import streamlit as st import pandas as pd def run(): st.set_page_config(page_title="Variables Table", layout="wide") st.title("Variables Table") # Define the data for the variables table data = { "Variable Name": ["age", "sex", "cp", "trestbps", "chol", "fbs", "restecg", "thalach", "exang", "oldpeak", "slope", "ca", "thal", "num"], "Role": ["Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Feature", "Target"], "Type": ["Integer", "Categorical", "Categorical", "Integer", "Integer", "Categorical", "Categorical", "Integer", "Categorical", "Integer", "Categorical", "Integer", "Categorical", "Integer"], "Demographic": ["Age", "Sex", None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None], "Description": [None, None, None, "Resting blood pressure (on admission to the hospital)", "Serum cholestoral", "Fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl", None, "Maximum heart rate achieved", "Exercise induced angina", "ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest", None, "Number of major vessels (0-3) colored by flourosopy", None, "Diagnosis of heart disease"], "Units": ["years", None, None, "mm Hg", "mg/dl", None, None, "beats per minute", None, None, None, None, None, None], "Missing Values": ["no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "no", "yes", "yes", "no"] } # Create DataFrame from the data df = pd.DataFrame(data) # Display the DataFrame as a table with larger size st.table([{'selector': 'tr:hover','props': [('background-color', '#95caff')]}])) # Add a footer st.markdown("---") st.write("Made with ❤️ by Viga, Hanum, & Robit") if __name__ == "__main__": run()