# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.

from typing import Any, List
import torch
from torch.nn import functional as F

from detectron2.config import CfgNode
from detectron2.structures import Instances

from .mask_or_segm import MaskOrSegmentationLoss
from .registry import DENSEPOSE_LOSS_REGISTRY
from .utils import (

class DensePoseChartLoss:
    DensePose loss for chart-based training. A mesh is split into charts,
    each chart is given a label (I) and parametrized by 2 coordinates referred to
    as U and V. Ground truth consists of a number of points annotated with
    I, U and V values and coarse segmentation S defined for all pixels of the
    object bounding box. In some cases (see `COARSE_SEGM_TRAINED_BY_MASKS`),
    semantic segmentation annotations can be used as ground truth inputs as well.

    Estimated values are tensors:
     * U coordinates, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
     * V coordinates, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
     * fine segmentation estimates, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S] with raw unnormalized
       scores for each fine segmentation label at each location
     * coarse segmentation estimates, tensor of shape [N, D, S, S] with raw unnormalized
       scores for each coarse segmentation label at each location
    where N is the number of detections, C is the number of fine segmentation
    labels, S is the estimate size ( = width = height) and D is the number of
    coarse segmentation channels.

    The losses are:
    * regression (smooth L1) loss for U and V coordinates
    * cross entropy loss for fine (I) and coarse (S) segmentations
    Each loss has an associated weight

    def __init__(self, cfg: CfgNode):
        Initialize chart-based loss from configuration options

            cfg (CfgNode): configuration options
        # fmt: off
        self.heatmap_size = cfg.MODEL.ROI_DENSEPOSE_HEAD.HEATMAP_SIZE
        self.w_part       = cfg.MODEL.ROI_DENSEPOSE_HEAD.PART_WEIGHTS
        self.w_segm       = cfg.MODEL.ROI_DENSEPOSE_HEAD.INDEX_WEIGHTS
        # fmt: on
        self.segm_trained_by_masks = cfg.MODEL.ROI_DENSEPOSE_HEAD.COARSE_SEGM_TRAINED_BY_MASKS
        self.segm_loss = MaskOrSegmentationLoss(cfg)

    def __call__(
        self, proposals_with_gt: List[Instances], densepose_predictor_outputs: Any, **kwargs
    ) -> LossDict:
        Produce chart-based DensePose losses

            proposals_with_gt (list of Instances): detections with associated ground truth data
            densepose_predictor_outputs: an object of a dataclass that contains predictor outputs
                with estimated values; assumed to have the following attributes:
                * coarse_segm - coarse segmentation estimates, tensor of shape [N, D, S, S]
                * fine_segm - fine segmentation estimates, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
                * u - U coordinate estimates per fine labels, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
                * v - V coordinate estimates per fine labels, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
            where N is the number of detections, C is the number of fine segmentation
            labels, S is the estimate size ( = width = height) and D is the number of
            coarse segmentation channels.

            dict: str -> tensor: dict of losses with the following entries:
             * `loss_densepose_U`: smooth L1 loss for U coordinate estimates
             * `loss_densepose_V`: smooth L1 loss for V coordinate estimates
             * `loss_densepose_I`: cross entropy for raw unnormalized scores for fine
                 segmentation estimates given ground truth labels;
             * `loss_densepose_S`: cross entropy for raw unnormalized scores for coarse
                 segmentation estimates given ground truth labels;
        # densepose outputs are computed for all images and all bounding boxes;
        # i.e. if a batch has 4 images with (3, 1, 2, 1) proposals respectively,
        # the outputs will have size(0) == 3+1+2+1 == 7

        if not len(proposals_with_gt):
            return self.produce_fake_densepose_losses(densepose_predictor_outputs)

        accumulator = ChartBasedAnnotationsAccumulator()
        packed_annotations = extract_packed_annotations_from_matches(proposals_with_gt, accumulator)

        # NOTE: we need to keep the same computation graph on all the GPUs to
        # perform reduction properly. Hence even if we have no data on one
        # of the GPUs, we still need to generate the computation graph.
        # Add fake (zero) loss in the form Tensor.sum() * 0
        if packed_annotations is None:
            return self.produce_fake_densepose_losses(densepose_predictor_outputs)

        h, w = densepose_predictor_outputs.u.shape[2:]
        interpolator = BilinearInterpolationHelper.from_matches(
            (h, w),

        j_valid_fg = interpolator.j_valid * (  # pyre-ignore[16]
            packed_annotations.fine_segm_labels_gt > 0
        # pyre-fixme[6]: For 1st param expected `Tensor` but got `int`.
        if not torch.any(j_valid_fg):
            return self.produce_fake_densepose_losses(densepose_predictor_outputs)

        losses_uv = self.produce_densepose_losses_uv(
            j_valid_fg,  # pyre-ignore[6]

        losses_segm = self.produce_densepose_losses_segm(
            j_valid_fg,  # pyre-ignore[6]

        return {**losses_uv, **losses_segm}

    def produce_fake_densepose_losses(self, densepose_predictor_outputs: Any) -> LossDict:
        Fake losses for fine segmentation and U/V coordinates. These are used when
        no suitable ground truth data was found in a batch. The loss has a value 0
        and is primarily used to construct the computation graph, so that
        `DistributedDataParallel` has similar graphs on all GPUs and can perform
        reduction properly.

            densepose_predictor_outputs: DensePose predictor outputs, an object
                of a dataclass that is assumed to have the following attributes:
             * fine_segm - fine segmentation estimates, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
             * u - U coordinate estimates per fine labels, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
             * v - V coordinate estimates per fine labels, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
            dict: str -> tensor: dict of losses with the following entries:
             * `loss_densepose_U`: has value 0
             * `loss_densepose_V`: has value 0
             * `loss_densepose_I`: has value 0
             * `loss_densepose_S`: has value 0
        losses_uv = self.produce_fake_densepose_losses_uv(densepose_predictor_outputs)
        losses_segm = self.produce_fake_densepose_losses_segm(densepose_predictor_outputs)
        return {**losses_uv, **losses_segm}

    def produce_fake_densepose_losses_uv(self, densepose_predictor_outputs: Any) -> LossDict:
        Fake losses for U/V coordinates. These are used when no suitable ground
        truth data was found in a batch. The loss has a value 0
        and is primarily used to construct the computation graph, so that
        `DistributedDataParallel` has similar graphs on all GPUs and can perform
        reduction properly.

            densepose_predictor_outputs: DensePose predictor outputs, an object
                of a dataclass that is assumed to have the following attributes:
             * u - U coordinate estimates per fine labels, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
             * v - V coordinate estimates per fine labels, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
            dict: str -> tensor: dict of losses with the following entries:
             * `loss_densepose_U`: has value 0
             * `loss_densepose_V`: has value 0
        return {
            "loss_densepose_U": densepose_predictor_outputs.u.sum() * 0,
            "loss_densepose_V": densepose_predictor_outputs.v.sum() * 0,

    def produce_fake_densepose_losses_segm(self, densepose_predictor_outputs: Any) -> LossDict:
        Fake losses for fine / coarse segmentation. These are used when
        no suitable ground truth data was found in a batch. The loss has a value 0
        and is primarily used to construct the computation graph, so that
        `DistributedDataParallel` has similar graphs on all GPUs and can perform
        reduction properly.

            densepose_predictor_outputs: DensePose predictor outputs, an object
                of a dataclass that is assumed to have the following attributes:
             * fine_segm - fine segmentation estimates, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
             * coarse_segm - coarse segmentation estimates, tensor of shape [N, D, S, S]
            dict: str -> tensor: dict of losses with the following entries:
             * `loss_densepose_I`: has value 0
             * `loss_densepose_S`: has value 0, added only if `segm_trained_by_masks` is False
        losses = {
            "loss_densepose_I": densepose_predictor_outputs.fine_segm.sum() * 0,
            "loss_densepose_S": self.segm_loss.fake_value(densepose_predictor_outputs),
        return losses

    def produce_densepose_losses_uv(
        proposals_with_gt: List[Instances],
        densepose_predictor_outputs: Any,
        packed_annotations: Any,
        interpolator: BilinearInterpolationHelper,
        j_valid_fg: torch.Tensor,
    ) -> LossDict:
        Compute losses for U/V coordinates: smooth L1 loss between
        estimated coordinates and the ground truth.

            proposals_with_gt (list of Instances): detections with associated ground truth data
            densepose_predictor_outputs: DensePose predictor outputs, an object
                of a dataclass that is assumed to have the following attributes:
             * u - U coordinate estimates per fine labels, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
             * v - V coordinate estimates per fine labels, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
            dict: str -> tensor: dict of losses with the following entries:
             * `loss_densepose_U`: smooth L1 loss for U coordinate estimates
             * `loss_densepose_V`: smooth L1 loss for V coordinate estimates
        u_gt = packed_annotations.u_gt[j_valid_fg]
        u_est = interpolator.extract_at_points(densepose_predictor_outputs.u)[j_valid_fg]
        v_gt = packed_annotations.v_gt[j_valid_fg]
        v_est = interpolator.extract_at_points(densepose_predictor_outputs.v)[j_valid_fg]
        return {
            "loss_densepose_U": F.smooth_l1_loss(u_est, u_gt, reduction="sum") * self.w_points,
            "loss_densepose_V": F.smooth_l1_loss(v_est, v_gt, reduction="sum") * self.w_points,

    def produce_densepose_losses_segm(
        proposals_with_gt: List[Instances],
        densepose_predictor_outputs: Any,
        packed_annotations: Any,
        interpolator: BilinearInterpolationHelper,
        j_valid_fg: torch.Tensor,
    ) -> LossDict:
        Losses for fine / coarse segmentation: cross-entropy
        for segmentation unnormalized scores given ground truth labels at
        annotated points for fine segmentation and dense mask annotations
        for coarse segmentation.

            proposals_with_gt (list of Instances): detections with associated ground truth data
            densepose_predictor_outputs: DensePose predictor outputs, an object
                of a dataclass that is assumed to have the following attributes:
             * fine_segm - fine segmentation estimates, tensor of shape [N, C, S, S]
             * coarse_segm - coarse segmentation estimates, tensor of shape [N, D, S, S]
            dict: str -> tensor: dict of losses with the following entries:
             * `loss_densepose_I`: cross entropy for raw unnormalized scores for fine
                 segmentation estimates given ground truth labels
             * `loss_densepose_S`: cross entropy for raw unnormalized scores for coarse
                 segmentation estimates given ground truth labels;
                 may be included if coarse segmentation is only trained
                 using DensePose ground truth; if additional supervision through
                 instance segmentation data is performed (`segm_trained_by_masks` is True),
                 this loss is handled by `produce_mask_losses` instead
        fine_segm_gt = packed_annotations.fine_segm_labels_gt[
            interpolator.j_valid  # pyre-ignore[16]
        fine_segm_est = interpolator.extract_at_points(
            w_ylo_xlo=interpolator.w_ylo_xlo[:, None],  # pyre-ignore[16]
            w_ylo_xhi=interpolator.w_ylo_xhi[:, None],  # pyre-ignore[16]
            w_yhi_xlo=interpolator.w_yhi_xlo[:, None],  # pyre-ignore[16]
            w_yhi_xhi=interpolator.w_yhi_xhi[:, None],  # pyre-ignore[16]
        )[interpolator.j_valid, :]
        return {
            "loss_densepose_I": F.cross_entropy(fine_segm_est, fine_segm_gt.long()) * self.w_part,
            "loss_densepose_S": self.segm_loss(
                proposals_with_gt, densepose_predictor_outputs, packed_annotations
            * self.w_segm,