException(resp.status_code, str(resp.status_code)) real_data = self._process_response( resp, self._get_resp_text_sync(resp), raw=raw ) return real_data @retry(times=settings.wbi_retry_times) async def request(self, raw: bool = False, **kwargs) -> Union[int, str, dict]: """ 向接口发送请求。 Returns: 接口未返回数据时,返回 None,否则返回该接口提供的 data 或 result 字段的数据。 """ self._prepare_params_data() config = await self._prepare_request(**kwargs) session: Union[httpx.AsyncClient, aiohttp.ClientSession] # 判断http_client的类型 if settings.http_client == settings.HTTPClient.HTTPX: session = get_session() resp = await session.request(**config) try: resp.raise_for_status() except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: raise NetworkException(resp.status_code, str(resp.status_code)) real_data = self._process_response( resp, await self._get_resp_text(resp), raw=raw ) return real_data elif settings.http_client == settings.HTTPClient.AIOHTTP: session = get_aiohttp_session() async with session.request(**config) as resp: try: resp.raise_for_status() except aiohttp.ClientResponseError as e: raise NetworkException(e.status, e.message) real_data = self._process_response( resp, await self._get_resp_text(resp), raw=raw ) return real_data def _process_response( self, resp: Union[httpx.Response, aiohttp.ClientResponse], resp_text: str, raw: bool = False, ) -> Union[int, str, dict]: """ 处理接口的响应数据 """ # 检查响应头 Content-Length content_length = resp.headers.get("content-length") if content_length and int(content_length) == 0: return None if "callback" in self.params: # JSONP 请求 resp_data: dict = json.loads( re.match("^.*?({.*}).*$", resp_text, re.S).group(1) ) else: # JSON resp_data: dict = json.loads(resp_text) if raw: return resp_data OK = resp_data.get("OK") # 检查 code if not self.ignore_code: if OK is None: code = resp_data.get("code") if code is None: raise ResponseCodeException(-1, "API 返回数据未含 code 字段", resp_data) if code != 0: msg = resp_data.get("msg") if msg is None: msg = resp_data.get("message") if msg is None: msg = "接口未返回错误信息" raise ResponseCodeException(code, msg, resp_data) elif OK != 1: raise ResponseCodeException(-1, "API 返回数据 OK 不为 1", resp_data) elif settings.request_log: settings.logger.info(resp_data) real_data = resp_data.get("data") if OK is None else resp_data if real_data is None: real_data = resp_data.get("result") return real_data @classmethod def from_file(cls, path: str, credential: Union[Credential, None] = None): """ 以 json 文件生成对象 Args: path (str): 例如 user.info.info credential (Credential, Optional): 凭据类. Defaults to None. Returns: api (Api): 从文件中读取的 api 信息 """ path_list = path.split(".") api = get_api(path_list.pop(0)) for key in path_list: api = api.get(key) return cls(credential=credential, **api) async def check_valid(credential: Credential) -> bool: """ 检查 cookies 是否有效 Args: credential (Credential): 凭据类 Returns: bool: cookies 是否有效 """ data = await get_nav(credential) return data["isLogin"] async def get_spi_buvid() -> dict: """ 获取 buvid3 / buvid4 Returns: dict: 账号相关信息 """ return await Api(**API["info"]["spi"]).result def get_spi_buvid_sync() -> dict: """ 同步获取 buvid3 / buvid4 Returns: dict: 账号相关信息 """ return Api(**API["info"]["spi"]).result_sync def get_nav_sync(credential: Union[Credential, None] = None): """ 获取导航 Args: credential (Credential, Optional): 凭据类. Defaults to None Returns: dict: 账号相关信息 """ return Api(credential=credential, **API["info"]["valid"]).result_sync async def get_nav(credential: Union[Credential, None] = None): """ 获取导航 Args: credential (Credential, Optional): 凭据类. Defaults to None Returns: dict: 账号相关信息 """ return await Api(credential=credential, **API["info"]["valid"]).result def get_mixin_key_sync() -> str: """ 获取混合密钥 Returns: str: 新获取的密钥 """ data = get_nav_sync() wbi_img: Dict[str, str] = data["wbi_img"] # 为什么要把里的 lambda 表达式换成函数 这不是一样的吗 # split = lambda key: wbi_img.get(key).split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] def split(key): return wbi_img.get(key).split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] ae = split("img_url") + split("sub_url") le = reduce(lambda s, i: s + (ae[i] if i < len(ae) else ""), OE, "") return le[:32] async def get_mixin_key() -> str: """ 获取混合密钥 Returns: str: 新获取的密钥 """ data = await get_nav() wbi_img: Dict[str, str] = data["wbi_img"] # 为什么要把里的 lambda 表达式换成函数 这不是一样的吗 # split = lambda key: wbi_img.get(key).split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] def split(key): return wbi_img.get(key).split("/")[-1].split(".")[0] ae = split("img_url") + split("sub_url") le = reduce(lambda s, i: s + (ae[i] if i < len(ae) else ""), OE, "") return le[:32] def enc_wbi(params: dict, mixin_key: str): """ 更新请求参数 Args: params (dict): 原请求参数 mixin_key (str): 混合密钥 """ params.pop("w_rid", None) # 重试时先把原有 w_rid 去除 params["wts"] = int(time.time()) # web_location 因为没被列入参数可能炸一些接口 比如 video.get_ai_conclusion params["web_location"] = 1550101 Ae = urlencode(sorted(params.items())) params["w_rid"] = hashlib.md5((Ae + mixin_key).encode(encoding="utf-8")).hexdigest() def hmac_sha256(key: str, message: str) -> str: """ 使用HMAC-SHA256算法对给定的消息进行加密 :param key: 密钥 :param message: 要加密的消息 :return: 加密后的哈希值 """ # 将密钥和消息转换为字节串 key = key.encode("utf-8") message = message.encode("utf-8") # 创建HMAC对象,使用SHA256哈希算法 hmac_obj = hmac.new(key, message, hashlib.sha256) # 计算哈希值 hash_value = hmac_obj.digest() # 将哈希值转换为十六进制字符串 hash_hex = hash_value.hex() return hash_hex async def get_bili_ticket() -> str: """ 获取 bili_ticket,但目前没用到,暂时不启用 https://github.com/SocialSisterYi/bilibili-API-collect/issues/903 Returns: str: bili_ticket """ o = hmac_sha256("XgwSnGZ1p", f"ts{int(time.time())}") url = "https://api.bilibili.com/bapis/bilibili.api.ticket.v1.Ticket/GenWebTicket" params = { "key_id": "ec02", "hexsign": o, "context[ts]": f"{int(time.time())}", "csrf": "", } return ( await Api(method="POST", url=url, no_csrf=True).update_params(**params).result )["ticket"] def get_httpx_sync_session() -> httpx.Client: """ 获取当前模块的 httpx.Client 对象,用于自定义请求 Returns: httpx.Client """ global __httpx_sync_session global last_proxy if __httpx_sync_session is None or last_proxy != settings.proxy: if settings.proxy != "": last_proxy = settings.proxy proxies = {"all://": settings.proxy} session = httpx.Client(proxies=proxies) # type: ignore else: last_proxy = "" session = httpx.Client() __httpx_sync_session = session return __httpx_sync_session def set_httpx_sync_session(session: httpx.Client) -> None: """ 用户手动设置 Session Args: session (httpx.Client): httpx.Client 实例。 """ global __httpx_sync_session __httpx_sync_session = session def get_session() -> httpx.AsyncClient: """ 获取当前模块的 httpx.AsyncClient 对象,用于自定义请求 Returns: httpx.AsyncClient """ global __httpx_session_pool, last_proxy loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() session = __httpx_session_pool.get(loop, None) if session is None or last_proxy != settings.proxy: if settings.proxy != "": last_proxy = settings.proxy proxies = {"all://": settings.proxy} session = httpx.AsyncClient(proxies=proxies) # type: ignore else: last_proxy = "" session = httpx.AsyncClient() __httpx_session_pool[loop] = session return session def set_session(session: httpx.AsyncClient) -> None: """ 用户手动设置 Session Args: session (httpx.AsyncClient): httpx.AsyncClient 实例。 """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() __httpx_session_pool[loop] = session def get_aiohttp_session() -> aiohttp.ClientSession: """ 获取当前模块的 aiohttp.ClientSession 对象,用于自定义请求 Returns: aiohttp.ClientSession """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() session = __aiohttp_session_pool.get(loop, None) if session is None: session = aiohttp.ClientSession( loop=loop, connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector(), trust_env=True ) __aiohttp_session_pool[loop] = session return session def set_aiohttp_session(session: aiohttp.ClientSession) -> None: """ 用户手动设置 Session Args: session (aiohttp.ClientSession): aiohttp.ClientSession 实例。 """ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() __aiohttp_session_pool[loop] = session def to_form_urlencoded(data: dict) -> str: temp = [] for [k, v] in data.items(): temp.append(f'{k}={quote(str(v)).replace("/", "%2F")}') return "&".join(temp) @atexit.register def __clean() -> None: """ 程序退出清理操作。 """ try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() except RuntimeError: return async def __clean_task(): s0 = __aiohttp_session_pool.get(loop, None) if s0 is not None: await s0.close() s1 = __httpx_session_pool.get(loop, None) if s1 is not None: await s1.aclose() if loop.is_closed(): loop.run_until_complete(__clean_task()) else: loop.create_task(__clean_task())