import os import random import torch import gradio as gr from e4e.models.psp import pSp from util import * from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download import tempfile from argparse import Namespace import shutil import dlib import numpy as np import torchvision.transforms as transforms from torchvision import utils from model.sg2_model import Generator from generate_videos import generate_frames, video_from_interpolations, project_code_by_edit_name model_dir = "models" os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) model_repos = {"e4e": ("akhaliq/JoJoGAN_e4e_ffhq_encode", ""), "dlib": ("akhaliq/jojogan_dlib", "shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat"), "base": ("akhaliq/jojogan-stylegan2-ffhq-config-f", ""), "anime": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), "joker": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "simpson": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "ssj": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "white_walker": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "zuckerberg": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "cubism": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "disney_princess": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "edvard_munch": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "van_gogh": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "oil": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "rick_morty": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "botero": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "crochet": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "modigliani": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "shrek": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "sketch": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), # "thanos": ("rinong/stylegan-nada-models", ""), } def get_models(): os.makedirs(model_dir, exist_ok=True) model_paths = {} for model_name, repo_details in model_repos.items(): download_path = hf_hub_download(repo_id=repo_details[0], filename=repo_details[1]) model_paths[model_name] = download_path return model_paths model_paths = get_models() class ImageEditor(object): def __init__(self): self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" latent_size = 512 n_mlp = 8 channel_mult = 2 model_size = 1024 self.generators = {} self.model_list = [name for name in model_paths.keys() if name not in ["e4e", "dlib"]] for model in self.model_list: g_ema = Generator( model_size, latent_size, n_mlp, channel_multiplier=channel_mult ).to(self.device) checkpoint = torch.load(model_paths[model], map_location=self.device) g_ema.load_state_dict(checkpoint['g_ema']) self.generators[model] = g_ema self.experiment_args = {"model_path": model_paths["e4e"]} self.experiment_args["transform"] = transforms.Compose( [ transforms.Resize((256, 256)), transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize([0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]), ] ) self.resize_dims = (256, 256) model_path = self.experiment_args["model_path"] ckpt = torch.load(model_path, map_location="cpu") opts = ckpt["opts"] opts["checkpoint_path"] = model_path opts = Namespace(**opts) self.e4e_net = pSp(opts, self.device) self.e4e_net.eval() self.shape_predictor = dlib.shape_predictor( model_paths["dlib"] ) print("setup complete") def get_style_list(self): style_list = [] for key in self.generators: style_list.append(key) return style_list def invert_image(self, input_image): input_image = self.run_alignment(str(input_image)) input_image = input_image.resize(self.resize_dims) img_transforms = self.experiment_args["transform"] transformed_image = img_transforms(input_image) with torch.no_grad(): images, latents = self.run_on_batch(transformed_image.unsqueeze(0)) result_image, latent = images[0], latents[0] inverted_latent = latent.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) return inverted_latent def get_generators_for_styles(self, output_styles, loop_styles=False): if "base" in output_styles: # always start with base if chosen output_styles.insert(0, output_styles.pop(output_styles.index("base"))) if loop_styles: output_styles.append(output_styles[0]) return [self.generators[style] for style in output_styles] def _pack_edits(func): def inner(self, edit_type_choice, pose_slider, smile_slider, gender_slider, age_slider, hair_slider, src_text_styleclip, tar_text_styleclip, alpha_styleclip, beta_styleclip, *args): edit_choices = {"edit_type": edit_type_choice, "pose": pose_slider, "smile": smile_slider, "gender": gender_slider, "age": age_slider, "hair": hair_slider, "src_text": src_text_styleclip, "tar_text": tar_text_styleclip, "alpha": alpha_styleclip, "beta": beta_styleclip} return func(self, *args, edit_choices) return inner def get_target_latents(self, source_latent, edit_choices, generators): np_source_latent = source_latent.squeeze(0).cpu().detach().numpy() target_latents = [] if edit_choices["edit_type"] == "InterFaceGAN": for attribute_name in ["pose", "smile", "gender", "age", "hair"]: strength = edit_choices[attribute_name] if strength != 0.0: target_latents.append(project_code_by_edit_name(np_source_latent, attribute_name, strength)) elif edit_choices["edit_type"] == "StyleCLIP": pass # if edit type is none or if all slides were set to 0 if not target_latents: target_latents = [source_latent, ] * (len(generators) - 1) return target_latents @_pack_edits def edit_image(self, input, output_styles, edit_choices): return self.predict(input, output_styles, edit_choices=edit_choices) @_pack_edits def edit_video(self, input, output_styles, loop_styles, edit_choices): return self.predict(input, output_styles, generate_video=True, loop_styles=loop_styles, edit_choices=edit_choices) def predict( self, input, # Input image path output_styles, # Style checkbox options. generate_video = False, # Generate a video instead of an output image loop_styles = False, # Loop back to the initial style edit_choices = None, # Optional dictionary with edit choice arguments ): if edit_choices is None: edit_choices = {"edit_type": "None"} # @title Align image out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() inverted_latent = self.invert_image(input) generators = self.get_generators_for_styles(output_styles, loop_styles) target_latents = self.get_target_latents(inverted_latent, edit_choices, generators) if not generate_video: output_paths = [] with torch.no_grad(): for g_ema in generators: latent_for_gen = random.choice(target_latents) latent_for_gen = [torch.from_numpy(latent_for_gen).float().to(self.device)] img, _ = g_ema(latent_for_gen, input_is_latent=True, truncation=1, randomize_noise=False) output_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f"out_{len(output_paths)}.jpg") utils.save_image(img, output_path, nrow=1, normalize=True, range=(-1, 1)) output_paths.append(output_path) return output_paths return self.generate_vid(generators, inverted_latent, out_dir, with_editing) def generate_vid(self, generators, source_latent, target_latents, out_dir): fps = 24 np_latent = source_latent.squeeze(0).cpu().detach().numpy() with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dirpath: generate_frames(np_latent, target_latents, generators, dirpath) video_from_interpolations(fps, dirpath) gen_path = os.path.join(dirpath, "out.mp4") out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, "out.mp4") shutil.copy2(gen_path, out_path) return out_path def run_alignment(self, image_path): aligned_image = align_face(filepath=image_path, predictor=self.shape_predictor) print("Aligned image has shape: {}".format(aligned_image.size)) return aligned_image def run_on_batch(self, inputs): images, latents = self.e4e_net(, randomize_noise=False, return_latents=True ) return images, latents editor = ImageEditor() # def change_component_visibility(component_types, invert_choices): # def visibility_impl(visible): # return [component_types[idx].update(visible=visible ^ invert_choices[idx]) for idx in range(len(component_types))] # return visibility_impl # def group_visibility(visible): # print("visible: ", visible) # return gr.Group.update(visibile=visible) blocks = gr.Blocks() with blocks: gr.Markdown("


") gr.Markdown( "Demo for StyleGAN-NADA: CLIP-Guided Domain Adaptation of Image Generators (SIGGRAPH 2022)." ) gr.Markdown( "For more information about the paper and code for training your own models (with examples OR text), see below." ) with gr.Row(): input_img = gr.inputs.Image(type="filepath", label="Input image") with gr.Column(): style_choice = gr.inputs.CheckboxGroup(choices=editor.get_style_list(), type="value", label="Choose your styles!") editing_type_choice = gr.Radio(choices=["None", "InterFaceGAN", "StyleCLIP"], label="Choose latent space editing option. For InterFaceGAN and StyleCLIP, set the options below:") with gr.Tabs(): with gr.TabItem("InterFaceGAN Editing Options"): gr.Markdown("Move the sliders to make the chosen attribute stronger (e.g. the person older) or leave at 0 to disable editing.") gr.Markdown("If multiple options are provided, they will be used randomly between images (or sequentially for a video), not together") pose_slider = gr.Slider(label="Pose", minimum=-1, maximum=1, value=0, step=0.02) smile_slider = gr.Slider(label="Smile", minimum=-1, maximum=1, value=0, step=0.02) gender_slider = gr.Slider(label="Perceived Gender", minimum=-1, maximum=1, value=0, step=0.02) age_slider = gr.Slider(label="Age", minimum=-1, maximum=1, value=0, step=0.02) hair_slider = gr.Slider(label="Hair Length", minimum=-1, maximum=1, value=0, step=0.02) ig_edit_choices = [pose_slider, smile_slider, gender_slider, age_slider, hair_slider] with gr.TabItem("StyleCLIP Editing Options"): gr.Markdown("Move the sliders to make the chosen attribute stronger (e.g. the person older) or leave at 0 to disable editing.") gr.Markdown("If multiple options are provided, they will be used randomly between images (or sequentially for a video), not together") src_text_styleclip = gr.Textbox(label="Source text") tar_text_styleclip = gr.Textbox(label="Target text") alpha_styleclip = gr.Slider(label="Edit strength", minimum=-10, maximum=10, value=0, step=0.1) beta_styleclip = gr.Slider(label="Disentanglement Threshold", minimum=0.08, maximum=0.3, value=0.14, step=0.01) sc_edit_choices = [src_text_styleclip, tar_text_styleclip, alpha_styleclip, beta_styleclip] with gr.Tabs(): with gr.TabItem("Edit Images"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): img_button = gr.Button("Edit Image") with gr.Column(): img_output = gr.Gallery(label="Output Images") with gr.TabItem("Create Video"): with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): vid_button = gr.Button("Generate Video") loop_styles = gr.inputs.Checkbox(default=True, label="Loop video back to the initial style?") with gr.Column(): vid_output = gr.outputs.Video(label="Output Video") edit_inputs = [editing_type_choice] + ig_edit_choices + sc_edit_choices, inputs=edit_inputs + [input_img, style_choice], outputs=img_output), inputs=edit_inputs + [input_img, style_choice, loop_styles], outputs=vid_output) article = "

StyleGAN-NADA: CLIP-Guided Domain Adaptation of Image Generators | Project Page | Code

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" gr.Markdown(article) blocks.launch(enable_queue=True)