import streamlit as st from funs import * from transformers import pipeline import torch from PIL import Image feel = pipeline("text-classification", model="SamLowe/roberta-base-go_emotions") #text classifier, it feels knower = pipeline("text-generation", model="bigscience/bloom") #text generation, it handles st.title("Comp-anion") st.subheader("Comp-anion is a computer companion! Upload either text or a photo from your journal to get some insight and compassion from your comp-anion!") u_file = st.file_uploader("Choose a file") if u_file is not None:#when file gets uploaded seer = pipeline("image-to-text", model="nlpconnect/vit-gpt2-image-captioning") #image to text , it sees u_file = preprocess(u_file) if precheck(get_context(seer,u_file)):#precheck preprocessed img st.write("Submission:") the_context=get_content(seer, u_file) st.write(the_context) #write out the img to text emotion_found = emotion(feel,the_context) st.write(emotion_found) handle(knower,emotion_found,the_context) st.subheader("Pictures aren't your style? Paste your text below and hit analyze!") text_box=st.text_input("Paste Your Text Here :)", value="I've had a really nice day today") if st.button("Analyze"): prompt="Give advice based on these inputs emotion={} , text given={} " emotion_found=emotion(feel,text_box) prompt = prompt.format(emotion_found , prompt) st.write(prompt) st.write(emotion_found) generation=handle(knower,prompt) st.write(generation[:len(text_box)])