import streamlit as st, pandas as pd, os, io from modeci_mdf.mdf import Model, Graph, Node, Parameter, OutputPort from modeci_mdf.utils import load_mdf_json, load_mdf, load_mdf_yaml from modeci_mdf.execution_engine import EvaluableGraph import json st.set_page_config(layout="wide") st.title("🔋 MDF Simulator") import requests # models: Purpose: To store the state of the model and update the model def run_simulation(param_inputs, mdf_model): mod_graph = mdf_model.graphs[0] nodes = mod_graph.nodes[0] parameters = nodes.parameters outputs = nodes.output_ports eg = EvaluableGraph(mod_graph, verbose=False) duration = param_inputs["Simulation Duration (s)"] dt = param_inputs["Time Step (s)"] t = 0 times = [] output_values = {op.value: [] for op in outputs} while t <= duration: times.append(t) if t == 0: eg.evaluate() else: eg.evaluate(time_increment=dt) for param in output_values: eval_param = eg.enodes[].evaluable_parameters[param] output_values[param].append(eval_param.curr_value) t += dt chart_data = pd.DataFrame(output_values) chart_data['Time'] = times chart_data.set_index('Time', inplace=True) return chart_data # views: Purpose: To display the state of the model and update the view def show_simulation_results(chart_data): st.line_chart(chart_data, use_container_width=True, height=400) st.write("Output Values") st.write(chart_data) def show_mdf_graph(mdf_model): st.subheader("MDF Graph") mdf_model.to_graph_image(engine="dot", output_format="png", view_on_render=False, level=3,, only_warn_on_fail=( == "nt")) image_path = + ".png" st.image(image_path, caption="Model Graph Visualization") def show_json_output(mdf_model): st.subheader("JSON Output") st.json(mdf_model.to_json()) def view_tabs(mdf_model, param_inputs): # view tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Simulation Results", "MDF Graph", "Json Output"]) with tab1: chart_data = run_simulation(param_inputs, mdf_model) # model show_simulation_results(chart_data) # view with tab2: show_mdf_graph(mdf_model) # view with tab3: show_json_output(mdf_model) # view def parameter_form_to_update_model_and_view(mdf_model, parameters, param_inputs, mod_graph, nodes): form = st.form(key="parameter_form") valid_inputs = True for i, param in enumerate(parameters): if isinstance(param.value, str) or param.value is None: continue key = f"{}_{i}" if mdf_model.metadata: value = form.text_input(f"{param.metadata.get('description',} ({})", value=str(param.value), key=key) else: value = form.text_input(f"{}", value=str(param.value), key=key) try: param_inputs[] = float(value) except ValueError: st.error(f"Invalid input for {}. Please enter a valid number.") valid_inputs = False sim_duration = form.text_input("Simulation Duration (s)", value=str(param_inputs["Simulation Duration (s)"]), key="sim_duration") time_step = form.text_input("Time Step (s)", value=str(param_inputs["Time Step (s)"]), key="time_step") try: param_inputs["Simulation Duration (s)"] = float(sim_duration) except ValueError: st.error("Invalid input for Simulation Duration. Please enter a valid number.") valid_inputs = False try: param_inputs["Time Step (s)"] = float(time_step) except ValueError: st.error("Invalid input for Time Step. Please enter a valid number.") valid_inputs = False run_button = form.form_submit_button("Run Simulation") if run_button: if valid_inputs: for param in parameters: if in param_inputs: param.value = param_inputs[] view_tabs(mdf_model, param_inputs) # else: # st.error("Please correct the invalid inputs before running the simulation.") def upload_file_and_load_to_model(): st.write("Choose how to load the model:") load_option ="", ("Upload File", "GitHub URL")) if load_option == "Upload File": uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a JSON/YAML/BSON file", type=["json", "yaml", "bson"]) if uploaded_file is not None: file_content = uploaded_file.getvalue() file_extension ='.')[-1].lower() return load_model_from_content(file_content, file_extension) else: st.write("sample_github_url =") github_url = st.text_input("Enter GitHub raw file URL:", placeholder="Enter GitHub raw file URL") if github_url: try: response = requests.get(github_url) response.raise_for_status() file_content = response.content # print(file_content) file_extension = github_url.split('.')[-1].lower() return load_model_from_content(file_content, file_extension) except requests.RequestException as e: st.error(f"Error loading file from GitHub: {e}") return None return None def load_model_from_content(file_content, file_extension): try: if file_extension == 'json': json_data = json.loads(file_content) mdf_model = Model.from_dict(json_data) elif file_extension in ['yaml', 'yml']: mdf_model = load_mdf_yaml(io.BytesIO(file_content)) else: st.error("Unsupported file format. Please use JSON or YAML files.") return None st.session_state.original_mdf_model = mdf_model # Save the original model st.session_state.mdf_model_yaml = mdf_model # Save the current model state return mdf_model except Exception as e: st.error(f"Error loading model: {e}") return None def main(): st.write("Text box changed to input. Github URL is allowed. Added some warnings eg. on adding text in input fields. Now working on multiple parameters allow.") mdf_model = upload_file_and_load_to_model() # controller if mdf_model: mod_graph = mdf_model.graphs[0] nodes = mod_graph.nodes[0] parameters = nodes.parameters param_inputs = {} if mdf_model.metadata: preferred_duration = float(mdf_model.metadata.get("preferred_duration", 10)) preferred_dt = float(mdf_model.metadata.get("preferred_dt", 0.1)) else: preferred_duration = 100 preferred_dt = 0.1 param_inputs["Simulation Duration (s)"] = preferred_duration param_inputs["Time Step (s)"] = preferred_dt parameter_form_to_update_model_and_view(mdf_model, parameters, param_inputs, mod_graph, nodes) if __name__ == "__main__": main()