import tempfile import gradio as gr from TTS.utils.manage import ModelManager from TTS.utils.synthesizer import Synthesizer import requests from os.path import exists from formatter import preprocess_text from datetime import datetime MODEL_NAMES = [ "uk/mykyta/vits-tts" ] MODELS = {} manager = ModelManager() def download(url, file_name): if not exists(file_name): print(f"Downloading {file_name}") r = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=True) with open(file_name, 'wb') as file: file.write(r.content) else: print(f"Found {file_name}. Skipping download...") for MODEL_NAME in MODEL_NAMES: print(f"downloading {MODEL_NAME}") release_number = "v2.0.0-beta" model_link = f"{release_number}/model.pth" config_link = f"{release_number}/config.json" model_path = "model.pth" config_path = "config.json" download(model_link, model_path) download(config_link, config_path) #MODELS[MODEL_NAME] = synthesizer def tts(text: str): synthesizer = Synthesizer( model_path, config_path, None, None, None, ) text = preprocess_text(text) text_limit = 100 text = text if len(text) < text_limit else text[0:text_limit] # mitigate crashes on hf space print(text, datetime.utcnow()) if synthesizer is None: raise NameError("model not found") wavs = synthesizer.tts(text) # output = (synthesizer.output_sample_rate, np.array(wavs)) # return output with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".wav", delete=False) as fp: synthesizer.save_wav(wavs, fp) return iface = gr.Interface( fn=tts, inputs=[ gr.inputs.Textbox( label="Input", default="Введ+іть, б+удь л+аска, сво+є р+ечення.", ), #gr.inputs.Radio( # label="Виберіть TTS модель", # choices=MODEL_NAMES, #), ], outputs=gr.outputs.Audio(label="Output"), title="🐸💬🇺🇦 - Coqui TTS", theme="huggingface", description="Україномовний🇺🇦 TTS за допомогою Coqui TTS (для наголосу використовуйте + перед голосною)", article="Якщо вам подобається, підтримайте за посиланням: [SUPPORT LINK](, " + "Github: [](", ) iface.launch(enable_queue=True)