from transformers import pipeline import gradio as gr from textblob import TextBlob import numpy as np import nltk from nltk.sentiment import SentimentIntensityAnalyzer from afinn import Afinn #VADER e AFINN'vader_lexicon') vader = SentimentIntensityAnalyzer() afinn = Afinn() #Hugging Face bert_model = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model="bert-base-uncased") #BERT Large bert_large_model = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model="bert-large-uncased") distilbert_model = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model="distilbert-base-uncased") siebert_model = pipeline("sentiment-analysis", model="siebert/sentiment-roberta-large-english") def normalize_score(score, range_min, range_max): return (score - range_min) / (range_max - range_min) def analyze_with_bert(text): analysis = bert_model(text) label, score = map_label(analysis[0]['label']), analysis[0]['score'] return label, score def analyze_with_bert_large(text): analysis = bert_large_model(text) label, score = map_label(analysis[0]['label']), analysis[0]['score'] return label, score def analyze_with_distilbert(text): analysis = distilbert_model(text) label, score = map_label(analysis[0]['label']), analysis[0]['score'] return label, score def analyze_with_siebert(text): analysis = siebert_model(text) return analysis[0]['label'], analysis[0]['score'] def analyze_with_textblob(text): analysis = TextBlob(text).sentiment label = "POSITIVE" if analysis.polarity > 0 else "NEGATIVE" if analysis.polarity < 0 else "NEUTRAL" normalized_score = normalize_score(analysis.polarity, -1, 1) return label, normalized_score def analyze_with_vader(text): scores = vader.polarity_scores(text) label = "POSITIVE" if scores['compound'] > 0.05 else "NEGATIVE" if scores['compound'] < -0.05 else "NEUTRAL" normalized_score = normalize_score(scores['compound'], -1, 1) return label, normalized_score def analyze_with_afinn(text): score = afinn.score(text) label = "POSITIVE" if score > 0 else "NEGATIVE" if score < 0 else "NEUTRAL" normalized_score = normalize_score(score, -5, 5) return label, normalized_score #mapeio BERT e DistilBERT def map_label(label): if label == "LABEL_0": return "NEGATIVE" elif label == "LABEL_1": return "POSITIVE" else: return "NEUTRAL" #Comite def calculate_committee_decision(results): #coto voto vote_count = {"POSITIVE": 0, "NEGATIVE": 0, "NEUTRAL": 0} for label, score in results.values(): vote_count[label] += 1 #maioria dos votos final_label = max(vote_count, key=vote_count.get) return final_label, vote_count[final_label] / len(results) def analyze_text(text): results = { "BERT Base": analyze_with_bert(text), "BERT Large": analyze_with_bert_large(text), "DistilBERT": analyze_with_distilbert(text), "SiEBERT": analyze_with_siebert(text), "TextBlob": analyze_with_textblob(text), "VADER": analyze_with_vader(text), "AFINN": analyze_with_afinn(text) } final_label, vote_ratio = calculate_committee_decision(results) results["Committee Decision"] = {"label": final_label, "vote_ratio": vote_ratio} return results # Gradio Interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=analyze_text, inputs="text", outputs="json", title="Sentiment-Analysis-Committee", description="Enter a text. And the Democratic committee among Sentiment Analysis methods will conduct the vote." ) iface.launch(debug=True)