# Ukrainian TTS 📢🤖 Ukrainian TTS (text-to-speech) using Coqui TTS. Trained on [M-AILABS Ukrainian dataset](https://www.caito.de/2019/01/the-m-ailabs-speech-dataset/). # Example https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5759207/139459556-35aa077b-0425-421f-a8d3-4c503315008d.mp4 # How to use : 1. `pip install -r requirements.txt`. 2. Download model from "Releases" tab. 3. Launch as one-time command: ``` tts --text "Text for TTS" \ --model_path path/to/model.pth.tar \ --config_path path/to/config.json \ --out_path folder/to/save/output.wav ``` or alternatively launch web server using: ``` tts-server --model_path path/to/model.pth.tar \ --config_path path/to/config.json ``` # How to train: 1. Refer to ["Nervous beginner guide"](https://tts.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorial_for_nervous_beginners.html) in Coqui TTS docs. 2. Instead of provided `config.json` use one from this repo.