{ "intents": [ { "tag": "greeting", "patterns": [ "Hi", "Hey", "How are you", "Is anyone there?", "Hello", "Good day", "Hey boy" ], "responses": [ "Hey :-)", "Hello, thanks for visiting", "Hi there, what can I do for you?", "Hi there, how can I help?" ] }, { "tag": "goodbye", "patterns": ["Bye", "See you later", "Goodbye"], "responses": [ "See you later, thanks for visiting", "Have a nice day", "Bye! Come back again soon." ] }, { "tag": "thanks", "patterns": ["Thanks", "Thank you", "That's helpful", "Thank's a lot!"], "responses": ["Happy to help!", "Any time!", "My pleasure"] }, { "tag": "items", "patterns": [ "Which items do you have?", "What kinds of items are there?", "What do you sell?" ], "responses": ["I sell web development servece"] }, { "tag": "payments", "patterns": [ "Do you take credit cards?", "Do you accept Mastercard?", "Can I pay with Paypal?", "Are you cash only?" ], "responses": [ "We accept VISA, Mastercard and Paypal", "We accept most major credit cards, and Paypal" ] }, { "tag": "delivery", "patterns": [ "How long does delivery take?", "How long does shipping take?", "When do I get my delivery?" ], "responses": ["Delivery takes 2-4 days", "Shipping takes 2-4 days"] }, { "tag": "funny", "patterns": [ "Tell me a joke!", "Tell me something funny!", "Do you know a joke?", "Joke", "Tell joke", "Joke plece", "tell joke" ], "responses": [ "Why did the hipster burn his mouth? He drank the coffee before it was cool.", "What did the buffalo say when his son left for college? Bison.", "For fun, Chuck Norris crab fishes in the Bearing Sea with just a snorkel and a laundry basket.", "Chuck Norris' opinion is considered to be a fatwa in Japan.", "When Chuck Norris sits down and puts a pack of microwave popcorn in his lap, it immediately explodes with the power of a nailbomb. It's his favorite party trick.", "Chuck Norris pisses gold and craps chocolate." ] }, { "tag": "name", "patterns": [ "Who are you?", "what is your name", "Your name", "Tell me your name", "Name" ], "responses": [ "Hi my name is Robin", "I am Robin", "It's robin nice to meet you" ] }, { "tag": "age", "patterns": [ "Who is you age?", "How old are you?", "How old you are?", "Age", "Tell me you age" ], "responses": ["I am 18", "18"] }, { "tag": "proffession", "patterns": [ "What do you do?", "What is your proffession", "Do you have any job", "Job", "Your job" ], "responses": ["I am a web developer", "web developer"] }, { "tag": "about", "patterns": [ "Tell me about you", "About yourself", "Details about you", "About you", "Tell me about yourself" ], "responses": [ "Hi I'm a web developer. And i am currently 18 years old. I live in gazipur,Bangladesh", "I am a web developer" ] }, { "tag": "currenttime", "patterns": [ "What is current time?", "Current time", "What times it", "Time now" ], "responses": ["Sorry i don't have a watch", "Sorry i don't know"] }, { "tag": "sing", "patterns": ["Can you sing", "Sing a snog", "Sing song"], "responses": ["Sorry i cant sing", "I can't sing"] } ] }