#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function import argparse import numpy as np import shlex import subprocess import sys import wave import json from deepspeech import Model, version from timeit import default_timer as timer try: from shhlex import quote except ImportError: from pipes import quote def convert_samplerate(audio_path, desired_sample_rate): sox_cmd = 'sox {} --type raw --bits 16 --channels 1 --rate {} --encoding signed-integer --endian little --compression 0.0 --no-dither - '.format( quote(audio_path), desired_sample_rate) try: output = subprocess.check_output( shlex.split(sox_cmd), stderr=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise RuntimeError('SoX returned non-zero status: {}'.format(e.stderr)) except OSError as e: raise OSError(e.errno, 'SoX not found, use {}hz files or install it: {}'.format( desired_sample_rate, e.strerror)) return desired_sample_rate, np.frombuffer(output, np.int16) def metadata_to_string(metadata): return ''.join(token.text for token in metadata.tokens) def words_from_candidate_transcript(metadata): word = "" word_list = [] word_start_time = 0 # Loop through each character for i, token in enumerate(metadata.tokens): # Append character to word if it's not a space if token.text != " ": if len(word) == 0: # Log the start time of the new word word_start_time = token.start_time word = word + token.text # Word boundary is either a space or the last character in the array if token.text == " " or i == len(metadata.tokens) - 1: word_duration = token.start_time - word_start_time if word_duration < 0: word_duration = 0 each_word = dict() each_word["word"] = word each_word["start_time "] = round(word_start_time, 4) each_word["duration"] = round(word_duration, 4) word_list.append(each_word) # Reset word = "" word_start_time = 0 return word_list def metadata_json_output(metadata): json_result = dict() json_result["transcripts"] = [{ "confidence": transcript.confidence, "words": words_from_candidate_transcript(transcript), } for transcript in metadata.transcripts] return json.dumps(json_result, indent=2) class VersionAction(argparse.Action): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(VersionAction, self).__init__(nargs=0, *args, **kwargs) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): print('DeepSpeech ', version()) exit(0) def client(audio_file, lang="uk"): model_load_start = timer() # sphinx-doc: python_ref_model_start model_path = "uk.tflite" if lang not in ["en", "uk"]: lang = "uk" if lang == "uk": model_path = "./uk.tflite" if lang == "en": model_path = "./deepspeech-0.7.3-models.tflite" print(lang) ds = Model(model_path) # sphinx-doc: python_ref_model_stop model_load_end = timer() - model_load_start print('Loaded model in {:.3}s.'.format(model_load_end), file=sys.stderr) desired_sample_rate = ds.sampleRate() fin = wave.open(audio_file, 'rb') fs_orig = fin.getframerate() audio = np.frombuffer(fin.readframes(fin.getnframes()), np.int16) audio_length = fin.getnframes() * (1/fs_orig) fin.close() print('Running inference.', file=sys.stderr) inference_start = timer() # sphinx-doc: python_ref_inference_start result = ds.stt(audio) print(result) # sphinx-doc: python_ref_inference_stop inference_end = timer() - inference_start print('Inference took %0.3fs for %0.3fs audio file.' % (inference_end, audio_length), file=sys.stderr) return result